Suggest want you want me to write next!!!

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⬇️MUST READ!!!⬇️
HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP!! HOLY CRAP!!!!! 1k READS?!? YOU GUYS ARE THE MOST AMAZING PEOPLE EVER❤️❤️❤️❤️ I want to do something special for all the reads, so if you have any suggestions PLEASE TELL ME!!!

When I first started Wattpad, I just wanted to read fanfics about Billdip, Markiplier and Undertale, but then I started to have ideas of my own. This was my first story and I never expected to get this far... So thank you guys, SO MUCH, for sticking with me and my weird story.

I know half of the people who read my story's won't read this message so could someone spread the news of how thankful I am? Thank ya'll again!
                              Yours truly,

The Blue Flame | Billdip {A Gravity Falls based story} Where stories live. Discover now