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{Ideas for this story was brought to you by, LauraCatana , DipperCipher0 and myshelley1000 So please thank them for this chapter!}

{Ideas for this story was brought to you by, LauraCatana , DipperCipher0 and myshelley1000 So please thank them for this chapter!}

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(Dipper's P

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(Dipper's P.O.V.)
I quickly went into my classroom and sat down in a desk at the back of the room, near a window. Bill came in and sat to the right of me. He just smiled and kept staring at me. It was kinda creepy...
The bell rang again and everyone took their seats and where silent. "Good morning class and welcome to a new year!" The teacher announced, as she proudly walked into the room. All the students groaned. "Oh sush! I know we're going to have a great year together!" The teacher said. I rolled my eyes, knowing this year was going to be anything but 'great.'

(Bill's P.O.V.)
I kept staring at Pinetree. I don't know why but I felt like I should apologize for everything I've done... I'll do it after this stupid class. How long does 'school' last anyway?
I glared up at the clock. Oh boy, I have a LONG day ahead of me...

(Dipper's P.O.V.)
I watched the teacher fiddle with some papers before sitting down. "Ok students, why don't we introduced ourselves? Let's start here." The teacher suggested and pointed to a kid, at the front of the class. The teen stood up, said his name and something about himself. This continued around the whole class and soon enough, it was my turn. I stood up from my chair and fixed my pine tree hat. "Um... My name is Dipper and I like Mysteries." I finished and sat down once again. Next it was Bill's turn. "My name is William and I like... Deer teeth." Bill chuckled and sat down. He looked over at me, still smiling and I just face palmed. "Very... Uh... Interesting, Will." The teacher said and moved on to the next student.

~After class (Lunch time)~
(Dipper's P.O.V.)
Bill has been following me around all day, Watching my every movement. What is he planning?
Me and Bill walked to the cafeteria together in silence. We got food and sat at a table with Mabel, Candy and Grenda. All three girls eyed Bill suspiciously. "Who's your friend, dip?" Mabel asked. "This is Will." I said, gesturing toward Bill's direction. "Nice to meet you!" He said enthusiastically and put out a hand for the girls to shake. Mabel seemed excited about Bill's enthusiasm and took his hand immediately. "I'm Mabel!! And this is Candy and Grenda." She said, still shacking his hand. Bill kept a smile plastered on his face. Was he actually happy? "So how did you guys meet?" Candy asked me. "Oh, were just in the same classes." I explained. I was surprised none of the girls recognized Bill but at least the plan was working. Everyone was getting along nicely, when I noticed eyes on me. In the corner of my eye, I saw a boy, same age as me just glaring at me. What was he looking at? I stood up to go get more food from the Lunch Lady, and the boy followed me. "Hey." He said from behind me. "Uh... Hi? Do I know you?" I questioned hesitantly. "No but I bet you want to." The male whispered. I shivered and tried to get away but the boy pulled on my wrist. "Where do you think your going?" He said, pulling me into an uncomfortable hug. "Please... Let... Go..." I stuttered, trying to breath. "Aw come on, I just want to have some 'fun' with you..." He said. We where standing out in the open but everyone seemed to be minding their own business. "Pinetree...?" I heard a voice whisper behind me. It was Bill. He looked have enraged and half sad. "Who are you?!" Bill spat angrily. The boy that was once holding me, let go and turned to face the demon. "None of your business punk. Now if you'll excuse us, we where in the middle of something." The boy said. This made Bill really mad. He gave me a look, that for some reason made me sad. Bill stormed away and into the boy's bathroom. "Heh, what a loser." The teen said. "He's not a loser!" I yelled and used all my strength to push the kid away. I started to run and bolted after Bill. I looked around the boy's washroom but saw him nowhere. "Bill...?" I mumbled sadly. "Where did you go...?"

