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Dipper opened his eyes, only to be blinded by brightness. He was in a white room, that seemed to have no end. Obviously he was dreaming, which means... "Heya Pinetree." Dipper's thoughts where interrupted by Bill's voice. "What are you playing at Cipher?!" The boy yelped, looking around for the Man Triangle. He was no where to be found. Dipper focussed his attention back to in front of him, coming face to face with Bill. Surprised, the teen fell backwards. "Sorry didn't mean to scare ya." The glowing man chuckled. Dipper rolled his eyes and climbed to his feet. "What do you want?" The male twin questioned. "Oh, just something simple." Bill exclaimed, floating around the empty space. Dipper raised an eyebrow. "Like what...? He asked. "To take over the world. But then I thought, how boring it would be to rule it alone? Since Sixxer is dead to me and you know as much as him, I want you to join me." The golden haired man explained. "Join you?!" Dipper burst out laughing. "Like I'd ever help you. You tried to kill me!" The younger yelled. "All in the past. Think of the future Pinetree! With us ruling, the world could be an amazing place. I'd even let your family live." Bill replied. Dipper thought for a second. "And what happens if I say no?" He said simply. "Then one by one, I'll make you, your family and friends suffer." The well dressed demon growled. "What did they ever do to you?!" Dipper cried. "Took you away from me." Bill said angrily. Dipper's thoughts twirled around in his mind. If he said no, his family died and If he said yes, everyone else would die. Dipper flopped onto the ground. "Tik tok, kiddo." Bill grunted. "I-I..." The teen's words got stuck in his throat. Dipper screamed causing the demon to cover his ears.
He woke up screaming still. "Dipper are you alright?!?" Mabel panicked and rushed over to his bed. No way he could tell Mabel this. "Uh nothing. Just a bad dream..." Dipper said. She nodded and calmed down a bit.
Mabel left the room to get dressed, leaving her twin to think. "Ugh! Why does he want me, of all people?!" Dipper contemplated. "And how did he even get into my dreams?! His magic can't pass the spell unless...." He paused in thought. "Unless he's already inside the shack." Dipper said as his stomach tied in a knot. Bill was somewhere in the shack. He could even be in his room now! The teen threw that thought to the back of his mind. Dipper needed to talk to Ford. He waddled down the stairs and stood by his Grunkle Ford's door. "When did you come in?!" Stanley questioned, giving Dipper an awkward hug. "Uh last night... I'll explain later." He said, entering the door in front of him.

{Sorry I haven't wrote in awhile and sorry this chapter is REALLY sort... I've been super busy, so I could only write at night, which doesn't leave me much time... I PROMISE to make my next chapter SUPER long. Until later, xoxo ~BDF}

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