Sorrow and Pity

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Bill, strangely, made Dipper feel safe, and in a weird way, he trusted him. "Now let's go back to the castle and go through Sixxer's journal." Bill suggested. Dipper nodded and wiped his own tears off his face, with the back of his hands. The demon snapped his fingers and teleported the two, back to they're 'home.'
Once they got there, they stood in the living room. Bill looked at Dipper and still saw he was contemplating. He sighed and patted the teen on the head. "How about you go to your room and rest awhile? I'll start search through this journal." Bill said, with a saddened smile, plastered on his face. "O-ok..." Dipper sniffled and wandered away slowly.

{I'm going to start using the characters P.O.V. To make things more understandable to read ~BDF}

(Bill's P.O.V.)
I watched as Pinetree stumbled away. Usually I found pain hilarious, but whenever he was sad, something filled up in my heart. Sorrow and pity.
I shook off my feelings and turned my attention back to Ford's journal. I flipped through a few of the pages and not to my surprise, I found a page about Rifts. "Wow Sixxer, all the information I need, on one neat page. Maybe you aren't as bright as I thought you where." I snickered to myself, since no one else was in the room. I started to read the page, when I heard a faint sobbing. I hovered to Pinetree's room and opened the door slightly. He didn't seem to notice, so I listened to what he was saying. "The look on Mabel's face when I left! She must hate me now, for what I've done... Ugh! How can I be so... So..." Pinetree started to get choked up, so I decided to step in. "So, kind." I finished, startling the teen. "Kind?! I just crushed my sisters heart!? I left her and then I possessed her and now, I'm going to end the world!?!" He sobbed loudly. "Yes, but your doing it all FOR her. You doing it to protect her... I know she's thinks no less of you, cause I've read her mind. She still loves you and always will. In fact, right now she's thinking of an excuse to tell Ford, so he doesn't realize the journal is gone." I said, sitting next to Pinetree, on his bed. "Wait... R-really? W-why?" He stuttered. "Cause your risking so much to protect her, that now she wants to pay back the favour." I said, rubbing the teen's back. Pinetree sniffed a few more times then turned to face me.

(Dipper's P.O.V.)
I looked up into Bill's glowing eyes. Why would he tell me all this? Did he really care for me? "Thanks Bill..." I said softly. The demon nodded and stood up. "Come out when your ready..." Bill said, then kissed me on the top of my head and sprinted away. My whole face turned a dark shade of red.

(Bill P.O.V.)
I don't know what came over me. I sped  walked in a circle trying to figure out what just happened. I felt my face grow hot, the more I thought about it. Did I have feelings for a pathetic human? And why of all people did it have to be, F**KING DIPPER PINES?! I ruffed my hair and stopped pacing. Nah, no way could an all powerful demon fall in love with a fleshbag. Probably.

(Dipper's P.O.V.)
I could hear Bill pacing, outside my door. My face was still sorta red, but I got up and opened the door slowly. Bill stopped and stared at me, when the door was fully open. He just looked at me for a moment and then sped walked, down the hall. I followed him into the living room, where we had left the journal. Bill just glared down at the book and whispered something to himself. I pulled out my own journal and sat on a leather chair. I opened to Bill's page and just stared at it. What was I thinking?! Bill, the all knowing demon caring for me? I must be crazy. Right?

(Bill's P.O.V.)
I read Pinetree's mind. He was thinking the same thing I was. I looked over at him, without turning my head, and realized he was reading my page in his own journal. I sorta blushed, but rubbed my face and tried to focus on the rift. "Ehem... We're going to need a few things, if we want to make this rift." I said, breaking the silence. "Uh sure, what do we need?" Pinetree asked shyly. "I'll just teleport us to the location we need to find the items." I mumbled. He nodded and stood up. I started staring at him again. I can't fall in love. I can't.

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