Mindscape, Mistake?

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(Dipper's P.O.V.)
I walked through and looked around. It was almost like I was in space, except there was pieces of buildings and play forms, everywhere. "So this is the mindscape..." I mumbled to myself. I saw something moving, so I ducked behind some debris. I heard faint humming and noticed a yellow glow. The melody got louder and soon, turned into singing. "We'll meet again, don't know where,
don't know when,
we'll meet again some sunny day!"
As the tune stopped, I felt a chill go down my spine. "Ya'know, it's rude to enter someone's dimension without saying hello." Bill's voice said, behind me. I squeaked and turned around quickly. He was back in his triangular form. "Hey, I thought you'd be happy to see me." He said, almost sounding sad. I shrugged, not having anything to say. "How about we play a little game?" Bill suggested. "Wh-what's the game?" I managed to whisper. I don't know why I was so scared. It was probably because I was in Bill's domain and he could do anything he wants in here. He snapped his fingers, making a chess board and two chairs, appear. I hesitantly sat down and moved a game piece. "Bill, how come I still have my powers?" I asked. "Cause they're yours. Also it would be excruciatingly painful to remove them, so the universe just left it with you." He chuckled. I however didn't find this funny.
Bill and I played chess for awhile, until another question popped into my head. "Do you... Like me?" I breathed out. "Heh, I thought that was pretty obvious now, kid." He sighed and a blush glimpsed on his bricks. "Your quite cute as a actual pine tree." Bill chuckled. I blushed too, but wondered how I was able to.
"I- uh, I got to go... I have school today..." I mumbled. Was I actually sad to leave? "Take me with you." Bill said plainly. "You know I can't-" I said quickly, before being cut off. "Just summon me!" He said. Bill looked mad but he also looked like he was about to cry. "I don't know Bill... Ford would be pretty pissed if I did the ONE THING he told me not to do." I huffed quietly. "Then just don't tell him." He answered. I thought for a moment, about all the things that could go wrong. "I- I promise to be- good!" Bill choked on his words. I gave him a glare of disapproval and sighed. "Fine..." I gasped at my own answer. Bill put out a hand for me to shake. "No! I'm not going to shake your hand. Also if I let you out, NO FUNNY BUSINESS! And I mean NONE." I declared. "Whatever you say, Pinetree." He agreed.
I floated into the portal again and it closed behind me. I fell onto the ground, as Time started again. I hadn't even noticed it was stopped. I went to the back of the school and got out a marker. "I can't believe I'm doing this." I spat. I drew the Cipher Wheel and chanted, "When Gravity falls and Earth become sky, fear the beast with just one eye."

And then

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And then... He appeared. "Oh! Oh! Gravity Falls it's good to be back!" He called. "You've said that before." I chuckled. Bill was once again in his human body. He must of possessed it, before I summoned him.
Bill snapped his fingers and made himself look younger. He was wearing a yellow hoodie, black jeans and had hair to cover his right eye, instead of an eyepatch. "Whoa..." I mumbled. "See something ya like?" Bill snickered. I blushed and turned away. "Let's just go inside. And if anyone questions you, say your name is... William, or something." I said. He nodded and followed me, as I entered the school.

(Mabel's P.O.V.)
I had slipped a note into a cute Guy's locker and was hiding behind a trash can, with Candy and Grenda. The boy went to his locker and opened it. He picked up the note and unfolded it. "Do you like me? Yes, definitely, absolutely?!?" He read aloud. Me and the girls giggled. "I rigged it." I whispered. "Haven't you done that before?" Grenda questioned, trying to sound quiet. "Ya, but this time it'll work." I answered. We peeked over the trash can again and watched the boy write something, then put the note down again in front of his locker. He walked away and turned the corner. I jogged towards the letter and picked it up. "What did he put!!?" Candy asked. "He checked... Absolutely!!?!?" I yelled and hugged both girls. They squealed. "Your going to get a boyfriend!!" Grenda yelped and ran in a circle. We all hollered for a bit longer before calming down.
I saw Dipper wandering the halls and decided to tell him what happened. "Dip! Dip! Dip!" I called. I pounced and then tackled him to the ground. "Uh! What do you want Mabel?!" He screamed, pushing me off. "Look!!!" I said and shoved the note in his face. He looked at it and cracked a smirk. "Good job Mabel." Dipper chuckled and gave me back the letter.
Not to far away, I noticed someone leaning on lockers. He was wearing a yellow hoodie, with black jeans and his golden, hair seemed to cover most of his face. He looked so familiar, but I just couldn't put my finger on it. Dipper saw me looking at him and blushed. This made me confused.
Just then, the bell rang. "Uh... See ya after class Mabel." Dipper stuttered, and sped walked to his class. We where in different classrooms for all our subjects except one, math.
I watched the yellow haired kid follow my brother into his class. Before entering the door, the kid turned around and gave me a glare. He smirked and bared his teeth, which where pointed and sharp. This sent chills down my spine. "Who is that kid?" I whispered, as I turned around to meet up with Candy and Grenda again, before walking to class.

I see all,
I see all,
From the fall breeze, to next summerween,
I see all,
There are things I wish I didn't see,
And sights that just bring me to me knees,
Yet I still see all,
I see all...

{Just a ❤️ to all my viewers -BDF}

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