Part 37

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They stayed for an hour, dancing and talking with people. But just before ten, which really was a lot later than Isabelle had intended, they left. Doug drove her home. The journey was conducted with feigned nonchalance. Conversation focused on the people he had met that evening. She provided more information. Both of them knew they were simply papering over what both wanted to discuss. That kiss. But neither broached the subject. Isabelle thanked him as the car neared the house, but she didn't invite him in for coffee. Not that Doug was going to let that stop him from spending more time with her.

"Are you free tomorrow night?" Doug asked as she and he stepped out of the car. Isabelle nodded absently too lost in the unexpected wonder of the evening. "I thought you should meet my brother and his wife."

"Oh." Isabelle blinked back to reality. He closed his door and walked round to her side of the car.

"This engagement thing..."

She nodded, "Sure." Things were getting complicated fast. If he was going to introduce her to his family she hoped he planned on telling them this was a sham. He closed her door and before she knew what he intended, he walked toward her house. "Would you like to bring them here?" The man was smooth, she thought, given he had all but ensured he walked her to her door. She had planned on saying good bye to him with him in his car!

"No, why don't we meet for dinner at my place?" Doug proposed. He wanted home turf advantage.

"What time?" She reached for her key as she fought to keep some measure of normality in her voice.

"Seven too early? I could pick you up."

"I'll make my way there." She opened her door. "Where do you live?" Even as she asked the question she found herself smiling on the inside. How many engaged couples did not know where their intended lived?

Doug smiled, "I'll text you the address."

"Ok." She smiled. "Thanks again for this evening. I hope you don't mind about getting in before curfew." She felt nervous. Now that they were at her front door she knew things would get complicated. Was he expecting to be invited in? She played with the ring on her finger and tried not to look too nervous.

"It's fine." Doug smiled and knew that he was going to enjoy their brief engagement. "I guess I shouldn't push for coffee?" He was pretty sure she had no intention of inviting him in. Which was interesting. It wasn't as if this engagement was real, but still, she could have invited him in for coffee. They could have used this opportunity to refine a few elements of their story. They had nearly been caught out a few times this evening, when their accounts did not quite match. "Just coffee." He said hoping she'd understand that he was not pushing for anything more than a coffee. Not tonight at any rate.

Isabelle smiled, and shook her head, "Not tonight. It's been a long day. I'd just like to call it a night. Have an early night." Which was an out and out lie, and Isabelle wondered whether the last few years had made her a proficient liar. She sounded so sincere, and yet she was relating a fiction.

Doug nodded in agreement. "Can I push for a good night kiss?" He asked with a smile. Since when had he asked for a goodnight kiss? His dates were usually the ones who threw themselves at him at the end of a date. He was the one who had to draw a line.

Isabelle smiled, she leaned toward him and brushed her lips lightly against his. "Good night." She stepped into the hall, closed the door and leaned against it, as once again the nuclear charge went off in her heart.

Doug stood on the other side of the door and smiled like a demented fool. His heart was thundering, all because the woman who had just closed the door on his face had given him what could at best be described as the most platonic kiss he had ever received. And yet, his heart had accelerated at the mere thought of contact.

This engagement was going to be interesting he thought, not for the first time as he turned and made his way to the car. This woman was going to be interesting Doug thought as he clambered into the car. Interesting? Doug shook his head and grinned on the inside. This was beyond interesting. This was life changing. He turned the ignition on and grinned. Isabelle Hawke. Had a nice ring to it!    

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