Some Sunny Day....

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(Dipper's P.O.V.)
Finally our new 'home' in the mindscape was finished. I made my room look like the one I had in the shack, so I didn't get TO homesick. The only thing it was missing was Mabel...
I made a saddened look, but my trance wouldn't allow me to cry or whine.
"Your so unoriginal Pinetree. You could have made your room look like anything... So why this?" Bill questioned, coming up from behind me. I didn't answer. I wanted to say some heartfelt answer, but the stupid curse made me incapable to show my true feelings. "Heh... Homesick, aren't you...?" Bill asked, sounding ashamed. I still didn't respond. "Ya'know it's no fun when you don't answer you Master~" Bill said flirtatiously. My body burned and told me to flirt back but I fought my urges and kept my mouth shut. "The real Pinetree loved me more, than this zombie I've turned you into..." Bill mumbled sadly and floated away.
When he was out of sight, I gasped and realized I had been holding my breath. "I'm sorry! I just want to go home!" I sobbed. Wait... How was I able to cry?!

(Bill's P.O.V.)
I gave Pinetree his emotions back. It was saddening knowing he hated being here, Hated not being able to feel, and now... Hated me...
I opened up a portal.
Pinetree was happier before all this. I've made him, his family and his sister miserable and in doing so, made myself miserable too...
I snapped my fingers making Dipper appear and grabbed him by the shoulders. His face was stained with tear tracks and he jumped at my sudden touch.
"I've broken you,
I've broken me too.
You don't belong here,
Just look what I did to you..." I started and began to sob. Dipper had a confused face, but glared into my eyes.
"I've ruined your life,
Your family,
And your heart too...
I just want you to know,
Whatever happens,
I still love you..." I cried before hugging him. He stayed still for a second, probably processing what just happened, then tightly hugged me back and sobbed too.
I took his hand and pulled his through the portal, making a whooshing sound as we exited.
We appeared In his and Mabel's bedroom, where his sister sat, balling her eyes out. "Dipper? DIPPER!" She shouted in realization.
Suddenly, Ford burst into the door and without a second thought, shot me. I yelled in pain. He didn't shoot me with just any gun, it was a gun meant to kill me. I was hit right in the heart.
The irony right?
I softly chuckled, getting a Concerned glance from everyone on the room, exempt Ford. "You've messed with Dipper for the last time..." Stanford said, being a straight face and staring right at me. "No! Ford! HE CHANGED! HE BROUGHT ME BACK!!" Pinetree screamed. "Someone like him will never change Dipper." Ford stated.
I Collapsed onto the ground, as I started to lose my magic. Slowly, I faded into dust but before I did I had one last thing to say, "I'll be *cough* watching you..." I choked on my own blood. Everything started to go black. So this is death, ai? "NO BILL! STAY WITH ME!" I heard Dipper yell, panicked. I pulled him close and whispered, "I'll always be in the mindscape... See you in your dreams..." I wheezed, and I let go slowly and faded out of consciousness.

(Dipper's P.O.V.)
I cradled Bill's form my arms, as he started to turn to dust. I cried and Ford left the room. Mabel placed a hand on my shoulder and reassured me everything was alright. This all happened to quickly...
Soon, Bill was nothing but dust. I cupped the ashes in my hands and cried louder. Memories of him floated through my head.
Wait. I still have my powers! I tried and tried to bring him back, but I had no idea how.
"He's gone Dip..." Mabel sniffled. I noticed she was crying too. I probably scared her.
I ran to our shelf and pulled out an empty book. I wrote down all the memories me and Bill had together. I wrote theories of why he loved ME, of all humans. But most important I wrote ways to get him back.
Mabel watched me with a scared look on her face. She didn't know what to do, or how to comfort me. She left the room, and I locked the door behind her. She banged on the door, but I wouldn't let her in.
I continued to write. I plastered theories all over the walls and threw papers all over the floor.
Days passed, and I would only come down occasionally for food.
The Rest of the time, I spent in my room.
The room started to look more and more like Ford's lab. It smelt and so did I, but I didn't care.
If anyone knocked, I didn't answer. Sometimes I would hear Mabel sit outside my door and cry and beg for me to come out, but I ignored her.
I had one mission on my mind.
Find Bill.
And I would stop at nothing, till I did.
"I love you too. I'll find you!" I promised, between sobs. I laid my head down on my desk and just before I fell asleep, I heard a whisper,
"Goodnight Pinetree... See you soon..."

Oh we'll meet again,
Don't know where,
don't know when,
Oh we'll meet again...




The End?


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