Anyone, anytime, anywhere...

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{Author's note: THIS IS SORTA IMPORTANT SO PLEASE READ; Ok, I know I haven't got to the Billdip portion yet but I'm trying to build up the story before I get to that. Second off, I know I keep changing the name of my story but this is because there are so many key components within the story itself and I can't decide. And lastly, if you have any suggestions for the story or the title, please comment and let me know! I want to hear your opinions. Ok that's it, enjoy!}

Dipper's heart skipped a beat and he started to panic. "How?! We defeated him!" The hazel haired teen yelped. "I don't know..." Ford admitted, placing the rock on his desk and pulling his hands through his hair. "Although Bill usually doesn't leave fingerprints. He has the ability to leave no trace. It's almost like he wants to be found..." The man said, confused. "There's no rift, so he can't get his physical form back, right?" Dipper asked. "No rifts, but Bill can still visit people individually and go into dreams too. Unless he possesses a body, then he can talk to anyone, anytime, anywhere." Ford explained. "Oh no! He could have possessed anyone in Gravity Falls!" The male twin spoke and walked in circles, thinking. "Also, Bill does not have to possess a living person. It could be someone who died and then he can warp the body into any design he pleases." Stanford gulped. "We have to warn everyone!" Dipper exclaimed. "No. We don't know Bill's intentions yet. We'll keep it a secret for now... I'm going to go get more unicorn hair and preform the spell to protect the shack again. You go get Mabel, I'll warn Stanley. No one will leave this house until we got this figured out." Grunkle Ford declared. Dipper nodded in agreement and set off to get his sister.
What was Bill planing? How did he get back?! Those where all things he thought of as he walked to fetch his twin. Dipper kept his head low and tried to stay out of sight. If Bill really was controlling someone, he wouldn't be able to stalk Dipper from the mindscape, giving the boy a small advantage. Of corse if the demon spotted Dipper, he could read the boy's mind and realize it's him. All the more reason to stay undercover. The young man was quick and in Gravity Falls, he blended in perfectly. Dipper hid amongst crowds and ducked behind every corner till he reached Candy's house. He knocked on the door and stood impatiently outside. Mabel was the one to open the door. "Dip? What are you-." Dipper cut his sister off by pulling her out of the entrance and leading her away from the house. "Dipper!? Where are we going?!" Mabel shouted. The teen took his twin to a ally and started to explain. "Bill. He's here in Gravity Falls. He was the one who threw the burning coal at the werewolf!" Dipper screeched. Mabel's jaw dropped and she too started to panic. "What are we going to do?! How did he get back?! Why did he wait so long to come back?!" She asked all the same questions Dipper had asked. "I don't know. Grunkle Ford is trying to figure it out. In the mean time, we need to get back to the shack." He answered, tugging at his twin's hand. "But what about Granda and Candy? What about Soos, Wendy and Pacifica? Huh?! What will they do?!" Mabel cried. Dipper wiped his sister's tears away. "They'll be fine. If anything goes wrong, we'll tell them to come to the Mystery Shack, but if anything, Bill's after us. Also we mustn't tell anyone about this yet. We don't know who Bill might be possessing and we can't take any chances." He sighed. The female twin sniffed and shook her head. "Ok, let's go to the Shack." Mabel agreed.
She told Candy, a family problem popped up and she had to leave, which wasn't entirely a lie. Candy understood and they said they're goodbyes. Dipper and Mabel snuck as well as they could, back to the house. If Bill saw them, they would be gone the next time he looked.
Awhile later, the twins where cozy in their kitchen, chatting about Bill and his potential plots, while down in the basement Stanford studied the stone closely. Stanley watched tv and tried not to over think it. "Who do you think he's made his puppet?" Mabel asked, while eating her lunch. "Could be anyone..." Dipper pouted. His twin sighed, disappointed that there was nothing they could do. They would have to wait for Bill to reveal himself before the Pines could do anything. The siblings finished off they're lunch and went upstairs to they're room. They crawled onto they're separate beds and whimpered. "He could be watching us now..." Mabel said, quivering on her mattress. Dipper cringed at her words. They where silent for a moment but then there was a gentle, knocking at the door. "Dipper? Mabel?" Ford's voice called. They're Grunkle opened the door slowly, then proceeded into the room. "I finished the spell. We'll be safe if we stay inside the shack." The older man reassured the twins with his news. The tension in the room decreased, slightly. "But there's something else..."

{Author's note: Hope this is a good enough chapter for awhile. Sighing off until later today. ~BDF}

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