Face the Music

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{Author's note: That's to LauraCatana for your comment! It might not have been very nice but I hope this chapter makes you feel better (lol) Also HUGE thanks to savemefromyselfXx for being my first follower! That's all for now❤️}

Dipper and Mabel shot a worried look at Ford. "Wa-what is it?" The male twin questioned. Stanford sighed and pulled a chair from the corner of the room. He glanced at both the siblings. "Dipper, you remember when I told you Bill has the ability to completely cover his tracks, yet for some reason he left fingerprints?" Ford asked. "Y-yes..." The boy answered. "Well he didn't just leave fingerprints. I've been scanning the area for anything weirder than usual and I found a trail of weirdness, leading into a tree covered area, within the woods." He explained. Mabel was in complete shock and sat silently on her bed. "I was going to go follow the trail later tonight. Would you be interested in coming along?" Ford spoke slowly, already knowing the answer. "Absolutely! I would follow you to the edge of the universe!" Dipper chanted. Mabel giggled slightly at her brother's excitement, even though she knew they might not return from this journey. Stanford smiled and stood up off the chair. "Then it's settled. Pack your things and be ready. We'll leave exactly at six." The elder stated. He looked at Mabel to make sure she was ok with her twin leaving. She nodded at her Grunkle and gave him a weak smile. Ford left the room and as soon as he did, Dipper started to prepare. "Please promise me you'll stay safe?" Mabel pleaded. "There's no 'safe' when it comes to Bill." He replied, not removing his focus from packing. She knew this was true. "Please just try..?" Mabel whimpered. Dipper walked over to his sister and placed a hand on her shoulder. "I promise to try to stay safe." He said, right before hugging his twin. Mabel sniffled into his shoulder until he released his hold. "Call Candy and Grenda to take your mind off this. I don't want you to worry. Just don't say anything about Bill." Dipper suggested. She nodded and pulled out her phone. He left the room to give his sister some privacy.
Later that day, just before dinner, Mabel was still chatting with her friends, while Dipper and Ford where about ready for the mission. "I swear that girl could talk for days." Stanley complained. Dipper nodded in agreement and chuckled. Stanford kept a serious face and stared at a weird looking gadget. "I suppose I should prepare a meal for you boys." Stanley said. He knew that this was a dangerous journey, so he tried to make things nice before they left. Stanley prayed that their intellect and vast knowledge of the paranormal would keep them safe. He also knew that Ford would stop at nothing to protect Dipper. Stanley hid his fear well but on the inside, it was killing him. "Uhh, what do you want to eat...?" Stan asked. "Something small, cause we're just about to leave." Ford replied, receiving a grunt from Stanley as he walked into the kitchen. Stanford then turned to Dipper. "Are you sure your ready for this?" He questioned. "I hope so..." The teen replied.
A few minutes later, Dipper and Ford where in the kitchen, eating Stanley's meal. "Are you POSITIVE you want to do this, Dip?" Stan sighed. "Yes. We'll find out what Bill is doing and stop him." He answered. Stanley faced the window and closed his eyes. All where quite. "Time to go." Ford said, breaking the silence. They got their stuff and headed to the front door. "Dip!" Mabel yelled, stumbling down the stairs. She jumped down and hugged her brother. "Remember your promise." She said. Once released, Dipper and Ford left and headed for the forest.

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