The Explanation

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Dipper felt movement underneath his arms. He had been leaning on Bill, as he woke up. "Finally your up." The teen sighed loudly. Bill coughed once, then looked around. The demon started to realize where he was. "Pinetree?! The Mystery Shack?! How did I get here?!? HOW ARE YOU FLOATING?!?!" Bill yelped and shot out of the bed. Dipper started to laugh. "You really don't remember?!" The younger man chuckled. The demon thought for a moment, then he remembered. "Right..." Bill mumbled. Dipper laughed again, then there was a sinking feeling in his stomach. "And now I have to somehow explain this to Mabel, Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford." The teen yelped and pulled at his own hair. "You have fun with that kid... I have... 'things' to do...." The well dressed demon chuckled, then snapped his fingers and disappeared. "BILL!?! YOU CANT LEAVE ME LIKE THIS!" Dipper yelled. All of a sudden, Ford burst threw the door. "WHERE IS HE?!" He exclaimed. Stanley and Mabel soon followed. "Dipper! What's going on?!" Mabel asked. "And how did you get inside?!" Stanley added. They all waited for they're questions to be answered. "I-I.... I excepted Bill's deal." He said, sorta confident. "Deal?" Mabel and Stan both said at the same time. "Did you do what I told you?" Stanford questioned. "Yes. I told Bill that I would join him as long as he doesn't kill ANYONE." Dipper answered. "Wait! Did you say join Bill?!? WHAT'S GOING ON??" The female twin cried. Stanley was just as confused as she was. The boy sighed knowing he had to tell them, even though it would break their hearts. "Me and Bill made a deal. If I join him in taking over the world he won't kill anyone..." Dipper explained. "Why would you do that?!" Mabel said, now in tears. "If I had of said no he would have killed you! I couldn't let that happen..." The male teen whimpered, also in tears. "I don't understand. What does he want with you?" Stan asked, rubbing the girl's back. "He said that I knew just as much as Ford, so I could be useful..." Dipper croaked. Stanford wasn't so surprised with the boy's choice. He knew that Dipper would do anything to protect the family and Ford also knew, the teen could take care of himself. "What ever happens, I trust you to make the right choices...." Ford said. Mabel had her face in her sleeve. She couldn't believe her brother was leaving and not only that, he was leaving with BILL! Mabel sobbed and left the room, with Stanley calming her down. They couldn't bare to watch Dipper leave. "Tell them I'll visit, OFTEN." The teen spoke with sorrow in his heart and tears in his eyes. "Goodbye Dipper..." The man said, trying unbelievably hard not to cry as well. "Goodbye for now." Dipper said softly and hugged his Grunkle. The boy let go and started to hover, then he floated through the wall and back into the forest.
~Back at the shack~
Ford watched Dipper morf through the wall. As Dipper slowly eased out of sight, Stanford realized something... "Wait... BILL GAVE HIM POWERS?!?"

{I know. Short again. Look on the bright side, this just means a REALLY long one is going to be written next! ~BDF}

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