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{If you watch this video above and like it, God bless you}

(Dipper's P.O.V.)
I know Bill was in the forest but I could only assume where, so I went to my favourite spot. Mabel stayed at home and set up some stuff, while I went to find 'Will.'
Rubble covered the ground near where mine and Bill's castle used to hover. Some of the flowers where crushed and the area didn't seem as peaceful as it once was. "Bill!" I yelled, hoping to get the demon's attention. "How may I be of service Pinetree?" Bill said, as he floated upside down, in front of my face. "D-do you want to come over for a sleepover? I mean your probably going to hind in the Shack afterwards anyway, but Mabel-" I explained before he put a hand over my mouth. "I'd love to." Bill grinned and came down to stand on the ground. He removed his hand from my face and we walked towards the shack.

(Mabel's P.O.V.)
Ford had thankfully already left and Stan was in the bathroom. I could see Dipper and Will approaching the house, though the window. I ran to the bathroom Stan was in and locked the door from the outside. "Just in case he decides to come out early." I chucked and skipped away. "Not likely though..." I whispered and went to open the door for the boys.
"Hey Will!" I greeted, as he entered the house. "Howdy Mabel!" William replied, in a fake country accent. "Ok, now that we've said our greetings, lets just get upstairs quickly." Dipper said, while pushed me and Will towards the stairs.
We all went up the stairs and headed to our bedroom. "Since I'm a girl, I'm going to go downstairs and sleep in Ford's room. You can use my bed while I'm gone." I explained to Will. "But until then... LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!!" I cheered, receiving a holler from William and a sigh from Dipper.
We pulled out board games, played with streamers and me and Will even convinced Dipper to dance to music! It was a hectic night and time just seemed to fly by.
"Oh my gosh it's twelve a.m.!" I giggled. "We have school tomorrow!!" Dipper yelled and shook the clock. "Correction, we have school today." Will said, with a devilish smile. My brother rolled his eyes. "We gotta get to bed either way." Dipper mumbled. "Ugh, your such a party pooper." I groaned. William laughed and poked my brother's shoulder. "Fine, I'll go downstairs. Good night boys!" I yelled as I walked out of the room.

(Dipper's P.O.V.)
"You can change in the washroom." I said and threw some pyjamas at Bill's face. "Why must I change?" He asked. "Cause Mabel will get suspicious if you don't." I told him and started to pick out clothes of my own. "But can't I just change in here?" Bill said in a seductive tone. I threw a pillow and it hit him in the face. "No. Now go." I chuckled. He groaned and left the room. I snickered once more at his reaction, then started to get ready for bed.
When I was finished I crawled into my bed, as Bill came into the room and sat on Mabel's bed. "This bed isn't comfy." He complained. "Then sit on the floor." I answered. "That's not comfy either." "Then sleep on the couch downstairs." "Your an idiot." He bellowed. I used my magic and chucked another pillow at his face. "And your a doof. Now go to sleep." I chuckled, and turned to face the wall, in bed. Bill let out an anther annoyed groan and laid down on Mabel's bed. "Night." He yawned. "Goodnight... And don't get any ideas while I'm asleep." I replied softly. "Dang it." I heard him mumble to himself. "I heard that." I snickered once again, before closing my eyes.

{I know it was short, but I feel pressured to post and I really didn't have any ideas for this chapter so... Yeah.}

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