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{I want to start of by saying OMG THANK YOU, to Faithyboo722 for liking EVERY SINGLE ONE of my chapters! You are literally so awesome, and should get much more credit for you AMAZING story's! Please keep writing❤️❤️❤️}

(Dipper's P.O.V.)
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, before I reached for Ford's hand. He pulled me into the Cipher Circle and everyone joined hands. "NO PLEASE! I JUST GOT OUT I CANT GO BACK!!! I DONT WANT TO BE ALONE!!! !!!!REPPID EKATSIM A EDAM EVAH UOY!!!!" Bill chanted, as blue flames started to consume him. Soon, he was completely engulfed but the flames and disappeared. Yellow sparkles burst from the blue flame, before it snuffed out.
We all released each others hands slowly. "Where did he go?" Mabel questioned. "To the Mindscape, and he won't be able to come back, or posses anyone, AS LONG AS NO ONE SUMMONS HIM." Ford answered, making it very clear. Relief swept over the room. Mabel gave me a hug, then took my hand and led me outside. Everything was back to normal. Well, as normal as Gravity Falls can be anyway. Mine and Bill's mansion was no longer in sight and all the broken houses where repaired. The guy Bill had killed was alive again and my clothes went back to normal.
"Looks like everything is back in place..." Mabel sighed. I was about to agree, when I noticed I still had my powers. "Wait, how come I still have my powers?!" I yelped and floated around. "I don't know?!" She gasped. I plopped back down on the ground and grasped my Pine tree hat. "I need to talk to Ford." I said, and tried to walk through the door but started to feel unbelievably tired. "Dipper?!" I heard my sister call, before I passed out.

I woke up on my old bed, with Ford standing by my side. "Hey kiddo." He said, softly. "Wha- what happened??" I asked, putting my hand to my forehead. "Seems you have a fever." He said, putting his own hand to my head. "Ow! A really high fever!" Ford added, pulling his hand away quickly. Mabel walked into the room, shortly after. "Oh good your awake!" She cheered and hugged me, but then immediately jumped off. "Ouch! Why are you so hot?!" Mabel asked. "Do you think it's cause I still have my powers?" I questioned. "Wait, you still have your powers?! Why didn't you lose them when everything else went back?" Ford exclaimed. "I don't know..." I said and shrugged. "What abilities do you have?" He asked. "Bill said I can do pretty much everything he can, except enter dreams and read minds..." I explained. "Can you make fire like him?" My Grunkle questioned. "Yeah." I answered, laying my palm flat and projecting yellow flames from it. He studied my hand from a distance. "Interesting... Well, this explains why your burning up. You probably fainted cause your body is still trying to get use to the powers." Ford explained. I just sat there a nodded, cause that's all I could really do. "You should probably get some rest." Stanford suggested and motioned for Mabel to leave the room. She did and Ford soon followed. I laid back in bed but all I could think about was Bill. "Ugh! Stop thinking about 'him!'" I bellowed, and tried to knock the thought out of my head. It was no use. Even though I would never admit it, I wanted to see Bill. The good Bill. The one that kissed me... I sighed and looked out the window, from where I sat. It was night, as I suspected. I rolled over and closed my eyes. Might as well TRY to sleep, right?

(Mabel's P.O.V.)
I slowly and quietly opened my bedroom door again. Dipper was sleeping soundly, with his back facing me. I tip toed to my own bed and laid down. I tried to shut my eyes but I couldn't. Even though I knew Bill was gone, I was still scared to sleep. I looked over at my brother, sleeping peacefully. It was nice to have Dipper back, but I knew he would never be the same again...

(Dipper's P.O.V.)
I was sitting on a creamy white, bench, looking up at a star filled sky. The grass was thick and covered in flowers, while in the sky, floated, Bill's triangular, mansion. "What I nice dream..." I chuckled.
"I can agree." Said someone, behind me.

GRAVITY is not the reason,
Why people FALL in love...

{Sorry guys, lately I've had writers block, so this chapter is probably bad... It has become harder and harder to write in the day time, so I've been writing at night and posting in the morning. That give you an idea about my Schedule. ~BDF}

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