"Im Sorry Mabel"

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(Dipper's P.O.V.)
It had been three weeks, since we started building the portal. Every few days we would take a break, then get back to work. We where pretty much always in the space ship. I still hadn't got back at Bill for his little prank, mostly because we where working nonstop. The portal was almost finished. "Says here we only need one more key item, to complete the portal." I said, pointing at the journal. Bill took the book from me and read the page again. "A Kaiburr Crystal. We can only find one of those on the planet Circarpous V, locally known as Mimban." Bill said, reading the names fluently. "Mim-a- what now?" I said confused. The demon sighed. "Let's just go back to the shack. Ford probably has one there." Bill mumbled. I could tell he was sleep deprived and was getting cranky. "I'm not cranky?!" He said angrily. "Stop reading my mind!" I bellowed. "I can do whatever I want." Bill growled. There was no point in arguing with a sleepy, angry, demon. "Let's just go..." I sighed and snapped my fingers.

(Bill's P.O.V.)
I was really annoying Pintree, but I was so tired I didn't even want to laugh. I stayed silent until we where outside the Mystery Shack. "Wonder how Mabel is going to react when she sees us again..." Dipper pondered, as we stood outside the old house.

~Earlier that day~
(Mabel's P.O.V.)
It was getting harder and harder to hind the secret from Ford. He would eventually find out his journal is gone. Summer was coming to an end and I wondered what would happen to Dipper once we had to return home. Would he even come home?! I cried at the thought of not having Dipper during high school. I couldn't even imagine my birthday without him. I tried to control myself. I stood up and looked at the calendar. Two days until our Birthday...

~present time~
(Mabel's P.O.V.)
There was a knowing at the front door. "I'll get it! Its probably Candy or Grenda." I yelled. I stood still and my face went pale, when I saw who was at the door. "Hey Shooting Star..." Bill mumbled and waved. Dipper stood silently behind him. "Uh Ford, it's for you..." I called. "Coming!" I heard the man yell back. I stood back from the door and faced the ground. Ford came to the door. "What brings you two back?" The elder asked.

(No P.O.V.)
Ford was still cautious about Bill's presence, but ever since their last chat, he's been more trusting. "I just thought it would be nice to visit again, since it's been awhile." Bill answered. "Well come on in! The kids can go play, while we talk." Ford said and opened the door wider, letting them enter.

(Dipper's P.O.V.)
I was surprised how welcoming Ford was. I wondered how he hadn't found out our plans yet. Was Ford even searching? I felt awkward as Bill and my Grunkle left me and Mabel alone together. "Uh..." I started. I could see she had been crying recently, so I kept my mouth shut. My main priority right now was going down the elevator and searching for a Kaiburr Crystal in the lab. "Do you know how many days it is until our birthday?" Mabel asked. I hadn't given much thought about... Well anything, since I join Bill. Reality started catch up with me. School, our birthday, our parents, our friends... What would they think if I never came home again? "You don't know, do you...?" Mabel whimpered, about to cry. "I- I..." I couldn't find the words. I didn't even know what day it was. She scrunched up her face and stared at the ground, before climbing up the stairs. "I'm sorry Mabel." I whispered. My heart ached, as she trotted away. I shook my head. If me and Bill came through, I wouldn't have to worry about silly things like school. Bill could just stop time and nothing would matter. I would make things up to Mabel, as soon as everything was complete. With that, I went to the vending machine and typed in the code. "Here goes nothing..." I mumbled quietly, as I entered the secret door.

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