"Do I Like Pinetree?"

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(Mabel's P.O.V.)
I shut my eyes, tight and smashed the button.
Nothing happened.
Bill started to cackle like a maniac. "Hahaha! I knew you guys would show up, so I got rid of the ability to shut the portal off!" Bill chuckled. "No! Dipper, you know as well as I do, that this could tear the world apart!!" I yelled. Dipper faced the ground and the darkness of the room covered his face. "Time to go Shooting Star." Bill announced and raised his fingers. "Oh, and don't even THINK about coming back." He finished then snapped his fingers.

"Ahh!!" I yelled, as I shot out of bed. I was at the shack, in my own bed. I calmed down a bit, before I remembered Ford. "Grunkle Ford!!" I screamed and ran down to his room. I bolted into the door and noticed the body switching carpet leaned against the wall. I returned my attention to finding Ford. "Ford?!" I called once again. I looked around his room. He was laying on the red couch, to the right of his room. "GRUNKLE!" I said, as I shook Ford conscious. "I'm up! I'm up!" He answered, as he sat up slowly and held his head. "Are you ok?" I asked. "Yes yes, I'm fine." Ford replied and rubbed his eyes. He started to snap into reality. "Bill! Did you stop the machine?!" Ford questioned, in a panic. "No..." I bellowed, almost in tears again. "It's ok sweetie, you tried your best." He said and patted my back.  "What are we going to do know...?" I asked. "I... I don't know..." He sighed and rubbed his chin.

(Dipper's P.O.V.)
~Back at their mansion~
"Did you really have to shoot Ford?" I asked, looking down at my hands. I didn't know how I felt about the whole situation. "I'm sorry, I guess I over reacted." Bill said sarcastically, not wanting to admit it. "It seems like every time I fix things with Mabel, I make it worse later..." I mumbled. We where in the kitchen. I was sitting on a chair, while Bill did dishes, even though he could just make the plates disappear. "It's not your fault, kid." He sighed. "Bill?" I said. "Yes Pinetree?" He replied. "Remember when you... Kissed me...?" I questioned softly. He straightened his spine and stopped what he was doing. "Mmhm..." Bill responded, without turning around. "Do you like me? Can demons love at all??" I asked. "I- Uh..." He stuttered. "I'll just, be... Somewhere else." Bill said and snapped his fingers, to disappear. "Bill?!" I yelled. "He's not coming back is he...? *sigh* I'll find him eventually..." I sighed and snapped my fingers as well.

(Bill's P.O.V.)
Do I like Pinetree? A question I've asked too many times to count. Is it because of the human body? I'm supposed to know the answer to anything, so why can't I understand human emotions?!
I had teleported myself to a park. It was night time and you could see all the stars clearly. How did it get dark so fast?
I went and sat on a swing and looked at the constellations. "Heh, there's the Big Dipper." I chuckled softly. I sighed aloud. "Maybe I could ask Shooting Star to help me figure out my feelings? She seems to like this kind of stuff... But she's probably pissed because of everything I've done." I pondered. I could heard the crickets chirping. "Maybe I should just be up front with Dipper..." I bellowed. "Gah, ya right!? I'd rather confront Shooting Star, than Pinetree!" I chanted and snapped my fingers.

(Mabel's P.O.V.)
I sat with Ford as we tried to figure out what to do. "We don't have much time left..." Stanford sighed and pulled at his hair. "What are we going to do?!" I yelped and paced around the room. "I don't know..." He hissed. That was something Ford said way to much recently. "I think you should go to sleep, and I'll have figured something out by morning." He said. I did as I was told and headed up to my room. I sat crossed legged on my bed. "Knock knock, Shooting Star." I heard a voice say, as they knocked twice on my bedroom door. "GO AWAY BILL!!" I yelped and hugged my pillow. Bill appeared by the side of my bed. "Aw come on, I just want your help with something..." He whispered in my ear and smirked evilly. "I would never help the person who is LITERALLY ruining my life!?!" I yelled and pushed him away. "Look, it's not like I'm trying to ruin your life. Dipper can leave and visit you any time he wants, but he stays with me." Bill answered. "Yeah, cause your controlling him or something!?" I screamed. "I promise you, I've done nothing to your brother." He said. "Sure... Why's do you want anyway...?" I mumbled. "I need your help understanding human emotions."

