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(Dipper's P.O.V.)
I woke up to the sound of yelling downstairs. "KIDS!!" I gruff voice yelled. "Ugh why is Stan yelled." I groaned and rubbed my eyes.
I glanced over at Bill to see he was soundly sleeping through the screams. "Of corse your still asleep." I chuckled and stood up. I messed up Bill's hair, receiving a grunt from him. "Bill what did you do to my uncle?" I asked. "Mm, nothing yet..." He mumbled softly, still half asleep. I pulled off his blankets and ran out of the room. "PINETREE!!" I heard him yelled, as I bolted down the stairs. I chuckled and hoped Mabel didn't hear it.
I followed the sound of Stan's hollers to his bathroom door. "What's wrong Grunkle Stan?" I sighed. "IVE BEEN LOCKED IN HERE ALL NIGHT!!" He yelled through the door. I tried to hold back my laughter. "It was probably Mabel. I'll go get her." I snickered, before heading to Ford's room.
I could hear loud snoring coming from inside the room. I chuckled as I opened the door. "Mabel wake up." I said. "Five more minutes, Waddles." She groaned groggily. I rolled my eyes and blew air on her face. She grunted louder and lifted up a hand, to push my face away. "Just tell me where you put the key to the washroom." I said. Mabel lazily lifted up her arm and pointed to a desk, where the key sat. "Thanks." I snickered, as I tore the blankets off her as well and ran. "WHYYYYY!" I heard her Yelp.
"I got the key." I said, as I approach the still locked bathroom. "JUST GET ME OUT!" Stan whined. I unlocked the door and Stanley stumbled out. He sat up and ran towards the kitchen. "Woah, I don't think I've ever seen him run that fast." Mabel yawned, and rubbed her eyes, as she shuffled towards me. I just chuckled, as a response. "Hey... Where's Will?" She asked, in a whispered tone. "I think he's still upstairs." I whispered back. Mabel nodded and we both headed to our room.
When we got there, we found Bill passed out again, with the blankets half way across the room. I rolled my eyes and pushed him off the bed. Bill landed with a loud thud, followed by a groan. "Why must you be so cruel..." He mumbled into the floor. Mabel started laughing hysterically.
Once everyone was silent again, we all did our morning routines and got ready for the day. "We have to walk to school today cause Ford's still out and Stan's too lazy." Mabel sighed. "Better leave now then." I suggested, and we all made our way out the door.

~At school~
(Still Dipper's P.O.V.)
Mabel went off with Grenda and Candy, as usual, so I was left with Bill.
We stayed silent and kept facing away from each other. I didn't know why it felt so awkward.
I was just about to speak, when the bell rang. "Go to class, I have.... Something else to do..." Bill said, then wandered off. I decided to listen and headed to my first class.

~Time skip~
It had only been halfway through the the first period, when I heard loud, male screaming coming from the halls. I kid burst through our class door, panting and crying. "What's wrong?!" The teacher squealed. "M-Mark... He's dead." The kid sobbed. Everyone started to flood out of the room, to see what had happened. I stood up from my seat and followed the crowd.
We ended up outside the boy's bathroom. There, laying on the ground, was the boy who flirted with me before. Chills trailed up and down my spine, as I looked at the mangled corpse.
Our teacher pulled out her cell phone and called 911, then the principal. "Please can everyone get to there classes and lock the doors. Everyone remain calm. This is not a drill." The principal announced, over the P.A. System. Kids pushed and shoved, cried and yelped, ran and rushed into their homeroom class. I wasn't too scared, since I've faced scarier things than a murderer. But who was the killer? I pandered for a moment, until I got an idea. My face went pale and I got all sweaty. "Is there something wrong?" My teacher asked me. "N-no! It's nothing..." I half whispered. "Are you sure? Your shaking." She pointed out. I looked down at myself and I was indeed shaking senseless. "Well there was just a murder..." I choked out. "Don't worry. The police are on there way." She tried to reassure me. "No police officer would ever be able to face the killer and survive..." I mumbled. "What was that?" The teacher questioned. "Nothing." I sighed. She nodded and walked away from me. I knew who the murderer was. Bill. It had to be. I sorta got teary eyed at the thought, of him killing the poor kid.
I started to hear police sirens outside.

~Time skip~
Several minutes later, the entire school was evacuated. Ford came and picked me and Mabel up, then drove us home like a maniac. I still hadn't seen Bill at all.
When we got home, Stan hugged us both and told us we weren't going to school for awhile. "And your not leaving the house either." Ford declared. "But Great Uncle Ford!" Mabel protested. "No buts! This town is dangerous on its own, now there's a murderer?! I'm not risking your lives." He said, then stormed out of the room. "Bro bro are you crying?!" Mabel asked and ran to my side. I hadn't noticed before, but I was in fact in tears and I didn't know why. I pushed Mabel away and ran to our room, then locked the door behind me. What am I going to do, to fix things this time?

Blood is red,
Veins are blue,
I like it better, when it's not inside you...

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