Part 8

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Isabelle was genuinely puzzled. "I don't know you." She eventually said as she studied him openly, and heard the quiet voice in the back of her head tell her that she would love to get to know him. Instead she pulled her wayward thoughts together and asked with sophisticated composure, "Why would I get engaged to you, someone I do not know?" Not that she meant it come out with quite that degree of arrogance. And his response was certainly not one she had hoped to provoke. Clearly he'd misunderstood her question, perceiving it to be related to his appearance. He took a moment before he answered. And she considered clarifying. Instead she decided to wait.

"My question exactly." He said quietly, and fixed her with a keen look, watched her reaction as he tacked on with blatant challenge, "Perhaps you were going for the Beauty and the Beast angle."

That made her flush. "I don't know you." She wondered how someone she barely knew had been able to slide beneath her control. First his tone had registered and angered her, and now his comment had made her see the scars, the disfigurement, the broken nose, and it made her realise that she still thought he was sexy. Despite them or because of them she wasn't sure. But she was coming to the conclusion that this man was way out of her league. Whatever game he was playing, he was way beyond her level.

"I checked with the paper." He was pleased to see that her composure could be rattled. "Ms Isabelle Soujour-D'Sa placed the announcement with the paper last week." His words were crisp, flat and accusing.

"You are mistaken." She stifled a yawn as the late night caught up with her. She felt bone tired tonight. It wasn't as if it had been anything extraordinary, but, the late nights were catching up with her. She could really do with just going straight to bed. Dealing with this man was not something she'd do well at the best of times, and right now was certainly not the best time.

"No mistake." He replied and held her gaze. "Late night." He wasn't sure why he was baiting her. But there was something about her sitting there as if she was born to hold court, and he'd brought her a troublesome minor problem that she really was too tired to deal with, that was making him react. That plus the fact she was sexy. Gorgeous and sexy. And society rich. Way out of his league. A different league altogether. But that didn't mean he couldn't look.

"Coffee." Cara came into the room, bearing a tray loaded with cups, saucers, milk jug, sugar, and a cafetiere. She hadn't been thinking about their visitor, she knew that Isabelle would need a caffeine fix to keep her awake.

"Thank you Cara. That was thoughtful." Isabelle got to her feet, but Cara waved her to sit down. She knew how tired Isabelle was, having heard Isabelle's account of the night shift. "Coffee, Mr Hawke?"

Doug felt as if he had just entered another world. She had a servant, a woman who answered the door and brought coffee. The difference in their circumstance exemplified. "Black, please." Cara poured him a cup, placed it on the saucer and handed it to Doug. Doug thanked her. "As is plainly obvious, we come from different worlds. I work in mine, you have people work for you in yours." Of course he knew he was being obnoxious, but it grated to find her being waited on. In this day and age, she should be able to pour her own coffee!

"I beg your pardon?" Isabelle asked softly, her tone hiding the fact that he was annoying her and his insinuation had insulted her. Cara narrowed her eyes, but continued to pour Isabelle a cup of coffee.

"I am simply pointing out some of the chasms that exist between our situations, and I am trying to explain my confusion over your announcement." It did not make sense. Why would this woman announce her engagement to him of all people? They were so different. Not just in appearances. Their stations in life were poles apart. Watching her, sitting primly, with that regal tilt to her chin, he found himself gradually loosing all sense of proportion.

"Chasms?" Isabelle repeated quietly. Cara handed Isabelle her coffee. Isabelle smiled her thanks.

His jaw tensed. A tiny muscle beat as he did his best to hold onto his composure. The last thing he needed to do was to show just how far apart they were. But really, from what he'd seen thus far, it was pretty obvious this woman was used to having people at her beck and call. "Yes. You obviously don't work. You socialise to the extent that you can barely stay awake at 9am in the morning, and you have someone fetch and carry for you." His insolent accusations were delivered flatly, which made them all the more offensive. He wasn't sure whether it was the fact that she was so out of his league, or the fact that she was so cool about it.

"Mr Hawke!" Cara launched in automatically, to defend. She glanced at Isabelle, and then turned back to face Doug, "You..."

Isabelle shook her head and interrupted Cara before Cara could vent her annoyance. Her voice cool, she looked straight at Doug, even as she addressed Cara. "It's ok Cara. Mr Hawke is entitled to his opinion." Isabelle laced her fingers together, kept her legs crossed at the ankles and kept her cool eyes trained on him. Impolite, insulting bastard, she thought to herself as she kept the heat and disdain from her voice.

For a second he was impressed. The way she had simply taken command of the situation spoke volumes. "I don't mean to offend." He tried to sound genuine, though he knew from the way her eyebrows rose ever so slightly, that she had indeed taken offence. "I built my company, with the help of my brother and my friend, from scratch." He told her, pulling no punches as he added insolently, and with more than obvious disdain for her situation. "No daddy's money, or old boy's club or some family trust, to pay the bills while I sleep the day away in order to party all night. I .. "

Cara was not willing to tolerate any more. "Young man!" Cara huffed on behalf of Isabelle. She knew that Isabelle would not rise to his baiting. "You haven't the faintest idea what you are talking about."

Isabelle smiled at Cara, "Thank you Cara." But before she could say anymore, the doorbell pealed. Isabelle decided it was perfect timing, she was sure that Cara would tell Doug more than he needed to know. "Cara, would you mind?"

For a second it looked as if Cara was about to demure. But with a slow draw of breath, she nodded.

"Excuse me." Cara glared at Doug and left the study.

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