(Dipper's P.O.V.)
"Where did Bill go?!" I questioned, as I wandered around town. People gave me weird looks, probably be cause of my suit. I shrugged it off and continued walking. Seems like I went everywhere, so where could he be...? "Oh no..." I bellowed, as I got an idea of where he could be. I walked into an ally so no one could see me, then snapped my fingers and disappeared.

(Bill's P.O.V.)
"Why would YOU want to understand human emotions?" Shooting Star asked in disgust. "I- I don't need to justify myself to you!" I yelped and turned around. "Are you blushing?!" She questioned and stood up. "No...!" I said and tried to hide my face. I was blushing. How does Pinetree do this to me? "You are!" Shooting Star gasped. "Why...?" She finished. I took a deep and shallow breath, then turned to face her. "I think it has something to do with Pinetree..." I answered and scratched the back of my neck. "Oh. My. God. Do you have a- a crush- on MY brother?!?" Shooting Star yelled and grabbed the collar of my shirt. I shrugged and weakly smiled. All of a sudden, Pinetree appeared next to us. "Uhh... Dare I ask?" He said. Shooting Star released her grip on my shirt and back up. Pinetree turned to me. "Where have you been?!?" He questioned. "Uh... Around?" I answered quietly. Pinetree rolled his eyes and turned to Shooting Star. "Did he do anything to you, cause if he did that would be breaking our DEAL." He said, emphasizing the word 'deal.' "No he didn't hurt me... Uh, do you think you could give us a moment?" She said. Pinetree gave her a confused look, but nodded and left the room. "Bill, if you like my brother so much, why don't you tell him?" She asked me and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Pffft, like I'd admit I like a pathetic fleshbag like Pinetree." I grumbled. "Well then you should've thought twice about who you fall in love with." Shooting Star replied. "Can't you just help me get rid of these feelings?" I mumbled. "Sorry Bill, but as long as your in that body, your going to love my bro and the longer you keep it bottled up, the more you'll long for him." She said and half smiled. I read her mind to hear her repeating the words, 'I ship it! I ship it! I ship it!' Over and over. I don't understand her. First she hates me, then she's shipping me and her brother. "You confuse me Shooting Star..." I sighed and walked out. "Tell him!" She yelled at me. "No!" I yelled back, before I shut the door. Pinetree was standing there leaning against the wall. "You got a lot of explaining to do." He mumbled and snapped his fingers.

(Mabel's P.O.V.)
I still hated Bill and I still wanted to stop their plans but that doesn't mean I can't ship them right? I'm mean Billdip sounds like an amazing ship. Right?! Mine and Dipper's birthday was just around the corner, but so was the next Weirdmagedon or worse.... The end of the world.

(Dipper's P.O.V.)
I transported me and Bill back to our mansion. I looked at my watch to read; 10:07:45. "We have 10 hours left..." I mumbled quietly. "Ok so how about I just go-" Bill started. "No, you have to explain yourself. What where you talking about with Mabel and can you PLEASE answer my question from before?!" I demanded to know the answer. "Uh how about we make another deal instead?!" Bill said flustered. "I'm listening..." I replied. "I'll tell you everything you want to know, AFTER we have already taken over." He said more confident. "Fine, deal." I said, putting out my hand. Bill shook my hand and a combination of blue and yellow flames engulfed our hands. "Deal..." Bill whispered.

We are all in the same game, just different levels,
Dealing with the same hell, just different devils...

{Sorry it's taking so long to make more chapters, it's just been crazy in reality. Hopefully see you soon! ~BDF}

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