Guess Who?

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(Dipper's P.O.V.)
"I can agree." Said someone behind me. I turned around quickly. I was surprised when I saw Mabel's gleaming face, looking at me. {Thought it was Bill, didn't you😝} "Oh hey Mabel..." I said and sighed in relief. She chuckled and stared at the stars with me. "Expected someone else?" Mabel asked. I huffed and shook my head. "Nah, I've just been a little on edge..." I explained. "I see..." She responded. The real Mabel wasn't this professional. "Wonder why I dreamt you up..." I asked myself, aloud. "Probably cause you want someone to talk to." Dream Mabel said and sat down next to me, on the bench. She rested her head on my shoulder and looked at me, from the corner of her eye. "And I'm here to listen." Mabel added. I sighed and got comfortable. "Well let's start off at the beginning..."
After awhile of explaining everything and anything that me and Bill did together, Dream Mabel seemed happy. "So he kissed you?" She chuckled. "Yup..." I said and snickered as well. "Why won't you tell the real Mabel this? You know she would listen too." Dream Mabel suggested. "Yeah but I'm not sure she could handle it." I shrugged. "Just trust her. She's smarter than she looks." She said and stood up. Dream Mabel waved to me and disappeared into the distance. "Huh, look who became a little life coach." I chuckled and laid down on the bench. I breathed in the fresh air and stretched. "Use your powers... Powers... Powers.... Visit me... I know you can do it... I'll be watching you... I'll be watching...." A voice hollered.

Just then, I woke up and gasped for air. "What's wrong?!?" Mabel yelped and jumped to my bedside. "Nh- nothing... Just a weird dream." I said. "Bill wasn't in it was he?" She asked. "No." I answered honestly. Mabel nodded and calmed down. "Hey Mabel...?" I started. "Yes?" She said. "There's something I want to talk to you about..."

(Bill's P.O.V.)
"I may be alone, but I'll come back again. As long as I keep sending Pinetree these messages, he'll come for me.
I know how he feels and honestly, I pity him... But I am sad too. I miss my little Pinetree. I miss working with him. I miss... That kiss..." I bellowed.
Then something sparked in my mind. "What if I go back and... Ugh... Promise to be, good? Just for Pinetree." I said and paced around the Mindscape. "Society would never except me, OR Pinetree ever again but at least we would be together?" I mumbled.
"Ugghhhhhhh! "WHAT HAS THIS SWEATY, HUMAN CHILD DONE TO MY BRAIN?!" I yelled and blasted fireballs everywhere.
I was so raged, yet somehow something wet trickled down my face. "Why is my eye leaking?!" I said, sorta studdery. I fell to the ground and felt weak. "What has this boy... Done to my heart...?" I sobbed.

(Mabel's P.O.V.)
"Whoa, whoa, whoa... So let me get this straight... BILL KISSED YOU... ON THE LIPS?!?" I squealed. I knew Bill liked Dipper but I didn't expect him to go that far. "And you... Liked him too?" I asked, pitiful. Dipper was hesitant, but nodded and blushed like a mad man. I can't believe my bro's first crush was on a demon... A demon that literally just killed a guy. The even crazier thing was, I knew Bill had a crush on him too. "Why did you, just out of the blue, tell me this?" I questioned. "A little life coach told me to." He snickered. It must have been a joke or something, but I didn't get it. "Why don't we go down stairs? We have a bit more catching up to do. Also we have to go buy some new outfits for SCHOOL TOMORROW!!!" I giggled. Dipper groaned but followed me anyway. "It's good to have you back bro bro." I turned around and smiled at him.

They live in darkness, hoping their path is right,
Knowing, they will eventually see me again,
They create their world, one block at a time,
So close,
Yet, so unaware, that I am watching,
And smiling....

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