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(Dipper's P.O.V.)
I sat in the room and sobbed softly. I could hear mumbling downstairs. They where talking about me... I sighed and tried to wipe my face, but more tears just kept coming. "Stop it! I don't even know why I'm crying!" I yelled at myself. Everything went quite downstairs. I guess they heard me...
Then, I noticed a faint tapping noise. I turned my head around to my window, but didn't see anything. I walked over to it and opened it wide. It was sorta dark outside, and the chilly fall air blew into my room. I rubbed my arms to keep myself warm.
In the corner of my eye, I saw a shadow outside. I faced it to find none other than, Bill. {He's still in his teen form btw} "P-Pinetree?" He stuttered. I stiffened and was about to close the window when he floated over. He had splatters of blood on his clothes. "I knew it was you..." I hissed, and faced away from him. "Look I'm sorry, but he touched you in ways I should only be able to." Bill sighed. "I should have never helped you... FROM DAY ONE YOU'VE MADE MY LIFE AWFUL!" I screeched, which shocked him. "Dipper I-" "I hate you! Just go back to hell where you belong!" I screamed, then shut the windows. I crawled into bed, and curled into a ball. I could sense Bill's gaze still on me.
Because of me, the second Weirdmageddon started...
Because of me, I almost drove Mabel into depression...
Because of me, two people where killed...
Because of me, Bill is here...
"Pinetree... I'm so sorry... I just wanted to protect you..." Bill sniffed, from outside. I heard a buzzing noise, then I felt a hand on my shoulder. "It's because of me..." I whimpered. "You did nothing wrong. I should have never came back..." Bill mumbled. I felt him hug my from behind, which made me cry harder. "Please stop crying. I don't like to see you like this..." He said, in a bit of a shaky voice. I felt Bill sniffle against my back. He was crying too?
"I-I'm so sorry! For everything! I wreaked you life... I hate myself... And these stupid human emotions don't help!" He sobbed. I felt his arms loosen around me. "You probably don't even want me here... I'll jus-" Bill said, before I cut him off by kissing him. He put his arms around my waist and pulled my closer, probably never wanted me to pull away. We both cried into the kiss, but our sobs where muffled. Bill pulled away slowly. "I-I love you Dipper." He said, a single tear rolling down his cheek. I was surprised he said that, AND used my real name. "I-I~" I started, but I just couldn't say the words. "It's fine... You don't have to say it back..." He sighed and hung his head. "But I do love you!" I squeaked and then covered my mouth. He flicked his head up again to face me. "You do...?" He hiccupped. I nodded, and was pulled into another hug. "You actually smell like a pine tree." Bill purred in my ear. "You smell like blood." I chucked and pushed him off. He snickered, then snapped his fingers, giving himself clean clothes. I rolled over on my bed again and closed my eyes. "Uh..." Bill said softly. "Heh... Just this once." I sighed, receiving a giddy laugh from Bill, as he climbed in beside me. "Do anything weird, and your on the floor." I stated. "Whatever you say, sweetheart." Bill said and snuggled into my back. I shoved him off the bed and he landed with a thud. "OwWWWW!" He groaned and I just chuckled. "I warned you." I smiled evilly. "Your so MEAN!" Bill growled, standing up. "And your so irritating. Now where even." I snickered. He huffed and crossed his arms, staring down at me. "Night!" I said cheerfully and faced away from him. I heard him sigh. "Sweet dreams..." He replied softly.

I smile all day and all afternoon,
But as soon as it's dark out and you can see the moon,
I loose myself, my sanity too,
And I don't know what's worse,
You losing me, or me losing you...

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