Only Mine

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(Dipper's P.O.V.)
We where wandering deeper and deeper into the tree covered forest. Bill was still holding onto me and wouldn't let me go. "Seriously Will, can ya put me down yet?" I pleaded. "Hmm... No." He chuckled. "Aren't your arms getting tired?" Mabel asked. "Nah." Bill responded plainly. I grunted, having enough of this. "PLEASE can you put me down?!?" I begged. Bill sighed and put me down. "There, better?" He questioned. I wobbled slightly then fell over. "Oh come on! My legs fell asleep!" I yelled, glaring up at the now laughing demon. "You planed this..." I hissed. He shrugged and picked me up again. "Guess your gonna get carried!" Bill said cheerfully as we walked to wherever Bill was leading us.

~Time Skip~
Later, we arrived at the last place I wanted to go right now. It was what used to be my favourite spot in the woods.
Mabel wandered around and glared at the debris and holes in the ground, left there by the triangular mansion that once floated here. "Isn't this..." Mabel started, then paused to think. "Bill why did you bring us here?!" I whispered, so Mabel hopefully didn't hear. "I thought it would bring back some good memories." He said innocently, placing me on a rock. "Wait a minute..." Mabel turned back to us and looked at Bill in horror. She gapped his face vigorously and stared at every detail. "Hey paws off, shooting st-" Bill stopped, but it was to late. "I knew it!!!" Mabel squealed, but didn't sound all to happy about her discovery. "Bill?! But how did you get back? Dipper did you know about this? WHATS GOING ON?!" She babbled. "Uh-" I barely could speak. "Dipper summoned me back~" Bill said with an evil smirk. "How did you get him to do that!!" Mabel screamed, pleading to know answers. "Simple. I told him too~" He grinned, sounding like his demonic self again. "Dipper?!" She called softly, almost teary eyed. "How much are you keeping from me? Do you tell me anything anymore...?" Mabel choked. "I-I" I tried to speak, but nothing wanted to come out. "I bet he was the one who killed that boy!!" She gasped in realization. Bill smirked and shrugged. "He touched my Pinetree." He snickered. "That idiot had what was coming for him. At least he had a quick release from this horrid world..." Bill stated, and spoke in a tone that made him sound like he's done this a million times before. Mabel shivered and backed away. "Why...?" She breathed softly, barely audible. Bill chuckled once more and put a finger under Mabel's chin, so she was looking the demon in the eye. "Because my dear~ Pinetree is mine." He growled and roughly pulled his hand away. "I really thought we could have a happy ending. You and me, pals.... Dipper and me, bound for each other... But I guess plan B could work too~" Bill sighed, holding a smile the whole time. "Bill... What is plan B exactly...?" I questioned seriously, but I sounded petrified. "Your gonna come with me to live in the mindscape, where there will be no one to distract you from me." He answered, shooting a glare to Mabel. "You can't take him!! He has a family!!" Mabel yelled and tried to lunge at Bill, but yellow magic surrounded her, freezing her in place. I soon realized that it was my magic that stopped her. "Dipper!! What are you doing?!?" Mabel squealed, tears flowing rapidly from her eyes, as she tried to wiggle out. "Dipper's magic was given to him by me and when I have it to him, I also cursed him. As soon as he was to fall in love with me deeply, his magic and actions will work to protect me~" Bill mentioned, grinning wider each minute.
He really was changing me. That's why I trusted him. That's why I gave him so many chances. I was in love and that love, costed me everything else I hold dear to my heart.
I placed Mabel on the ground again, sighing but not showing emotions anymore. "Good Puppet." Bill snickered.
His plots got worse and worse and now... There was absolutely nothing I could do. I was bound to his will and would follow and do, whatever he says.
"Now, Shooting Star... Run. Tell your uncles Bill came to claim what is his, and your never going to see him again." Bill demanded. Mabel shakily stood up, and ran towards the shack, not looking back.
"Now Pinetree~ Won't you be a dear and help me open up a portal?" Bill asked, all to calmly. I tried to resist but my heart felt like it was going to explode when I did. I caved and lifted up my hand, wielding my magic. "Whatever you say.... Master..."

Rockabye baby, broken and scarred,
You don't know that life was this hard, Time to end the pain you hid so well,
And down will come baby, straight back to hell...

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