The Coal

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With instinct, Dipper got out his journal. He vigorously flipped through the pages and stopped on a page about werewolf's. Dipper looked up at the sky and through the trees. He could partly see the moon was full. "Werewolf's..." Dipper mumbled under his breath. He had encountered them before, with Stanford. They're strong and can rip the flesh off a human in a matter of seconds. "What?!" Mabel screeched. "We gotta go." Dipper said, taking his sister's hand and leaving the bag behind. They ran deeper into the forest, away from the howls. As they went deeper, the bushes got more thick and scraped up they're arms and legs. The sound of footsteps followed the twins. Mabel would sometimes trip over rocks and pull her brother down with her. Dipper ran as fast as he could with Mabel close behind. Rain fell on their faces and hair flopped on their foreheads. Both of them where covered in scars and bruises, caused from the creature chasing them.
As time started to catch up with Dipper, it was too late. They where cornered between trees and rocks. The werewolf crept up slowly towards the twins. They held each other's hands tightly. Two deep blue eyes where all Dipper and Mabel could see, as the creature approached. It lunged forward with a growl. In mid air, something hit the werewolf's side. It whimpered and galloped back into the darkness, tail between its legs. The twins gasped and frantically looked around. On the ground lay a burning hot coal. Dipper let go of his sister's hand and examined the rock. A small blue flame was lit on the top. Mabel squatted beside her brother. "Blue flames...?" Mabel questioned. They both turned to look in the direction, the coal had came from. Suddenly it stopped raining and Mabel's phone started to ring. It was Stanley. She nearly dropped the cell trying to answer it.  "Hello!?" Mabel chanted, excitedly. "Where are you kids?!" Stan questioned, in a panicked manner. Mabel went over the whole story but kept the part about the werewolf a secret. She didn't want him knowing they where in danger and, she didn't want to try to explain what saved them. "I'm coming to get you. Go to the edge of the forest." Stanley ordered. "Ok Grunkle Stan." Mabel answered. She hung up the phone and put it back in her pocket. "Let's go dip. Stan is coming to get us." Mabel sighed thankfully and took the lead. Dipper cooled off the coal by fanning it and shoved it into his vest, along with his journal. Then, he ran and caught up with his sister.
After walking to the edge, as Stanley had instructed, the twins waiting for they're Grunkle to show up. A broken down, red truck pulled up beside the siblings. They looked in and saw Soos at the wheel with Stanley sitting beside him. Both Dipper and Mabel climbed in and took a seat. "Sup dogs." Soos said, looking threw his rear view mirror, to see the twins. "Hey Soos." Dipper smiled. "Hey Soos!" Mabel greeted. Soos was older now but still kept his charm. He finally popped the question with Melody and was happily married. Soos still worked at the Mystery Shack during the summer months and he owned the shop the rest of the year. As the car started to move, Dipper stared out the window and thought about everything that had happened. He would have to study the rock when he got back to the Shack.
Fifteen minutes later, Dipper was in his room looking at the stone. "Who do you think threw it?" Mabel asked, creeping up on her brother. Dipper jumped slightly, not expecting his sister's voice. He quickly calmed down and turned to his twin. "Not who, more like what." Dipper corrected. They both examined the coal as they had done before. "Try that finger print dust stuff." Mabel suggested, while pointing at a drawer. Dipper nodded and took out the dust. He dipped a brush into it and lightly coated the rock. "What do you see, brosef?" Mabel asked, glaring at the stone. "There are finger prints, but there all different..." Dipper said, confused. "Huh? So what your saying is, the person who threw it had five different prints?!" She questioned, receiving a concerned nod from her sibling. They're minds hurt from thinking and the fact that it was super late, didn't help. "We should go to bed and worry about this in the morning." Mabel pleaded. "Yeah, ok." Dipper agreed and turned off they're lamp. He put the coal under his pillow and they both climbed into their separate beds. "Goodnight stupid." Mabel giggled. "Goodnight stupid." Dipper chuckled back. And with that the twins fell asleep.
"Gagh!" Dipper shot up out of bed, to the sound of his great uncle Stanford's howl. It was probably one of the many captured creatures that his Grunkle had, causing him to whale in pain. Dipper rubbed his eyes and slowly scooted out of bed. It wasn't an unusual sound to hear in the morning, for him. Mabel was still sound asleep, cuddling up to Waddles. Dipper didn't bother getting dressed and headed downstairs to eat breakfast.
He grabbed a bowl and poured himself some, overly sensitive owl cereal with milk. He ate the colourful loops, slowly and stared out the kitchen window. Dipper hummed the lamby lamby song softly, as he chewed. Mabel soon joined her brother in the kitchen. She grabbed a glass full of Mabel Juice and chucked it. "Are you going to study the rock again, Dip?" Mabel asked, putting her glass in the sink. "Probably." Dipper said with a full mouth. "Well you'll have to do it without me this time, cause Candy called and wants to have a sleepover." She explained. He finished his food and put the bowl on the counter. "Ok..." Dipper sighed loudly. "Think you'll manage?" Mabel teased. "I hope so. I might get Stanford to help." He admitted. She poked her brother's shoulder. "Does Mr. KnowItAll need help?" Mabel giggled at her own joke.
"Ha, ha." Dipper let out a fake, mocking laugh. "You try to solve a whole mystery from one clue." He snorted. "I am. I'm helping you, remember?" She said. "Well your not doing a very good job." Dipper mumbled and then chuckled a little. Mabel huffed and left the room. She packed her things and went to Candy's house.
Dipper went back up to his room and got the stone out from under his pillow. It was still covered in powder and the finger prints where still noticeable. He took the coal and went to the vending machine. Dipper typed in the code and entered the secret door, behind the machine. He proceeded down the stairs, where he found his Grunkle Stanford, fiddling with his total of twelve fingers. "Ah, Dipper! What's up kiddo?" He asked, knowing the boy wouldn't come downstairs unless he needed something. "I was wondering if you could help me solve something." Dipper explained. "Sure thing! What's the creature, this time?" Ford asked. Stanford was either taking a break or had no missions and nothing better to do. Usually he would tell the teen he was busy with something. "Here's the thing. I have no idea what the creature is! I was hoping you could figure it out." Dipper began. He handed his Grunkle the rock and pointed out the finger prints. "Dipper..." Stanford gasped. "What? What is it?!" He questioned. "It can't be..." The older man whispered, looking at the stone with a giant, magnifying glass. Dipper wore a worried, yet curios expression. Stanford turned to the boy but kept his glare on the coal. "It's Bill. He's back."

{Author's note: What a way to leave it, am I right?! *pats self on the back* I think I did a pretty good job! Hope you like it as much as I do!🔼}

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