The visit

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"Oh. My. God!" Mabel screeched. There, just off the deck, floated Dipper, with Bill slightly behind. "Hello Stanford." The demon snickered. Ford grunted and put his weapon down. Without hesitation, the girl jumped up and hugged her brother. "Where have you been?!? It's been two days!!" Mabel exclaimed. "I know. I'm sorry I didn't visit sooner." Dipper sighed and hugged her back. "May we come in?" Bill questioned. Stanford didn't trust the demon. He knew Bill was up to something, but he also trusted Dipper enough to keep the demon under control. "Fine, but don't do anything.... Weird..." Ford scowled. They all entered the house. Bill hovered around and checked the place out. "It's been years since I've been able to stroll though this shack, still, things haven't changed." The demon chuckled. The Pines all sat in the kitchen, since there wasn't enough chairs anywhere else in the house. "Um... Bill, why don't you come sit down like the rest of us?" Dipper suggested. The dapperly dressed man sighed. "Fine..." Bill called from the other room. He came in and sat next to the male teen. "So... What have you been up to...?" Stanley asked, cautiously looking at the two. "Uh, Bill's been teaching me to use my powers..." Dipper said awkwardly, because of the closeness of the demon. "What kind of powers did he give you?!" Mabel said excitedly. "Quite a few, but I'm keeping them a secret till I think he's ready to learn them." The dapper man replied. Ford was surprised by how careful and and genuine, Bill was being. The demon was really taking things seriously and Professionally. It was as if, you could have a normal conversation with him. But of corse, Ford was still keeping an eye out for Bill to slip up and reveal his true plans. "So Sixxer, got any missions recently?" The demon questioned. "Wouldn't you like to know." Stanford grumbled. "Yes, that's why I asked." Bill said, in all seriousness. Ford was once again shocked by his answer. "No actually... I haven't been on any missions..." The elder replied. Bill smiled. Dipper was just as shocked by how The demon was acting. "How about we go and play a bored game or something in my room Dip? We let the adults talk..." Mabel giggled. The male teen glanced up at Bill, feeling as though he needed his approval. The demon nodded and Dipper got up from his seat. "Sure. Let go." He answered him twin. They went up the stairs, laughing and pushing each other around. The twins pulled out a game of checkers and played for awhile. That hot boring fast since Mabel never loses. ANYTHING. "So Dipper... What is it like to fly?" The girl asked, out of the blue. It caught the boy by surprise and he stopped what he was doing. "Why don't I show you?" Dipper smirked and held out a hand. She took his hand excitedly. "Ready?" Dipper asked. "Duh!?" Mabel cheered. "Ok!" He chuckled and lifted her into the air with him. "Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!!"" She repeated, as they drifted around the room. He slowly halted and brought them both down to the ground again. "What other things can you do?!" Mabel questioned, grabbing her brother's arm. Dipper chucked again and snapped his fingers. A tub of Industrial Sprinkles appeared in front of the twins. The girl ran towards it and jumped around. "I am going to get sooooo sick." Mabel giggled, as she shoved a handful of the sprinkles into her mouth. "There's one other thing I know how to do to." He said and rubbed the back of his neck. "WELL TELL ME WHAT IT IS!?!" She squealed. "Give me you hand again." Dipper said. Mabel listened and held out her right hand. The boy grabbed it and both their hands where covered in yellow flames. Dipper than proceeded to pull Mabel out of her body and possess her. Mabel was a floating, pink Spirit, Nothing more than a ghost. "Woah, hope I never have to do that again." Dipper said, in his sister's body. "Ah! I'm a girl!" He squealed and looked down. "Dipper! What have you done?!" Mabel screeched. "Possessed you? Like Bill did to me, at your puppet show, all those years ago." He explained. "Why would you do this?!" She cried. "I have to, to protect you! It's either I help Bill, or you get hurt!" Dipper said, still in the form of his sister. He trotted down the stairs and into the kitchen, where he was met by the faces of, Ford, Stan and Bill. "Hey Mabel. Where's dip?" Stanford asked. "Uh, he's upstairs. I was wondering if I could talk to you actually..." Dipper said, mimicking his sister's voice, perfectly. "Sure kiddo." Ford said, standing up and walking out of the shack, with who he thought was Mabel. "What do you want to say?" He questioned. "Well... I was wondering if I could see your journal, to maybe see if there's a was to reverse this..." Dipper sounded just like Mabel. The male teen wanted to cry, because of the awful thing he was doing to his sister, to protect her. "Sure sweetie.... But I don't think you gonna find anything in there..." Stanford sighed. "It's worth a try." Dipper said and walked back inside. He showed the journal to Bill as he walked past. The demon smiled evilly and said, "Well we best be going. There's other things I have planned for today." Ford had walked into the shack too, and heard the demon's comment. "Please allow Dipper to visit more often?" Stanford demanded, not giving Bill a choice. "Yes, Ford..." The dapperly dressed demon sighed and walk out of the shack.
Dipper went back into Mabel's room and unpossessed her. Then, He took Ford's journal from the girl's soulless body. Mabel quickly took over her own body again. "What are you going to do with his journal?! Don't you have your own?" The girl said, on the verge of sobbing. "Yes, but I know Ford has his own private notes in here, and that's what I'm going to use to create a rift." Dipper explained, also about to cry. "I'm sorry Mabel, but this is all for you..." He said, letting a single tear roll down his cheek. Dipper then floated through the wall and met up with Bill outside.
Inside the shack, Mabel did start to sob, uncontrollably. She knew she couldn't tell her Grunkles or Dipper would get mad at her, and that's the LAST thing she would want. So instead, she cried into her pillow, until it was all out. If Ford asked for his journal, she would have to make up an excuse. She hated lying, but Dipper was sacrificing the world for her, so the least she could do was sacrifice herself for her Bro.

~Outside the shack~
The male teen cried too, but only a few tears. The demon stopped and squatted in front of Dipper, to wipe away the tears. "It's ok Pinetree... I won't harm them. I would never want to hurt my Pinetree's heart~"

{Hope you like!! 1193 words, I'm pretty proud of that. Anyway, have a good morning/night/afternoon! ~BDF}

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