The Deal

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Dipper twisted the handle and entered the room. Ford was asleep until the door fully creaked open. "Ahh BILL!!" He hollered and pointed his gun at the boy standing in the doorway. "CALM DOWN, POINT DEXTER!" Stanley said and ran in front of Dipper. The drowsy man rubbed his eyes and laid down his weapon. "Oh my gosh! Stanley, Dipper I'm so sorry!" Ford apologized. "It's fine. I take it Bill gave you a nightmare." The teen replied. "Yes he did. Wait... He shouldn't be able to get into my dreams unless... HE'S IN THE SHACK!" Ford yelped and picked up his weapon once again. "And wait... How did I get back to the shack...?" He said confused. Dipper went and sat beside the man on his bed. "I'll be in the living room, looks like you two have a lot to talk about..." Stanley said and retreated to the tv. Dipper explained his dream, talked about what Bill offered and how Bill could enter the shack with his new vessel. "I think you should take the deal." Ford sighed. "Wait, WHAT?!" The kid questioned, nearly falling off the bed. "Well if you make the deal, you will rule WITH Bill, therefore if you wish for someone not to be killed, he has to listen to you." The elder explained. Dipper thought for a moment. He was right. "But Bill always has a catch." The younger scowled. "Maybe this time he's serious and just wants to get away from the mindscape. It has been 3 years..." Ford bit his tongue, after the words he just spat out. "Can't believe I just said that..." He chuckled. Dipper snickered too. "The world is depending on the decision you make, so please CHOOSE WISELY." Ford warned. Dipper nodded. "So what was you dream about?" The male twin asked. The elder stiffened. "Uh lets just say it was 'unpleasant' and leave it at that..." Ford suggested.
A few hours later...
Everyone was in the kitchen, while Dipper told the story of what happened with Bill. He didn't mention the deal though. Dipper was not planning on Listening to Mabel cry for days, worrying about the consequences of excepting the offer. "Sounds like you two had a ruff night." Stanley sighed. "But at least your safe." Mabel added. "Yeah. I think I want to go for a walk... Since Bill can already enter the shack when he pleases, it's not anymore dangerous out there." The male teen said. Stan was about to say no, when Ford stopped him. "Yes you can go." Stanford agreed. He knew Dipper needed some time to think and take it all in. The boy did just have a near death experience, until Bill 'saved' him. Dipper walked out the front door and breathed the morning air. It smelt of pine needles and bug spray. He started heading to his favourite spot in the woods, The one with the purple flowers. Dipper knew it was dangerous but he also knew that he'd meet Bill soon again anyway.
He walked, and walked, and walked, thinking about EVERYTHING Bill had said to him, trying to find a flaw in the deal. Nothing came to mind. Bill had been so weirdly 'normal,' or as normal as Bill can be anyway.
After awhile, Dipper arrived at the spot. He was still lost in thought, and just randomly started picking flowers and twirling them around in his fingers. Then Dipper heard footsteps. He wasn't too stunned though, since he expected someone to show up. "Not surprised Pinetree?" Bill questioned as he walked into view. "Nope. I was sorta expecting you." Dipper grunted, but kept his glare on the flowers. "Have you made up your mind yet...? AND PLEASE DONT SCREAM AGAIN!?" The well dressed man said, rubbing his ears. "Uh... I think so..." The young man replied. Bill waited quietly for an answer. "Can't you just read my mind?" Dipper huffed. "I could.... But I want to hear YOU say it." He grinned evilly. The boy dropped the flowers he held and sat down. "I accept.... On one condition! You can't kill ANYONE." Dipper stated. "Deal..." Bill agreed holding out a hand, still smiling with the same toothy grin. The hazel haired teen took his hand and shook it, as it was engulfed in blue flames. "Now it's time to get to work." Bill said, losing his smile. "Work?" Dipper asked, tilting his head. "Yes. If your going to conquer the world with me, we must fix a few things, starting with your Attire." The demon chuckled, pointing at the younger male's clothes. With the snap of his fingers, Bill changed Dipper's clothes into formalwear. The teen wore a navy blue tux, that bared a tiny, light blue, pine tree on the chest area. Bill held Dipper's hat. "I'll keep this safe..." He said, making a safe appear. Bill dropped the hat inside the safe and locked the door. With another snap of his fingers, the safe was gone. "There. Now you look dapper." Bill snickered at his own joke. The boy just rolled his eyes. "Now I must give you some sort of power, or you useless to me." The demon said smugly. "Wait, powers?!" Dipper was almost excited. "I'll give you most of the ability's I have, except, reading minds and entering dreams, cause that's my thing. Another thing, none of your tricks will be able to work on me." Bill chanted. "Darn..." The kid mumbled. The dream demon snapped his fingers once more and propelled the teen in the air. Dipper felt the powers and energy flow into him. "Bill, this hurts like hell." The male twin groaned in pain. "Hold on a second. It's about to get WAY worse." The dapperly dressed man grinned maniacally. A echoed screamed bellowed from Dipper. It was a pleasant sound to Bill's ears. The kid finally stopped crying and was placed back on the ground. Both males where panting and gasping for air. One from pain and one from exhaustion. "Tr- try out your p- powers." Bill panted, shakily. Dipper caught his breath and lightly jumped off the ground. He started hovering above the ground. "I can fly!!" The boy said, doing spins in the air. The demon sat on the ground, still gasping loudly. "You ok Bill?" Dipper questioned, floating down beside the man. "Yeah, yeah... *pant* nothing to it." Bill said, struggling to stand. He must be REALLY tried or else he wouldn't show his weakness around me, the boy thought. Bill would get up half way then collapse. Dipper picked up the man bridal style. "Woah, you light!" The teen exclaimed. "I increased your strength." Bill chuckled. "Oh. I think we should go to the shack and explain this." Dipper said. The demon was to weak to reply, so the boy took matters into his own hands. Literally. (XD)
The men floated to the Mystery Shack. Dipper flew threw the wall, into his room and placed Bill on his bed. The demon was passed out and showed no sighs of waking up soon. The teen sighed. "Guess I'll have to tell everyone now..." Dipper mumbled to Bill's unconscious body. "Meh. I'll just wait till you wake up." He chuckled and patted the well dressed man's head.

{I love this pic

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{I love this pic. SO MUCH!!⬆️⬆️⬆️ So, I actually had fun writing this one! Wonder whats gonna happen next...? *wiggles eyebrows* Anyway, until later, signing off ~BDF}

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