The Break

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{I drew the picture above ⬆️⬆️}

~2 days into the future~
(Dipper's P.O.V.)
We hadn't made much more progress with the portal. Me and Bill hadn't eaten, slept, showered or left the space ship at all since we started building. "Bill, we need to take a break or we're going to die down here." I said, sitting on the metal floor. Bill yawned as he approached me, and then collapsed on the ground next to me. "Useless noodle legs..." He mumbled, before letting out another yawn. We leaned against each other, so we didn't fall over. "Yeah, maybe your right..." Bill sighed and held the bridge of his nose. I snapped my fingers, teleporting me and the demon, to the kitchen in our castle. "No point in cooking." I said and snapped my fingers once again, making cooked, calamari and shrimp appear. "Smells good..." Bill mumbled.
I could see he was dozing off, but he still finished his food. We both cleaned up and went to our separate rooms. I walked into my bathroom and hopped into the shower.
After about 15 minutes, I was out and had comfier clothes on. I walked to my bed only to see Bill laying there, passed out. "Pft... If your gonna sleep in my bed, I'm going to sleep in yours." I whispered to the unconscious demon. I went to his room and tried to turn the handle, but it was locked. I teleported inside, to see his bed was gone. "You sly dog..." I grunted and decided to just sleep on the couch.
When I got to the living room, all the couches and chairs where gone. In Fact, every peace of furniture in the whole house was gone. I sighed and was about to give up, when I realized I could just summon another bed. I snapped my fingers. Nothing happened. I tried again, and got the same result. "Damn it Bill!" I yelled. He must have put some kind of spell on the castle, and since I can't interfere with his magic or use my magic on him, I couldn't reverse it. I sighed once again and went to my room. I stared blankly at Bill and slowly approached the bed. I cautiously laid down, as far away from the demon as possible. It felt awkward, especially cause he was moving closer. I saw an arm rap around me. Bill was now right up against my back, hugging me from behind. How was he doing this in his sleep?!

(Bill's P.O.V.)
I wasn't sleeping. This was at first a prank to mess with Pinetree, but I expected him to sleep on the floor. Since he came into bed, I decided to screw with him even more by getting closer, but my stupid human emotions took over and the next thing I knew, I was cuddling him. I really do like him, don't I? Gross! Why couldn't the first flesh bag I like be a super model or something?! From the corner of my eye, I could see Pinetree was blushing, with his eyes wide open. He's kinda cute when he's scared like this... WAIT WHAT IM I THINKING?! I am going to give him nightmares, for making me feel this way!

~The next day~
(Dipper's P.O.V.)
I woke up screaming, because of the horrific dream I had. "WHAT THE HELL BI-" I said, before I was cut off by something hitting me in the face. "Ow..." I whimpered. I looked to see what hit me. It was my pine tree hat, thrown by none other than the demon who stood in my door way. Bill. He was chuckling, but covered his mouth to muffle it. "I hate you...." I mumbled and slammed the door on his face. Outside the room, I could hear him burst into laughter. I was going to find a way to get him back...

(Bill's P.O.V.)
Ha! The look on Pintree's face! I read his mind, to see what he thought about it. "Oohh your gonna get me back? Good luck doing that kid!" I yelled, making sure Pinetree could hear me. "Stop reading my mind!?" He yelled back at me, through the door. I laughed loudly as I walked down the hall. I decided to put all the furniture back, since there was literally no where to sit. After, I went to the kitchen to cook, even though I had no idea how to.

(Dipper's P.O.V.)
Once I was dressed, I went out to see what, the nightmare I call Bill, was doing. I entered the kitchen, only to be overwhelmed by delicious smells. "What are you making?" I questioned, sniffing the air. "Hamburgers." Bill answered automatically, with out turning his head from the food. "For breakfast?" I asked. "It's the easiest thing to make." He answered. "You could have just made eggs." I snickered. "Just shove this in your food hole and tell me what you think." Bill grunted and placed a burger in front of me. I rolled my eyes and took a bite. Flavour filled my mouth. "How the heck, did you make it so good?!" I said surprised. "I ordered it. I tried making something by myself, but I ended up almost setting the kitchen on fire, so I just called a food place." Bill laughed. I chuckled slightly and continued eating. "Well at least I know it's not poisoned." I said. "Well I didn't say that..." He said and smiled evilly. I spat out the burger and walked out the kitchen. "I hate you!" I hollered, back at Bill. He was laughing Hysterically.
All of a sudden, I was back at the ship with Bill standing beside me. "Time to get back to work." He cheered and pulled down on my hat. "Your so annoying..." I mumbled. "I know." He answered, and we got back to making the portal.

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