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~Time Skip~
(Mabel's P.O.V.)
Today was the day. My birthday...
I woke up and hopped out of bed. I turned to my calendar. "Turning seventeen!! Are you excited Dip-" I paused once I realized Dipper was gone... But then I got happy again when I remembered he promised to spend the whole day with me. I got on a dress and bolted down the stairs to see Ford, Stan, Wendy, Soos, Candy and Grenda. I've always wanted a surprise party, but At least I GET a party at all, this year. Stanford approached me and leaded down to my ear. "Since its your birthday I allowed people to come, just remember, no leaving the shack without telling me." He whispered and I nodded. "Well... LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!" I yelled and jumped up.

(Dipper's P.O.V.)
I yawned and lazily rolled out of bed. I look at my watch once again. It read 5:01:33. Then I got my usual suit, back on. "This thing makes it look like I'm headed to a funeral..." I mumbled, as I looked at a mirror. I heard a knock at the door and sighed. "Come in Bill!" I called, still looking in the mirror, to fix my tie. "Happy Birthday Pinetree!" He yelled as he entered my room. Balloons floated in from my door. "Oh my god, I had completely forgot!" I yelped. "Well it's a good thing I didn't then! I got you something, but you have to come with me to see it." Bill said cheerfully. "I'm sorry, can I wait Bill? I promised to spend the whole day today with Mabel..." I said. "Oh... Uh, yeah sure." He sighed. "Cool I'll see you later!" I waved, then snapped my fingers.

(Bill's P.O.V.)
I guess his present could wait, But not for long... I sighed and wandered back to my own room. Why am I so sad?
The portal would be fully active in five hours. I could rule the world in FIVE HOURS! I would be king OF THE WORLD, with Pinetree as my.... My... Queen?? Ugh, no. Pinetree can be my world domination butler or something...

(Dipper's P.O.V.)
I appeared in front of the Mystery shack. I opened the door and strolled in till I found Mabel. I snuck up on her and whispered in her ear, "Boo." She jumped then punched me in the arm. "Don't scare me like that! I'm already on edge..." She yelped. I could see everyone in town had shown up. People where talking and dancing, with Soos as DJ and Wendy manning a snack cart. "Sup dude!" Wendy yelled and waved. I waved back, then turned my attention to Mabel again. "Ready for a day of fun?" I questioned. "You know it!" She replied and hugged me.
We played all sorts of games like, truth or dare and twister. We danced, sang karaoke, chatted and made up for lost time. We ate pizza for lunch and Mabel even managed to get me to try Mabel Juice.
One by one, guests started to leave. Time had just seemed to fly by. "Dipper there's something I want to talk to you about..." Mabel said and took me too her room. She shut the door behind us and I sat on her bed. "So what's up Mabel?" I asked, sorta confused about what was going on. "You know today is our birthday, so that means tomorrow we are supposed to get on a bus and go home..." She bellowed. I had forgot. Ever since I teamed up with Bill, it seemed like time just stopped, but it wasn't. Time kept ticking and it looks like I was about to run out. "What am I gonna do..." I whispered to myself. "I know how we would be able so stay here the whole year." Mabel said. "How?!" I questioned, standing up. "I can just call mom and ask if we can live here with Ford and Stan and go to school here too. I've already informed Ford that I want to stay and he said if we did, him and Stan would too." She answered. "Let's do that! Call mom right now, while I'm still here." I suggested. Mabel nodded and pulled out her cell. She called out mom and we both asked if we could live with our Grunkles. Mom said yes! "We should go see Soos and tell him that we're all going to live with him this summer!" Mabel cheered. "And we should probably tell Ford and Stan we are staying, so they have to, too." I added. We smiled at each other and and nodded. "Let's go!" We both yelled at the same time.

(Bill's P.O.V.)
Pinetree is taking quite a long time... I should go see what he's doing.
I teleported myself to Pinetree's location and hid. He was telling Ford about... Living in Gravity Falls?! ALL YEAR ROUND?!? I watched them talk a bit more to their Grunkle, before saying they where going to see Soos. Ford seemed really happy and ran to go tell Stanley the good news.
I followed Shooting Star and Pinetree to Soos' house. They knocked on his door and when he answered, they tackled him and told him the news. Soos was happy and fist bumped them both. Does this mean Pinetree is going to leave me? No he couldn't, we made a deal.
The twins walked away from the house and near where I was hiding, so I decided to give them a scare. "Rawr!" I yelled and I jumped up. Shooting Star squealed and fell backwards, while Pinetree didn't even flinch! "Bill what are you doing...?" He asked rolling his eyes. "You've been with Shooting Star all day, so it's my turn to take you." I said, grabbing his hand and teleporting us.

(Dipper's P.O.V.)
We appeared by a waterfall. "Bill why are we here..?" I asked, lazily. "I'm going to show you your present now!" He answered. I just rolled my eyes again. "Watch the waterfall." He demanded. I looked at the water. "3... 2... 1..." Bill whispered to himself. Once he got to 1, the setting, afternoon sun shone off the falls and made a rainbow. Bill snapped his fingers, causing little fireflies to fly out of the grass and twinkle. "Whoa..." I gasped in amazement. It was beautiful. "Like it Pinetree?" Bill chuckled. All I could do was nod and glare at the shining water. He tugged my arm forcing me to look at him. "Man, I hope Mabel is right..." I barely heard him whispered. Bill pulled me into a passionate kiss. I sorta gasped as our lips touched, but eventually gave in and closed my eyes. As he pulled away I looked into his golden eye.

"So demons can love

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"So demons can love." I chuckled. "I guess so..." He laughed, then sighed. We watched the falls for a bit longer. I didn't even realize we where holding hands the whole time.
I can't believe I just had my first kiss... with a demon... That has tried to kill me before...
I also could believe I loved him too. "That's sweet Pinetree." Bill said blushing. "Stop reading my mind." I said playfully. "Never." He answered. We laid back on the grass and stared at the sky. "Happy Birthday Pinetree..." Bill said softly. I sighed loudly. All of this seemed like a dream.
Then, my watch started to beep. I sat up and looked at it. "Bill... The portal will be ready in 30seconds!" I gasped. "Well I guess we better go." He announced and snapped his fingers.

No puppet strings to hold me down,
so patiently I watch this town, abnormal will soon be the norm,
Enjoy the calm before the storm...

Have any good Gravity Falls related quotes? Write em' I'm the comments!! I will definitely check them out and I'll even give a shout out to the best Quote! ~BDF}

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