Part 31

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Isabelle had gone to bed and dreamed in colour. But that wasn't what had her remembering her dreams. Douglas Hawke was what had her remembering her dreams. And resulted in her cheeks flushing with colour. Thank goodness she'd used a trace of blusher this evening. Hopefully it would mask any changes in skin tone.

"Thank you for agreeing to attend this." She told him as she stood by the car and watched as he locked the car.

"No problem." Doug walked to her side of the car and then held his hand out to her. It was automatic. Instinctive almost. And said so much. She took his hand. Naturally slid her palm against his as if it was the norm for them. It revealed a great deal. She couldn't remember the last time she had held hands with a man.

Hand in hand Doug led Isabelle along the long gravel pathway to the front door.

She liked the way her hand felt in his. Liked the firm clasp of his fingers, and the unexpected strength she got from having that small bit of contact. They would need to be strong this evening. Weather what would no doubt be an inquisition that put interrogation techniques in the shade. She hoped he could handle the intrusive and no doubt blunt questions they would face.

"The last fund raising event I attended after our engagement was announced was a nightmare." She thought she ought to given him some idea about the relentless questions and curiousity they would encounter this evening. Sighing she said, "I kept saying no comment, but they just wouldn't stop with the questions." She stopped suddenly as one key facet had been overlooked. "Oh dear." Isabelle turned to face him, "A ring." She bit her lower lip in consternation.

How could they have forgotten that important symbol. Holding hands was all very well. But a ring was what most people would look for! A ring. She knew that from her last foray into the public arena, which was sooner after the engagement was announced. She'd managed to fob them off that time. But how were they going to manage that today?

"We haven't got a ring. They all wanted to see it the last time." She mumbled.

Ring? Giving her a ring, well that would make it all too real. His head reminded his heart. "Perhaps they won't ask this time. Seeing as we are both here together."

"Perhaps." But she didn't sound convinced. She lifted her right hand, and peered at the ring, "Do you think this would do?" How desperate did she sound? And how depressing having to consider shifting your own ring from one finger onto another. Isabelle smiled at her predicament. Trust her to get involved in a sham engagement and not even have a ring for her efforts.

Doug took her hand, looked at the small emerald in the silver setting. "Platinum?" He queried even though he thought it looked more like sterling silver.

"No." Isabelle sighed and admitted, "And they've seen it before. I've had it for two years." She grimaced, and wondered if all their best laid plans were about to come unstuck. "They'd know it was a con if I tried to tell them this is my engagement ring."

"We can tell them your engagement ring is being resized." That sounded feasible.

"You think they'd believe that?" Isabelle asked hopefully. She hoped she did not sound too desperate.

"Why not?" He lifted her hand to his lips and brushed a kiss against her knuckles. Isabelle nearly gulped. Her heart raced. "We are here. Together." He told her, sensing her nerves. Which, he had to admit was somewhat unexpected. She had handled him with aplomb that day he had materialized at her home and announced their engagement. Yet, here, facing some of her friends, here she was nervous. Doug smiled gently at her, "We can face the questions together." He tucked her hand into the crook of his arm, and gave her a hand a reassuring pat, "Ok?"

Isabelle nodded. She wasn't sure she could speak, her heart was still racing and she was quite sure that that token kiss to her hand earlier had all but robbed her of speech. Facing the world together sounded perfect. If only it was for real.

Isabelle knew she was being fanciful. But she truly wished that tonight was for real. That she was showing up at this event, engaged to this man on her arm, and it was for real. She'd very much enjoyed every moment of last night and knew that if they really were a couple, that last night would not be an isolated event. But the truth was that she had three months in his company. Three months that she had initially balked at. But now, well now she was going to enjoy every single second of their time together. She was going to forget the fact this was just a sham. Instead she was going to treat it as if it was for real. Because something deep inside her was screaming at her to try to make this relationship real. If only she knew how.

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