Part 2

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Douglas waited for several seconds before reaching for the mouse on his computer. He did another search for the newspaper, then searched in the paper for the announcement. Yup, it was there. His engagement. To Ms Isabelle Soujour-D'Sa. How the hell could he be engaged to a woman he'd never met? Old money, Jared had said. The name was familiar. He'd heard it again more recently. He kick started his brain trying to remember what was a grey whisper in his mind. He was about to concede defeat, when it clicked.

He knew where he'd heard the name before. The last society wedding was between Dr Marina Soujour-D'Sa and the surgeon Mr Rafe Harlington. His grandmother was invited to the wedding. She'd told her grandsons that many years ago she had been a nanny to the now thirty-five year, Rafe. His mother had sent her a wedding invitation. The family had talked about his grandmother moving among the higher echelons of kiwi society, given she would be hob-nobbing with the likes of the Harlington's and Sojour-D'Sa families. Both of which came with a pedigree history.

Tina talked about nothing else but wishing she'd been able to attend too. Her hints had been less than subtle, but Doug had refused to do anything about it. Not that there was anything he could do. His grandmother received the invitation and it was her choice as to who she took with her as her plus one. She and Ryan had attended.

Doug keyed in Marina, her surname, the current year, and did a search via the online version of the paper. A few seconds later it produced a wedding photograph and a short column of text. Old family. He knew that. Fourth generation New Zealand. Three daughters. Two married. Obviously the last one didn't want to miss out. But he was sure she could do better than latch onto a nonentity like him, an ugly nonentity from the wrong side of Wellington at that. Why would a woman of her ilk opt to announce an engagement to a man she had never met?

He frowned as he read the short description that accompanied the wedding photograph of Marina and Rafe. His over active brain started to wonder whether Isabelle had met Ryan at the wedding. Though Ryan hadn't mentioned that. Even if they had met, why would they announce an engagement to Ryan's brother, a brother they had not met.

Before he could do anymore, the door swung open and Tina strode in angrily.

"You two timing bastard!" She advanced without tripping on her needle thin high heels, her eyes were furious, her lips pursed, her backbone ramrod straight, "You couldn't even tell me it was over because you were engaged."

He and Tina met for a quiet meal yesterday lunch time because he wanted to tell her that their relationship was over. She'd taken it well. He wasn't the marrying kind. She wasn't the faithful kind. They'd been seeing each other for two months, with sex being the key focus. But that had run its course. So it was over. That's the way Doug operated. Never stayed with anyone long enough for them to get ideas. He knew that Tina knew the score. She was not with him for anything other than a good time. Albeit, short term good time.

"What a load of shit! What is this, a merger of new and old money?" She accused hotly as she all but shouted loud enough for people in the neighbouring building to hear.

"Tina." Doug warned Tina, his voice cool and measured as he stated with absolutely no hesitation, "I told you the truth. We were never going to be more than what we were. You know that. We were going no where, not that the last two months weren't fun."

"Fun?" She glared, her eyes narrowed, her lips thinned, and the combination made a usually pretty woman look nasty. "And does Ms Soujour-D'Sa know that while you were lining her up, you were having fun with me?" She moved closer as she hissed, "You are a two timing bastard. You deserve each other. A frigid ice queen and a snake on legs." Then she turned, much to Doug's amazement she did not trip, "You lying two timing bastard." She threw at him as she flounced out.

Two timing? She could talk. He knew she was seeing at least two other guys. That was one of the reasons he had called a halt to their relationship. He might not do commitment, but he did expect a one-woman-one-man option when he was with someone.

He wasn't the sharing kind. Nor was he keen to acquire an STD and someone with no respect for boundaries, and an open mind with regard to how many men she could juggle, was not likely to remain STD free for long.

The rest of the day became a nightmare.

He fended calls from his friends, who'd congratulated him while chastising him for not telling them about his relationship. He took calls from business colleagues, all wanting to congratulate him and to ascertain the implications for his business ventures. In between the calls he'd taken, he'd tried to make contact with the Soujour-D'Sa residence. But no one was taking any calls. Not surprising, they were obviously better at handling these sorts of mix-ups.

He thought about calling round that evening, but he already had dinner organised with his lawyer, who also happened to be a good friend. Though he was tempted, he really couldn't change that plan. It was a long standing arrangement that Doug was addicted to. His dinner with the Macedo household was a welcome respite. Usually. 

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