Part 90

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Her reaction was the signal he was waiting for. Heat coiled deep. Panting hard, Doug broke off the kiss and stared at Isabelle until her eyes opened. Mindless with need she waited. No point ushering him along. The man clearly had plans. Whether she emerged with her mind intact when he followed through with those plans was another matter altogether. No wonder he'd wanted her healthy before they took this step!

Doug moved, ignoring her bare chest and breasts that were barely covered in lace. He slid lower. Isabelle was confused. For a second. Then he pressed kisses against her bare legs. Just when she thought it wasn't possible to be aroused any further, Isabelle knew she was once again wrong! His lips should be classified lethal she thought as they danced over the skin by her ankle.

Isabelle squirmed as heat pooled and another avalanche was triggered in her system. Since when had her legs become an erogenous zone? Her head tipped back. She gripped the sheets in fisted knots, again, closed her eyes again and prayed she'd be conscious when he took her.

It was the merged mewl come sigh that had Doug glancing up. He waited. Isabelle opened her eyes instinctively her eyes caught his gaze. Slowly, tormentingly slow he kissed his way back up her legs. Inching slowly, determined to kiss every inch of available skin. His lips and tongue traced her calf, took their time to tease the soft skin on the back of her knees before gently splaying her skirt as his fingers pushed the skirt of her dress higher, higher. He kissed the inside of her thighs as her skirt revealed satin smooth pale golden skin. He took his time. She practically melted.

It took minutes before his face reached her lap. Lace matching her bra formed a damp patch at the juncture of her thighs and a band across her hips. Isabelle all but bucked against him when he breathed against that lace. His palms held her hipbones down. Pinning her to the bed with gentle but firm insistence. When Isabelle regrouped he restarted. Gently licked at the juncture of her thighs. Lace no barrier to the surge of adrenaline that raced through her. Crescendo after crescendo of pulses fluttered through her from the tips of her toes to her eyes that now rolled to the back of her head. Her breathing became pants, her voice gave sound to a series of mewls. Isabelle wasn't sure how much longer she could go without breaking into thousands of little pieces. She could feel it build. Knew something spectacular and previously un-experienced was happening to her body. If only she knew what to expect she could be prepared. She strained toward his lips. He flicked his tongue along the seam. Isabelle screamed.

"Easy." He whispered against her damp heat, lifting his head and looking at her, waiting for her to reach equilibrium. Too much he thought. She needed a pause, a chance to regather otherwise it would all be over before it could start! With his face a few inches from the v of her legs, his fingers reached for the waistband of her knickers and he peeled off her knickers. Isabelle lifted her hips automatically to assist. The lace knickers inched down her legs and when free of her body he tossed them to lie near her tights on the floor.

It was his turn to gulp. And his turn to take stock. "Sit up." Doug reached behind Isabelle, his fingers blindly sought her zip. With his eyes on hers, ensuring he maintained that link but giving her time to come to terms with what was happening he began to draw the zip down further. "Lift." he told her softly. She raised her arms and he helped her to remove her dress. Together they tugged it over her head. It left her naked from the waist down and clad in lace across her breasts. Doug was tempted to ignore his decision to go slow. The sight in front of him nearly wrested his control. He was ready to strip off and take her. Here now. No slow foreplay. But this wasn't about him. This was for her. That's what mattered. This first time was for her. So just as he had given Isabelle a chance to regroup, he took a moment to get his own body back in check.

Doug eased her toward him and lifted her, so that she sat naked across his lap. He reached behind her and undid the hooks, then slid her bra down her arms and off. She was naked. He was fully clothed.

That's what she suddenly realized. She was sitting stark naked on his lap while he was fully clothed. Time to do something about that.

Isabelle tugged at his shirt. Releasing it from the waist band of his trousers. He allowed her to do that. He knew she would feel his hardness as she wriggled on his lap. Torture. So much for giving himself a chance to get his body back in check. As she turned to ease his shirt off, her butt massaged his already throbbing erection. Have mercy he wanted to tell her. Her fingers got busy with the buttons to his shirt and his fingers ransacked her hair, pulling her closer to initiate a kiss that would show her what he intended.

Up until now he had eased back. Teased, tormented and trailed seductive kisses across hot silky skin. But he had kept it tame. Until now. Now Doug unleashed his desires. Now he made no attempt to hide needs or his intentions. His tongue plunged, darted, probed, retreated. Doug feasted. Isabelle melted. The shirt buttons were forgotten. Doug rotated and tilted her back, so that she lay down on the duvet. He rolled her onto her back and settled in the v of her legs. Automatically her legs locked around his waist, straddling his trouser clad hips.

Doug planted his palms beside her head, fused as he was to her at his hips, he arched his back and looked straight into her eyes. Her pupils were fully dilated. Her lips swollen from his kisses were parted. Her breathing was shallow and fast. Slowly he lowered his head. Her hands left the bed. One hand cupped the back of his head, the other pressed against the small of his back as she brought him closer. Doug angled his lips into position and took her mouth in a kiss that left nothing to chance.

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