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(Dipper's P.O.V.)
Ugh... How I dreaded school. I loved the academics, but I hated the people there. They where so judgemental and where quick to put labels on you, just by your appearance. I was either a nerd or an outcast... In fact, Mabel was usually my only friend in school...
This year, I planned to be different. I wanted to meet people and make friends, while still keeping my grades up.
Ford sighed me and Mabel up in Gravity Falls High. My sister was all ready freaking out and calling all her friends telling them the news.
It was currently 7:00pm. We had already gone shopping and got all the stuff we needed, for school the next day.
"Excited dip?!" Mabel cheered, as she hung up the phone. I took a shaky breath, before replying, "I hope so." "Great! Let's get to bed so tomorrow comes sooner!!" She cheered and flopped on her bed, face first. I chuckled and climbed onto my own bed. Stan and Ford had came upstairs and said goodnight, before the two of us drifted off to sleep...

~The next day!!~
I jumped at the sudden noise. Mabel squealed and smacked the alarm, with her hand. "WAKEY WAKEY, DIP N' DOT!!!" She yelled and jumped around the room. I groaned and tried to cover my ears with my pillow. "NO SLEEPING IN TODAY!!" She yelped and tugged off my blanket. I let out another groan and rolled over. And then... She started tickling me. I laughed and tried to wiggle out of her grip. "Ma- haha! Mabel st- hehahah!STOP!!" I barely managed to say. She giggled, but did stop. "Are you awake now?" Mabel chuckled. "Huh... Yeah." I panted and rolled out of bed. I got dressed in my usual attire and put on my pine tree hat, to cover my bed head. "Oh come on Dip, at least TRY to look presentable." Mabel pleaded. "Hey! I look fine!" I snapped. "Mm-hm, keep telling yourself that." She giggled. I rolled my eyes and went downstairs. "Heya kiddo! Ready for school?" Ford asked, as I got to the bottom of the stairs. "Yeah, everything is packed and ready." I answered.
"Who wants Stancakes!!" Stanley yelled from the kitchen. "Meeee!!!" Mabel called, tripping down the stairs. She stood up and ran to the kitchen, as if nothing happened. Me and Ford both chuckled. "Only Mabel." We said in unison.
About an hour later, I was standing at the shack exit, ready for hell- I mean, school... Mabel was standing by my side, SUPER excited. "Bye kids!" Stan yelled to us, as we exited the door. We climbed into Ford's car, where he had bin waiting for us. "Let's go!" He said cheerfully. Everyone seemed so happy, And then... There was me. I was more panicked, than anything. "Scared, Dippin' sauce?" Mabel questioned, concerned. "A little." I said, as my hands shook. She put on a smile. "Everything is going to be fine! I have a feeling this years is going to be awesome!" Mabel reassured me. I just nodded, before turning to look out my window. Stanford looked at me from the rearview mirror. "Maybe you'll meet some girls this year." He chuckled. Mabel gave me a glare, before smirking evilly. "Or boys." She whispered into my ear, so Ford couldn't hear. I blushed and smacked Mabel. She just laughed some more.
"We're here!" Stanford said, as we pulled into the school parking lot. Mabel pounced out of the car and ran towards Candy and Grenda, who had been waiting for her at the school entrance. "Have a good day!" Ford said to me, as I hopped out of the car as well. I waved to him as he pulled away.
I sat under a near by tree and pulled out my journal. I flipped though some pages and closed my eyes. The pages turned with the wind. I put my hand down onto the book and opened my eyes again. I stopped it on Bill's page. "Ugh!" I yelped and threw the book off my lap. I curled up into a ball and placed my forehead on my knees.
"I know you miss me... Come see me already... My little.... Pinetree..." It was that voice again. Between each pause, it echoed.
Bill. He was sending messages to me, from the mindscape. "How? How do I visit you?" I was surprised to hear myself ask. "Use your powers..." The voice called to me once again. I looked down at my hands. I stood up and thought about the mindscape. I closed my eyes and felt my powers flow within me. Changing me.
When I opened my eyes again, everything was black and white. No one was moving, it was as if time had stopped.
I looked down at myself and noticed I was glowing blue.
Wait... I wasn't just glowing blue, I WAS BLUE?!? I looked like Bill, except I was a Pinetree, instead of a Dorito.

Not to far behind me, I noticed a portal like thing, that wasn't there before

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Not to far behind me, I noticed a portal like thing, that wasn't there before. I floated over to it and cautiously went through, knowing Bill was at the other end...

So I see,
You've found'ith me,
For I am the master,
And you are my puppet,
And you'll follow my tricks till the end...

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