"I Prosise You That"

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Just by the way he said 'Pinetree,' Dipper knew it was Bill. He looked at the strange, tall figure in front of him. Bill wore a long, yellow overcoat, that had his signature brick pattern at the bottom. He also had black pants, black dress shoes, a top hat that floated just above his head, a bow tie and a eyepatch over his right eye. "What's the matter? You look like you've seen a ghost." Bill chuckled. "Wh-What have you done with Ford?" Dipper asked, trying to sound confident. "Oh, he's fine. Ford is sound asleep in his bed, back at the shack." He replied. "But how? Your powers can't pass the unicorn spell." The teen questioned. "Oh simple! In this form I can just walk right into the shack! I took him home and then came back for you." Bill explained. Dipper was still freezing cold and shivering like crazy. "Ya know, if you had of followed my snake friend, he would have led you down the nicer path. I knew Ford wouldn't listen." The demon chuckled and looked at Dipper's multiple cuts. Bill floated around Dipper, examining him. "Hm, you aged well." He smirked. "But you won't last much longer out here. Sorry we had to meet like this Pinetree." Bill said, insincerely. "F**k you Cipher." Dipper bellowed. "I'm flattered. As much as I enjoy your pain, it mustn't end like this. We will see each other again soon. I promise you that." He snickered and snapped his fingers.
Dipper shot upward and resized he was in his room, in his own bed. He looked over and saw Mabel sound asleep on the other bed. "H-How...?" Dipper moaned. "Was it all a dream?!" He whispered to himself. Then, Dipper looked down at his legs and saw all the cuts and scrapes. "Nope..." He mumbled.
Bill had made Dipper fall asleep, with his magic and then carried him back to the Mystery Shack.
He laid his head down on his pillow again and rubbed his eyes. "Ugh! What are you planning Bill?!?" Dipper said, slamming his fist onto his mattress. "Dipper?" Mabel groaned and turned to see her twin. "DIPPER!!" She cheered, while running up and forcing her brother to hug her. "OH MY GOSH! YOUR ICE COLD AND YOUR CUT EVERYWHERE! WHAT DID BILL DO TO YOU?!" Mabel questioned, grabbing more blankets for Dipper. "Nothing?" He answered and was as surprised as she was. "Then how did this happen?" She said, pointing at the gash on Dipper's arm. "A tree." Dipper admitted. Mabel got some wet clothes and bandages, helping clean up her twin's wounds, while he explained every detail of what happened. "So he said he'd see you soon?" She questioned, confused. "Yeah. I still have no idea what he's planning though..." Dipper sighed. "Are you going to tell Ford?" Mabel asked, wrapping up the last scratch on her brother's leg. "Of corse, I'm just gonna wait till morning. It's been a ruff night." Dipper yawned. She stood up and messed up the boy's hair. "I'm going to go to bed. Don't stay up to late, thinking about Bill." Mabel suggested. Dipper nodded and watched his sister fall asleep, before passing out himself.

{Speaking of passing out... Zzzzzzz...
Night to ya'll and more writing tomorrow! ~BDF}

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