Weirdmageddon 2.0

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{Hey guys! Before you get into the story I recommend you check out Faithyboo722 's story's! She's a really good writer and I really like her story, Gravity doesn't always fall. Anyway, I saw 580 views, so I rolled over and had a heart attack. Enjoy!❤️ ~BDF}

(Dipper's P.O.V.)
We reappeared at the portal. It was sucking in any loose objects in the room. "It's getting stronger!" Bill commented. "To think, I'm going to rule a planet in a matter of seconds." I said, sorta excited. Bill snickered and grabbed my arm to look at my watch.
There was a flash of white, blinding me for a few seconds.
When I was finally able to open my eyes, I was baffled by what I saw. Everything was destroyed but the portal. Bill stood by it and stuck his head in. He pulled his head out and laughed. "A direct entrance into my dimension! I can get my physical form!!" Bill yelled and floated into the air. He body started to glow. Bill transformed into his physical form, but since he was still possessing a human body, it looked different.

He approached me and poked my nose

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He approached me and poked my nose. "Why don't you head back to the mansion? I have a few 'errands' to run..." Bill bluffed. I was about to decline, when he snapped his fingers and made me appear at our house. I tried to transport outside, but I couldn't. I ran to every door, but all where locked. What ever Bill was doing, he didn't want me to see and I was having no part of that!!

(Bill's P.O.V.)
I didn't want Pinetree to leave while I made the town, 'perfect.' "Let's lift my mansion higher, so all can see!" I yelled, as I pushed it up into the sky. Bubbles of pure madness and Weirdness waves! The town was mine, and time was meaningless! After I wreck the town, I'll kidnap Stanford and demand, he tell me how to leave Gravity Falls!!
I wonder what Ford is doing right now?

(Ford's P.O.V.)
I automatically knew Weirdmageddon had come again and this time, I didn't know how I would stop it. Bill was most likely prepared for all my tricks and was probably watching me right now. "Mabel, call everyone and tell them to come to the shack. It's the Weirdmageddon again..." I said. Mabel pulled out her cell and did as I had instructed.
How could Dipper let Bill do this to his home?
"Stanley can you take care of everyone who shows up? I have work to do..." I asked. "Sounds like an opportunity to tell people what to do... Count me in!" Stan replied and pulled out a sash that said, 'Chief' on it. I shook my head but smiled.
I went down to my lab and pulled out my journal. The only way I knew how to defeat Bill now was with the Cipher Wheel, but I would need Dipper for that... What am I going to do...?

(Dipper's P.O.V.)
I sat, patiently in the living room of the mansion. Bill would return right? But when, was the real question...
I looked out a window and saw Bubbles of pure madness, as well as a pink and orange sky. With the power of the portal, Bill was able to create his own rift. I could see the whole town from up here, and I didn't like what I was seeing. Family's cowering in ally's and Bill breaking buildings. He hadn't hurt anyone. Yet...
I could see a bunch of people running for the Mystery shack, and Bill trying to stop them all. I felt saddened that I was partly the cause of all of this...
At the end of this day, it was the end of summer, but it seemed like I wouldn't have to worry about that, since time had no meaning when Bill was in power...

(Bill P.O.V.)
"Pathetic humans!! STOP TRYING TO GET AWAY!!" I yelled. I turned into a giant, red, raging beast, so I was able to push back more humans at once.

I threw them backwards with one swift motion, but they just stood up and and tried again

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I threw them backwards with one swift motion, but they just stood up and and tried again. "Why are you so determined?! I won't let you pass!" I said, but people kept going for the shack. "Why must you be SO UNCOOPERATIVE?!" I screamed and threw the humans back again, knocking one of them out. All the other people started to gather around him. A few of them sobbed and others couldn't even look. Had I... Killed him?? I Shrunk and walked over to the unconscious person. I smirked at all the pain other people where feeling. They all cowered and moved away from me. I knelt down beside the knocked out man and felt his pulse
"Oh no..."

(Dipper's P.O.V.)
Suddenly I felt something within me shader. It didn't hurt, it felt like a promise was broken. I stared out the window to see Bill looking at... Somebody's body?! DID HE KILL SOMEONE?! If he did, that meant the deal was off, I didn't have to listen to Bill anymore. The person outside wasn't moving and Bill looked panicked. I snapped my fingers and it worked, I appeared outside next to the demon. "Dipper I-" He started. "The deals off Bill." I grumbled, wanting to cry. I turned around and ran toward the shack. Bill didn't try to stop me. I got to the door and knocked on it vigorously. Mabel threw open the door, pulled me inside and shut it behind me. She hugged me with tears in her eyes. "I'm scared Dipper!" Mabel sobbed into my shirt. "Bill's outside and he... He..." She couldn't find the words. "I know Mabel..." I said and petted her hair. Bill had broken his promise of not killing anyone, and he was getting way to outa hand. "I want to help stop him." I said, releasing from the hug. "But didn't you guys make a deal or something?" She whimpered and wiped her face. "He ruined the deal. He broke his side of the promise." I explained. She nodded slowly. "Dipper, your here!!" I heard Ford call. I turned around to see him wobbling toward me. "We need to stop Bill!" Stanford hollered. "I know... That's why I'm here." I replied. "Great! We can stop him with the Cipher Wheel! Everyone is already here and ready." He said. "I call drawing the circle!!" Mabel yelped and went to the living room.
A little while later, Pacifica, Soos, Robbie, Wendy, mcguckit, Stanley, Gideon, Stanford, Mabel and me where all gathered in the living room. The Cipher Wheel was spray painted on the floor and everyone was standing in their places, except me. Suddenly, Bill burst through the door. "PINETREE DONT PLEASE!" He begged. "WHY NOT BILL?! YOUR DESTROYING GRAVITY FALLS EVEN WORSE THAN YOU DID LAST TIME!! YOU BROKE YOUR PROMISE... And you broke my heart. ALL YOU DO IS TOY WITH PEOPLES EMOTIONS, THEN CRUSH THEM!!" I yelled, as I balled my eyes out. Everyone just stood and stared awkwardly. "Look, I'm sorry but if you do this, there's no going back." He said and reached out a hand. "Come join me again..." He whispered. "Don't listen to him Dip!" Everyone else yelled, at the same time. Ford put out his hand. Who do I choose?! If I go with Bill, I'll have power and the world, but I'll lose my family. If I choose Ford I'll have my family, but I'll lose Bill... I hated to admit it but I did Love the demon, in a twisted way. "Bill... I saw you could be good. I SAW the nice side of you, the CARING side of you, but ever since you got your physical form, you've been different." I said, then turned to my Grunkle. "Ford, I know I made you and the whole family miserable, but it was 'fun' hanging with Bill." I mumbled.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, before I reached for.....

Before you choose the fait of the town,
Don't you fret or feel down,
Remember I'll watch you either way,
So listen for me when I say,
I may have one eye,
But I still feel and cry,
Because of the human body I'm in,
And if loving you is a sin,
I guess I'll have a little demon in me forever...

{Seems like my story is soon coming to an end... 😭😭 BUT don't worry cause it not over yet❤️❤️ Lots of love ~ BDF}

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