(Mabel's  P.O.V.)
I watched the whole seen. Thank god Candy and Grenda didn't. "I'll be right back guys." I said to the girls and walked over to the boy's bathroom. I knocked on the door and a teary eyed Dipper came out. "Oh hey Mabel..." He sniffed and tried to wipe his face. "What happened over there?" I questioned and put a hand on my brother's back. He sighed and we sat down on the floor, away from the washroom. "If I tell you this you can't tell ANYONE and you can't go fangirling." He stated. I nodded and sat there quietly, to listen. "I like Will, ok? And now he's gone, cause he saw me with that dude." Dipper said, starting to cry again. "Aw it's ok dip! I'll help you look for him, before lunch is over." I said. "Really?" He asked and looked up into my eyes. "Of course! Now come on, let's go!" I cheered and dragged Dipper out of the cafeteria.

(Bill's P.O.V.)
I snuck myself into the Mystery Shack. I sat in the twins bedroom on Dipper's bed. I was teary eyed and it wouldn't go away. "Useless human emotions..." I whimpered. I guess someone heard me, cause I saw a shadow of a figure coming to the door. "Who's in there?" Ford's voice called. "No one." I grunted angrily. Stanford opened the door and pointed a blaster at me. "Who are you?!?" He questioned, surprised. "Uh... I'm William?" I answered, softly. "How did you get in here and what do you want?" Ford asked, still holding his weapon in my direction. "The door was open and I don't really want anything..." I sighed and wiped my face. Ford eyed me, up and down. I was surprised he couldn't see past my obvious disguise. "Why are you in my house?" He huffed. "I'm... A friend of Dipper and Mabel..." I stated. He put the gun in his coat and cautiously sat down next to me. "What's... Wrong?" Ford said hesitantly. "Nothing." I answered plainly. He rolled his eyes and put a hand on my shoulder, which surprised me. "Look Will, you came into my house without my consent and started crying in the twins room. Clearly something is bothering you." Ford said. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose, not wanting to tell Stanford the truth. I didn't trust the man, plus if I said anything suspicious, he'll figure out who I really am. "I've just had a ruff day." I said. Ford nodded, like he actually cared. "Well you just gotta face the day and your problems will go away." He chuckled. A smile spread across my face. "Ya'know, your right. I'm going to go face 'him' and tell 'him' what I think." I replied and stood up off the bed. "Any time kiddo, JUST knock next time. Ok?" He snickered. "Whatever you say Sixxer." I chuckle and bolted out the door quickly and headed towards the school.

(Dipper's P.O.V.)
We searched to entire school, Bill was nowhere!! The bell had already rang and Mabel had went to her own class. I however, sat in the halls alone, thinking about Bill. Was he really THAT jealous of another guy?
I sighed and put my hands on my knees. "Mr. Pines, get to class." The principle called to me and pointed at a door. I grumbled and waddled towards the class. I went in and sat down quickly, without saying a word. The teacher didn't seem to notice my tartiness, and just continued teaching.
Shortly after I watched a golden haired kid enter the room. "Bill...?" I mumbled, squinting my eyes to look at the person. It was Bill. He looked over at me and gestured for me to follow him and with that, he stumbled into the halls again. I stood up and sneakily walked outside. As soon as I exited the door, a hand hit the side of my face. "Hey!" I yelped and put a hand up to my cheek. "What did that other boy mean to you?" Bill asked and cocked an eyebrow. "N-nothing! He just showed up and wouldn't leave me alone!" I squealed, not wanting to be hit again. "Good." He said, before pulling me into a kiss. I melted into it and closed my eyes. Bill pulled away. "You cant let anyone do that to you again. Got it?" He demanded, still holding onto me. I nodded and smirked. "So all this happened, because you where jealous?" I snorted. Bill rolled his eyes and sighed. "You suck Pintree." He said and moved towards the classroom. "I know~" I answered and we walked in together.

{Was this a good enough chapter? If I let anyone down, tell me and I can rewrite it... ~BDF}

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