It Begins

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(Dipper's P.O.V.)
I was in the lab. Everything was dark and I couldn't seem to find the light. I felt around the room until I found something unusual. "Curious aren't you Pinetree?" I heard Bill's voice mumble. I blushed and jumped back, pulling my hands to my chest. I heard Bill chuckle softly, as his one glowing eye stared down at me. "How did you get passed Ford? Also how did you know what the code was?!" I asked, still flustered. "I read your mind for the code and I just told Ford, I had to use the washroom, so we don't have much time." He responded and snapped his fingers, turning on the lights. We both looked around and dug through boxes. I few moments later Bill whispered, "I got something." "Ok let's go then." I said, turning off the lights. We bolted upstairs and headed different directions. Bill through the Crystal at me, just before he turned the corner. I caught it and went to Mabel's bedroom. I knocked on the door, since it wasn't my room anymore. "Come in..." She mumbled sadly. I hid the tiny, sharp Crystal in my suit and entered the room. Mabel was sitting on the ground, wiping her eyes. I went and sat beside her and placed an arm around her shoulder. "Ford is starting to get suspicious about his journal." Mabel said, trying to hide the fact that she was crying. I took out his journal and handed it to her. "I'm going to make a deal with you Mabel." I stared. "And what is that." She sniffed. "On our birthday I'll spend the whole day with you, no tricks." I said. "What do I have to do for you?" Mabel asked intrigued. "You have to stay happy. I hate seeing you depressed like this." I mumbled and held out a hand. "Deal." She smiled and took my hand, excitedly. Yellow fames covered our palms, as we shook hands. "Pinetree! Time to go!" I heard Bill yell from downstairs. "Coming! Bye Mabel." I said and waved, as I ran out the door. She smiled sweetly and waved back.
As I galloped down the steps, I saw Bill waiting by the exit. "Bye Ford! Bye Stan!" I yelped, as I went out the door with the demon. "See you soon!" Ford called back. As we closed the door behind us, I looked up at the triangular window, to see Mabel jumping around. "Someone's in a good mood." Bill chuckled. "Yeah, Me and Mabel fixed things." I sighed happily. "Want to just walk to the ship?" He asked. "Sure. I haven't used my legs in awhile." I snickered, as we headed into the woods.
As we walked, Bill seemed to smile the whole time. He had changed ALOT ever since he became 'human.' His emotions seemed mixed up, almost like he was trying to find his true personality, aside from being a demon. Bill wasn't as evil as he had been before, he was still creepy though. "What ya thinking about Pinetree?" Bill asked. "Nothing." I answered plainly. "Kid I can read your mind, so you either tell me, or I find out for myself." He threatened. "Fine... I was thinking about how much you've changed..." I mumbled. "Aw, I'm flattered that you think about me." Bill chuckled. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. He flicked my pine tree hat, making it fall off my head. "Hey?!" I growled. "Don't get all feisty Pinetree." Bill teased and stuck out his tongue. I dusted off my hat and plopped it back on my head. "After we install the Kaiburr Crystal, let's go home. You probably need sleep." I suggested. "If anything YOU need sleep, your the grumpy one." The demon snickered. "You where more cranky this morning." I grumbled, as we arrived at the ship. Bill snapped his fingers, opening the door into the spacecraft. We climbed down the latter and went to the room, where we were building the portal. "Give me the Crystal." Bill said. I tossed it to him and he caught it. Bill then put it in a tiny metal box, that was connected to the portal. He pulled a big lever and it powered on. One giant, blue, swirl, floated in the centre of the triangular portal. Smaller metal objects, where sucked into it. "Here." Bill said, as he tossed me a watch. "Set it for twenty-four hours. We'll need to know when it's fully active." He declared. I nodded and set the watch. "It will also tell you when the next anomaly is. But we won't have to worry about that too much, Our Castle will protect us from them." Bill said. We walked out of the room and shut the door behind us. "Let go home." I suggested and snapped my fingers.
Once we appeared in the house, we did our normal routine. Eat, shower and then sleep. As I was about to climb into bed, there was a knock at my door. "Come in Bill." I sighed and sat on my bed. He came in and sat with me. "I have a question..." Bill started. "Mhm..." I mumbled and laid back. "Do you really hate me...?" He asked. "Ugh Bill... Of course I don't HATE you, your just incredibly annoying at times." I snickered and closed my eyes. "Thanks Pinetree." He said sarcastically. I started to doze off, when I heard faint singing. I was too tired to make out the words, but none the less, I drifted off to sleep.

(Bill's P.O.V.)
I sung softly until Pinetree fell asleep. I stood up and kissed him on the forehead lightly. I saw him smile, as I exited. "See you in your dreams..." I whispered and closed the door behind me.

In sleep he sang to me, in dreams he came. That voice which calls to me, and speaks my name. And do I dream again, for now I find,
the phantom of the Oprah is there inside my mind...

{Hope you enjoyed! Oohh thinks are heating up! So excited for the next chapter!!! I already have an idea of what's going to happen next! ~BDF}

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