Fun Times

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Dipper floated toward his favourite spot in the forest, hoping to find Bill there. Once he got close to the area, Dipper hovered to the ground and walked the rest of the way. "Bill?" He called out softly. "Ha! The look on Mabel's face, when you said you where leaving." The demon laughed and wandered into visibility. Dipper snarled at him. "Oh I get it. Not a laughing matter... Well I found it funny at least." Bill chuckled. The teen rolled his eyes and sat down on the grass. "So how are we going to take over the world anyway?" Dipper questioned. "Well let's start with something simple. Since there's no rifts, I can't take my fiscal form and gain my true power, so until we create a rift... We're going to need to rule somewhere, so we could really use a castle of some sort." The demon chanted and snapped his fingers, causing a giant, triangular building to break through the ground and hover slightly in the air. It kinda looked like the one he had created during the Weirdmagedon, except it didn't float as high and it was much more classy on the inside. "How will other people, that can't fly get in?" Dipper asked. "They won't." Bill answered in a mumble.
They wandered around the stone, castle like structure. "So Bill... I know you wanted this partnership cause I was smart, but I have a feeling there's another reason." Dipper said. "Can't hind anything from you kid... The truth is in my own decaying dimension, I was incredibly lonely. This way I'm not alone...." Bill admitted.

The teen was shocked by his answer. "Wow...." Was all Dipper could say. "Anyway, this is where you'll be sleeping." The dapperly dress man stated, as he opened a door, revealing a fancy bedroom. "My room is just down the hall. This stupid, dead, flash bag, that I'm possessing, forces me to need things such as sleep and food." Bill groaned. The hazel haired kid chuckled. "Then might as well get some food." Dipper said and snapped his own fingers. Two, hovering plates of spaghetti appeared in front of them. Dipper stared to eat but Bill didn't. "Why aren't you eating?" The teen asked. "Did you poison it?" Bill scowled. Dipper burst out laughing. "If your so scared, just summon your own food." The younger chuckled. The demon took a moment and examined the plate. Then he picked up the fork and took a bite. "Ok, everything checks out." Bill said, reviving even more laughter from Dipper.
They where silent for a moment, until the teen broke it. "Bill I've been meaning to ask you... How did you get back?" Dipper questioned. They both floated silently, then the demon sighed. "Well when I was erased from Stanley's memory, I wasn't erased from his mind. I stayed in there and gained my power back and then I went back to my dimension. The mindscape. I watched you and Mabel for years. I saw you two have fun, while I sat in crippling loneliness. Finally, I could take it anymore and I came back, possessed a dead body and blended in. I followed, your family in silence, until that faithful day when you where chased by a werewolf. Then I left evidence of my existence everywhere, because I wanted to be found.... And I guess, here we are now..." Bill explained. Dipper felt so bad for the demon, but couldn't find the words to express his emotions. "Speechless Pinetree?" Bill teased. The dapperly dressed man seemed to get his jokingly side back, as if that whole explanation never happened. "I- uh..." The teen stuttered. Bill chuckled and finish his food. He snapped his fingers making both plates disappear. "Hey! I wasn't finished!!" Dipper yelped, as the demon zoomed out of the room. The younger laughed and yelled, "I'm coming for you Bill!!"

~Back at the Mystery Shack~
Mabel sat on, what was once her brother's bed and whimpered softly. It had only been a few hours since he left, but it felt like an eternity to her. "Dipper... UGH WHY DOES BILL HAVE TO RUIN EVERYTHING?!?" Mabel sobbed. There was a light knock at the door. "Mabel, it's Stanley..." Stan called from behind the closed door. "Come in..." She sniffled and rubbed her red, puffy eyes. He entered and sat next to Mabel, who now had her head buried in a pillow. "Don't get all worked up over Dipper. He did all this to protect you! He would want you to stay positive and happy." Stanley said. She knew he was right. "How about, you call up Grenda and Candy? I'll take all three of you to get Icecream." He suggested. Mabel sniffled once more and sat upward. "Ok." She said smiling, even though her eyes where still tear filled.

~In Dipper and Bill's 'castle'~
Dipper chased Bill around the halls. "Where did you go?" The teen called out to the demon. Dipper could hear faint laughter coming from a closet. He rolled his eyes and twisted the handle. Bill wasn't in there. "Huh?" Dipper said, confused. The laughter continued from a different room. The kid walked toward it and opened a door, to some kind of Prison room. "Wait, we have a dungeon?" Dipper asked, even though no one was in sight. The boy entered and looked around. "Yes, we do have a dungeon." Bill's voice snickered at the entrance. Dipper turned around, as the demon shut the door on him and locked the teen inside. "Oh, ha ha..." Dipper said sarcastically. Bill was laughing like a maniac, which he probably was. "Boy, I knew it would be fun to have someone to toy with, BUT THIS IS HILARIOUS!" The dapperly dressed man chuckled. "You've had your fun, Now let me out." The kid demanded and rolled his eyes. "Hmm, Nah. It's more fun this way." Bill said and squeezed his arm through the bars of the cell, to tap Dipper's nose. The teen rolled his eyes once again and snapped his fingers, teleporting himself out of the prison. Bill saw him do this and flew quickly in the other direction, with Dipper floating after him.
He chased him all around the 'castle,' until the demon started to get tired. Dipper cornered Bill in, what looked like a living room. The demon was panting and backing up as the teen got closer. "Curse this human body." Bill panted and punched himself, weakly, in the arm. The dapperly dressed man tripped and started to move backwards, on his hands and butt. Dipper chuckled and continued to move closer, until Bill was leaning up against a wall, with no where left to turn. Y-you win, Pinetree." The demon huffed, still out of air. The boy knelt down beside Bill and gave him an evil grin. Dipper then snapped his fingers, causing silly string to appear. The teen grabbed the can and sprayed it right at the demon's face. "Hey! What the heck!" Bill screeched and tried to wipe it off his face. Dipper laughed and ran out of the room. The demon snickered and stood up. "Now it's my turn to chase YOU Pinetree~"

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