Everything Changes

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{So today I looked at this story and saw 540 views!!! Like OMG. Thank you guys so much!!! This means the world to me❤️}

(Dipper's P.O.V.)
I woke up and instantly looked at my watched. It read, 16:12:07 and the next anomaly would be happening in twelve minutes. I rubbed my eyes and stretched, before climbing out of bed. I got dressed, but didn't bother to brush my hair. I threw on my hat, to hide my bed head. "Might as well see what Bill's up to." I mumbled and stretched one more time.
I wandered down the hall until I reached his door. I was about to knock, when I heard something. I leaned my ear against the door and heard soft singing. I chuckled a little and twisted the handle. I opened the door just enough to see and listen to Bill clearly. Thank god he didn't seem to notice me. "I'm gonna be somebody someday you just don't know it yet,
Gonna soar through out the whole world in my own private jet,
Gonna have a house or two to rest when I'm feeling weary,
Find myself all over the news cause I'm extraordinary." Bill sung. He was pretty good, so I let him sing a little more. "Gonna drive a fancy car just so you'll know who I am,
Make heads turn when I swing by cause you'll wanna see me again,
Won't take no sh** from a suit who thinks he owns it all,
Cause I'm a million feet tall...
So tonight I'll spin the world around me!
Find the flip side of reality,
Why must good things only happen in dreams?
I can't wait for the tables to turn,
So I'm gonna spin the world!" Bill sang and danced around. I was laughing with my hand over my mouth, in hopes Bill wouldn't hear me.

(Bill's P.O.V.)
I was singing as I tidied things up around my room. I had heard fleshbags used music to help them work, and boy where they right! As finished the Chorus, I heard my door swing open. "Nice singing. Speaking of spin the world, the next anomaly is in 5 minutes." Pinetree chuckled from my doorway. I gave him a blank glare, then used my magic to slam the door on his face.

(Dipper's P.O.V.)
I don't think I need to get back at Bill for what he did before. Me catching him singing a song like that, was punishment enough. I snickered at the thought, as I roamed the halls.

(Mabel's P.O.V.)
I felt the earth start to shake and objects start to float. "What's going on?!" I heard Ford call. "I think it's an earthquake!" Stanley answered. "Mabel I need my journal, NOW!" Stanford demeaned. I handed him the book, just before I drifted into a wall.
We where all in the kitchen, just before the quakes started.
"This ain't no earthquake Stan... Someone is powering up a portal!" Ford said. I was surprised at how quickly he figured it out. The shacking stopped and items fell to the floor again. A few things smashed, as we toppled to the ground. "I have to go find Bill. I know this has something to do with him." Stanford said, furiously. "I'm coming with you." I said and grabbed my coat. "It's to dangerous! Stay here." Ford suggested. "No! I'm coming and I'm getting Dipper!" I yelled. Ford sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Fine, just hurry up." Stanford bellowed. We both headed out the door, leaving Stanley and Waddles at home.

(Dipper's P.O.V.)
I stared at my watch, hoping it would go faster. "Your straining your eyes, staring at that watch." Bill warned, as he entered the room. "I hate waiting..." I mumbled. My clock only read; 15:45:19. "Want to do something, so your not wrecking your eyes?" Bill chuckled. "Like what?" I questioned. He thought for a moment, then walked over to me. "Maybe I can... Show you another ability, you have?" Bill said, and smirked devilishly. I instantly stood up, when I heard the word 'ability.' "Can't say no to that!" I said, excited to Learn what else I could do. He floated outside and sat by the purple flowers, that lay near our mansion. I followed him and hovered next to him. "Well, let's get started." He sighed.

(Mabel's P.O.V.)
Me and Ford climbed into his car, that he had bought recently.
Stanford didn't like how we had to get Soos to drive us everywhere, so he ended up buying a black jeep.
We zipped out of the drive way, as Ford pulled out a strange gadget. "What's that?" I asked. "Weirdness detector." He answered, scrambling to get his hands back on the wheel. We drove forward, following the tiny arrow on the detector. I wanted to trust Dipper, but I knew that a portal could tear our world apart. I just hope he keeps his promise about our birthday, cause it might be our last.

(Dipper's P.O.V.)
"So what other powers do I have?" I asked, impatiently. Bill chuckled slightly and poked my forehead. "Well you are able to change form into a being of power." He said. "Wha...?" I questioned, confused. "If I unpossessed this body, I would turn back into my triangular self. If you unpossessed your body, you could do the same. This would also allow you to enter the mindscape." Bill explained. I started to get hyper. I really wanted to learn all my abilities and try them all too.
All of a sudden, my watch started to beep. "It's says error." I read. "Someone is trying to tamper with the portal." He bellowed and grabbed my hand. "We gotta go. I'll show you the power later." Bill said and snapped his fingers.

(Mabel's P.O.V.)
Me and Ford followed the gadget onto a hill. "Ford where are they?" I questioned. "Down there." He answered and pointed to the ground. "Huh?" I said in confusion. Ford smirked, then tapped a button on a weird looking watch. A square hole opened up in the ground, leading into a dark metal Corridor. "Do we really have to climb down a latter, into a dark, scary hole?" I asked, praying he would say no. "Yes. It's the only entrance." He answered. I sighed and lazily threw myself onto the latter, with Ford following.
When we got the the bottom, there was a few halls. We watched and followed the weirdness detectors every move. It brought us to what looked like a automatic door, but it was broken. Ford pushed it open and gasped. I pushed past him to see a portal, very similar to the one Stanford had made. "We have to turn it off!" Ford yelled and ran to a panel, with three keys sticking out of it. I went up beside him. Ford grabbed two keys and I held one. "Turn them, together." He said, as we turned the keys at the exact same time. A tiny box flipped open, revealing a red button on a shaft. Ford tried to run toward the button but another anomaly propelled him into the air, along with me. He made a swimming motion in the air, trying to get closer to it. A blue fire ball blasted Ford into a wall and knocked him out. I looked over at the entrance to see Bill and Dipper. I panicked and headed towards the blaring button. "Mabel!! don't!!" Dipper yelled. I stopped and looked over at him. "Please Mabel, I promise everything will be fine." My twin said, in a calmer voice. "I want to trust you, but your with Bill! I don't know who you are anymore!?!" I cried, tears floating up, out of my eyes. The anomaly stopped, and I fell into the ground. Bill and my brother kept floating. I stood up quickly and ran toward the button. Bill kept a straight face and watched my every move. When Dipper tried to run toward me, Bill stopped him. They both stood and watched as I got to the shaft. I raised my hand in the air and looked right into my brother's eyes. He was making the same dull face as the demon. Dipper's eyes flashed yellow, as Bill's eyes flickered blue. My brother would follow Bill's every order, if it meant I was safe. "I'm sorry Dipper..." I bellowed and shut my eyes tight, as I hit the button.

Everything stays right where you left it,
Everything stays but it still changes,
Ever so slightly,
Daily and nightly,
In little ways,
When everything STAYS...

{Sorry it took so long for an update! 😅 I hope this makes up for lost time. Anyway, better start the next chapter! ~BDF}

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