He's Changing Me

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(Dipper's P.O.V.)
My dreams where... Beautiful. Everything was so colourful, for a dream. It seemed so real and peaceful, but sadly, I awoke...
I woke up with a warm feeling. Like I accomplished something. Then, I remembered what happened last night. "Oh my god..." I mumbled to myself. I said 'I love you'... TO BILL?!? He was turning me into a monster... I just let him get away with killing a kid! I'm just as terrible as him...
I swiftly flipped over in bed, to see Bill happily sleeping on the floor. I sighed and chucked. "You actually stayed." I snickered and stood up. I slowly planted a kiss on his forehead. He shot upward, but then eased when he saw me. "Well that's never happened before." Bill said shyly. I laughed at him.
"Bro bro? Are you in here?" I heard Mabel call from outside the locked door. "Uh, yeah..." I sighed and motioned for Bill to hind, then opened the door.
"Thank goodness your ok! What happened yesterday?!" Mabel asked, and jumped up and hugged me. "I just... I saw the kid's body, And then we where told we couldn't leave... All my emotions where just... Mixed up, yesterday." I answered with a pout. She nodded and sighed, letting me go. "Don't scare me like that!" She whisper/yelled at me, and playfully punched my arm. We both chuckled, but it quickly faded back into silence.
I heard a crash behind me, then rolled my eyes. "So much for stealth..." I mumbled, annoyed. Mabel ran to our closet and flung the door open. She gasped and reached in, grabbing Bill by the collar. "How did he get in here?!" Mabel questioned, pointing at Bill and giving me the death glare. I sighed, knowing there was no way to get around this. "He came in through the window." I answered and turned away from her stare. Mabel thought for a moment and then grinned evilly. "Is that why you locked the door last night?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows. "Wha~ NO!!" I yelled, then blushed and flopped on my bed, face first. I could hear Mabel hollering with laugher and a faint chuckle or two from Bill. "I hate you both!" I yelled through the pillow. "No you don't~!" They both said in Unison. After awhile they finally stopped laughing.
"So why is Will here anyway?" Mabel said, letting go of Bill. "Just a... Quick pop in. I heard you couldn't leave the house after what happened, so I decided to sneak in." He answered plainly. "Well since your here, want to do something fun?" Mabel said excitedly. "Sure, but what?" Bill questioned. We all where silent as we tried to think of an idea. "How about we give Dipper a makeover?!!!?" My sister squealed. "NO!" I yelled, as Bill tried to stop his laughter. "Or, we could seek out and do something fun?" Bill suggested, a mischievous grin plastered on his face. "Oohh! We could go on a adventure!!" Mabel added. "But it's wrong and what if Ford catches us?" I stated. "Ford's gone again. He said something about, 'I'm going to figure out who killed that boy'." Mabel said, impersonating Ford with a goofy voice. "Plus, I doubt Stan will check." She shrugged. "Fiiiine! We have getting ourselves into a lot of mischief lately..." I growled but mumbled the last part. We headed to the window. Bill jumped out first and waited at the bottom. "Jump down I'll catch you!" He yelled up to us. "I don't know..." I groaned. Mabel pushed past me and dove out the window, landing in Bill's arms. He placed her down and held out his arms again. "I promise I won't drop you!" He hollered. "I hate how much I trust you..." I sighed, then crawled out the window and fell. Just as Bill promised, he caught me. He held me for a bit longer than he needed to. "Uh 'William', you can put me down now." I said, kinda blushing. "Nah, it's more fun this way." He snickered. I started to wiggle around, desperately trying to get out of his grip, but it was no use. Mabel took out her camera and took a photo of us. "Never Miss a scrapbookatunity!" She giggled, then placed the picture in her scrapbook. "Once again I must say, I hate you both..." I snarled. They both chuckled. "Now... INTO THE WOODS!" Bill cheered and they dashed in, me still in the demons arms.

Even though I'm on my own, I know I'm not alone,
Cause I know that someone somewhere is praying i come home,
So here's one from the heart,
my life right from the start,
I need a home sweet home... To call my own...

{Hey guys!!! Liking the story, or naw? Why or why not?
⚠️Anyway I just wanted to talk about a new story I'm writing. It's called,
Insanity Through My Eyes - Bedtime Beth.
PLEASE GO CHECK IT OUT!!! ESPECIALLY if your into Creepypasta!! Thanks!!}⚠️

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