At the End Of The Day

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~End of school day~
(Dipper's P.O.V.)
Then bell rang and everyone rushed out of school. Bill stuck with me, the best he could. "Pinetree, now that school is over, where am I supposed to go?" He questioned. "I don't know... Maybe you could hideout in the Shack somewhere. There's lots of secret compartments." I suggested. Bill's eyes seemed to glimmer with hope. "What if Ford finds me...?" He asked. "You can just poof away." I chuckled. Bill smiled to and scratched the back of his neck.
"Dip!" I heard someone chirp behind me. I turned around just in time to be tackled by Mabel. "Ah! Hey, get off me!!" I yelped. Mabel giggled and stood up. "You found William!" She said, smile growing bigger. "Wait, you guys where looking for me?" Bill questioned. "Uh yeah? When you 'magically' disappeared, we went looking for you." I snickered. He grinned even bigger than usual. {If that's even possible XD} "How are your teeth so pointy?!?" Mabel gasped and poked one of Bill's cheeks. "Uh... Birth defect?" He answered. "You and Dipper can be twins!! You both got something unique on your face!!!" She squealed and pushed back my bangs, revealing my birthmark. I smacked Mabel's hand away and blushed. Bill and Mabel laughed loudly and almost toppled over. Bill wiped an imaginary tear from under his eye, when they started to calm down. "Your face is priceless, Pinetree." He chuckled. Mabel was about to question the nickname, when Ford pulled up. "Hop in kids!" The older man called, unlocking the doors. Mabel got in. "Nah I think I'm gonna walk with Bi- Will." I said. Ford shot Bill a suspicious look and grunted, before turning back to me. "You realize it's like a forty minute walk?" Mabel said, through the window. "That's fine. I'll see you later." I smiled and started walking, with Bill by my side. Ford's car pulled away and drove past us. "I think they know who I am..." Bill bellowed. "As long as we keep it on a low profile, you should be fine." I stated. "Hey Pinetree...?" He started. "Mh hm?" I mumbled as a response. "I'm really sorry... For the Weirdmageddon, killing that guy and overall, screwing up your life..." Bill sighed. "I forgive you." I said plainly. "Wha-?" He gasped. "I forgive you..." I whispered this time. Bill sighed and closed his eyes. "Why do you give me so many chances?" He asked. "Cause I know you CAN be good, even if you don't show it." I answered. We continued to walk down the path, in silence.
When we finally got to the Shack, Ford was standing outside, most likely waiting for us. "Ah Dipper! Your home!" He exclaimed. "Umm... Yeah, so...?" I mumbled, shocked at how excited he was being. "You took longer than I expected. Dinner is already on the table." Stanford explained. I looked back at Bill and he just smiled sweetly and waved. "I'll see ya later Dipstick!" He called, as he winked at me and ran off into the forest. I wonder what he's up to... "Let's go in." Ford suggested, staring harshly in the direction Bill ran. I nodded and followed him into the house.

~After Dinner (In the twins room)~
(Still Dipper's P.O.V.)
"I like your friend." Mabel commented, while sitting on her bed and putting outfits on her pig. "Who, Will?" I asked. "Yeah he's nice and he might help you forget about Bill." She said. I just chuckled at her. If only she knew the truth... "Does this mean your shipping me with Will now?" I said sarcastically and raised an eyebrow. "OF CORSE IT DOES!!!" Mabel squealed and twirled, with Waddles in her grasp. I just shook my head but kept smiling. "Your crazy." I snickered. "I know!" She replied and poked my nose. "Wait... I'm getting an idea." Mabel said, while shutting her eyes and pressing her temples. "We... should... Invite him over for a sleepover!!!" She cheered and gabbed my shoulders, shaking me. "Mabel it's Monday! You know Ford won't let us have a sleepover on a school night!" I remind her and removed her hands from me. "Ford's going out tonight to follow some weirdness contamination, Bill left behind from the Weirdmageddon 2.0 and you know Stan won't notice." Mabel stated. "But it's wrong! We can't go hiding stuff behind their backs!" I grunted. "Says the one who made a deal with a demon... TWICE." She snapped. I pouted and my eyes started to water. I always hated when me and Mabel fought. "I'm sorry..." She said wiping my face. "I didn't mean to yell at you over something as stupid as that. I don't want to end up like Ford and Stan did." Mabel sighed and moved away from me. "It's fine... And if you think we could pull it off, I'll invite Will over." I bellowed. She instantly perked up and hugged me. "YES! THIS IS GOING TO BE THE BEST NIGHT EVER!!!" Mabel yelled and squeezed me tighter.
Oh no... What evil have I just unleashed...

A sleepover I see,
A sleepover for three,
But won't the darkened sight,
Give you a fright,
If your stuck with a demon for the whole night?

{Hope this was to your liking! I had fun writing this one. So much feels where shoved into this 😝}

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