His Butler

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(Mabel's P.O.V.)
Why can't that idiot just die! My mind screamed, as I zigzagged though the thick forest. It was quite cold so I was grasping my arms. Only gods knows what Bill is going to do to Dipper now, that he's under his control...
I stumbled a few times, as I made my way, quickly to the Shack. At this point, my legs are burning and my throat was stinging. My eyes where probably bloodshot and twinges stuck out of my hair, from the low trees.
Finally, I made it to the end of the forest and almost yelled once I saw the shack. Stan must have saw me through the window, cause he came running outside to my aid. "How did you get out of the house?!? Where's Dipper?!? WHAT HAPPENED?!?" Stanley blurted, not realizing I couldn't really speak. I tried to choke out some words but nothing came out.
Stan led me inside and got me some water, before asking the same questions again. "W-Where's Ford?" I whispered, in a husky voice. "He's in his room, investigating that kid's murder still..." Stanley sighed, probably grumpy cause I didn't give him any answers. I nodded and headed to Ford's room, thanking Stan on the way out.
Once I was at Stanford's door, I knocked fiercely, knowing we didn't have much time. "Go away Stanley!" I heard him call through the closed door. "Ford it's me! I need to talk to you... It's IMPORTANT!" I answered, knocking once again. I door flung open quicker than it ever has before. "What's wrong?!?" He gasped, looking at my appearance. "D-Dipper... He got Dipper~"

(Dipper's P.O.V.)
There I stood... Well more like floated, in the mindscape. Bill was in front of me, eye gazing into mine. "Ya'know I sorta miss your smart comments." He chuckled and grinned at me evilly, probably plotting on what he was going to make me do next. I really wanted to yell at him, scream in fact but whatever curse Bill put me under, kept me from doing so. At least it was a little comforting, knowing he let me keep some self control in my mind. I was hesitant to do orders still but I was giving in more by the hour. "Hm... Take off your hat for me." Bill purred. I did as he asked. He walked towards me and brushed the hair, that was covering my birthmark, away. He started to trace the lines with his fingers and hummed while doing so. "The real you would have stopped me or at least blushed, but you my friend are a complete zombie." Bill stated, sounding disappointed. "But I can fix that~" He whispered, sounding more alluring.
Bill traced my birthmark and few more times before I felt a change. He placed my hat back on and backed up slightly. My body was more drawn to Bill and I wanted to reach out and touch his face. No Dipper get a hold of yourself! My brain repeated over and over, but I just couldn't listen. I couldn't control myself and I ended up poking Bill's nose, for no apparent reason. He snickered and cupped my face. "You always where a weird one weren't you Pinetree?~" Bill lightly giggled and pulled my face closer. "Now I know there's some control left in you so I'm going to explain what's going on... You are under my every command and I've played with your personality traits slightly. I brought out your goofy, flirtatious and obedient sides and got rid of... Well pretty much everything else." He explained and patted my head. "Your basically a kinky butler." Bill chuckled at the joke. I however, felt like I was going to puke. "Sir, if I may, where exactly are we going to stay?" I asked, way more calmly and politely then I wanted to. Dammit! I do sound like a butler. "You don't need to call me sir! I prefer master." Bill snickered. I want to kick him in the shin SO BADLY! "I'll just poof up a home! I'll even allow you to make your own room." Bill stated, his smile never seeming to fade. I nodded, not wanting to say anymore. This is going to be a nightmare... Literally.

(Mabel's P.O.V.)
"How?!? When?!? Bill couldn't get back unless a portal was built!!!" Ford yelled, pacing around quickly. "Dipper bright him back... I don't know how, but he did..." I whimpered. "Wait... Did he still have his magic?" Stanford asked me in a calmer, yet eager manner. I nodded faintly, going pale because of what he might say next. "That probably bided them together, since Bill gave him the magic..." Ford mumbled under his breath, making it barely understandable. "Now there's no way to get to him... The portals are dismantled and building another is WAY to risky. The universe is already unstable... We can't summon him, cause no way in hell would Bill would bring Dipper along." Stanford sighed, and pushed his hands through his hair. I started to cry faintly. There was no way to fix it this time and now... Dipper would be a slave to BILL forever...

Not every isolated soul is looking for a saviour,
And not every pair is happy together,
But we always pull through...

{Ok this took me 4 flipping hours to write cause of how many times I fell asleep writing, so if there's mistakes, let me know. Thanks, and until next time my Dorito's!}

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