May Return

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{Author's Note: I know some people aren't sticking with my story cause Bildip isn't happening right away. PLEASE be patient! I'm going to get to it soon. THEY'RE LITERALLY

Dipper followed Ford and read his journal. They hadn't seen Bill in three years, so they prepared for the worst. "How do you think he got back?" The younger man asked, trying to start a conversation. "Well I assume when we erased Stanley's memory, Bill was sent to the deepest part of the mindscape, which is supposed to be impossible to escape, but I guess he did find a way back..." Ford mumbled, tinkering with one of his MANY weapons. Dipper nodded and focussed his full attention back on his book.
They wandered deeper and deeper into the woods and as they did, things only got weirder. Some trees would have faces, while forest animals could speak English. "Bill conjures up the creepiest things..." The teen said, while wiping rainbow mud off his sneakers. The elder huffed in agreement. "Sssssso your looking for the triangle guy...?" A voice hissed. "WHO GOES THERE?!" Ford yelled, pointing his weapon at the figure. The creature slithered into the light, revealing a talking snake, with tiny human hands. Dipper chuckled at the sight, until his Grunkle gave him a stern look. "Ehem. What do you know about Bill?" The young twin questioned. "I know where he issssss." He started. "TELL US WHAT YOU KNOW, NOW!" Ford demanded. "Ok, ok. Follow me." The snake said. Dipper started to follow the tiny creature. The older grabbed the boy's arm. "Dipper, this snake is clearly one of Bill's creations. We should just keep going." Ford suggested. "Sssssuit yourssssself." The snake hissed, then wiggled back into the bushes. The two continued down the path, tracing the trail of weird.
Dipper and Ford entered a swamp area. Prickly thorns cut into their legs and low trees scratched up their faces. "Ow!" Dipper hollered, as a branched smacked his arm. He was bleeding from multiple wounds and the large amount of mosquitoes as well as the filthy water, didn't help. By now it was pitch black, other than the boys flashlights. Bill's weirdness monsters where everywhere, giggling and screeching in Dipper's ear. "Ah! Ford, are we close yet?!" The teen yelped. "From all the creatures were seeing, I'd say yes." He replied yelling, so he could be heard over the hollering. Then everything went dead silent. All the monsters started scattering away. "What's going on?!" Dipper whispered. "Shh! Somethings happening." Ford whispered back. All of a sudden, their flashlights flickered off. The words 'Pinetree' and 'Sixxer' echoed all around them. Ford's weird detector beeped like crazy. "We're here." He mumbled softly. The echoing stopped and a soft chuckle could be heard in the distance. "Ford, I can't see! Where are you?!" Dipper cried out to his Grunkle. No answer. "Ford?  GRUNKLE FORD?!" The teen screamed. Still no answer. The chuckling started to get louder. "Bill?!" Dipper screeched. Dipper's whole being felt cold. Something blue started to glow, less than a foot away from him. He crept closer to see what it could be. A tiny blue flame was lit on something tall. Dipper knew this flame was sparked by Bill but it was so dark and so cold, that he didn't care. He huddled up as close as he could to the fire. Dipper stood there shaking, like a old blender. All he could see was his own hands and the flame. "F-Ford?" He called out one last time. No one responded to his cry, except the howling of the wind. Dipper started to sob faintly. His tears froze instantly to his cheeks. The flame started to burn brighter, revealing more of Dipper's surroundings. Nothing but grass and leaves covered the ground. "This is it. I'm going to die here... And I'll never get to say my goodbyes..." He sniffled. Dipper rubbed his sore eyes and faced the blue fire. "Might as well end my misery now..." He sighed and tried to blow out the flame. It wouldn't go out. Dipper looked at the object holding up the fire. It almost looked like a hand. Then the flame started to move. He realized the object didn't just look like a hand, it WAS a hand. "B-Bill...?" The young twin quivered. A single yellow dot started to glow, almost as bright as the fire, just above where the hand was. "Did ya miss me Pinetree?"

 "Did ya miss me Pinetree?"

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