Part 72

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Isabelle finished the hot drink in silence. Deciding that she was not going to tolerate the current status quo she opted for a quiet, "Ok." She got to her feet. "I think I'm going to grab a shower then go back to bed, if that doesn't sound stupid." It was also her lead in to explaining that there was no need for him to stay as she felt better and was going to sleep!

Doug watched her with open speculation. She still looked exhausted. But then what was he expecting? For two scrambled eggs to suddenly rejuvenate her? Without hesitation he said, "Keep the bathroom door open."

"I beg your pardon?" Isabelle's eyes widened in surprise at that unexpected direct order. Her exhaustion was temporarily vanquished as she blinked at him in confusion and wondered how he had the nerve to tell her what to do.

Doug's eyes smiled at her tone of aristocratic umbrage. Definitely on the mend, he thought as he watched her reaction. Interesting how it made her look so much more approachable too! It was the fact the barriers were down. She had reacted automatically without having to think up a polite response. He softened his tone. "I'll change the sheets. You take your shower, but keep the door open, so I can hear you."

"Why?" Her confusion continued. What right did he have to dictate whether she could freshen up with or without the door shut? She knew he'd have reason for his order, for the man she was coming to know was not the type to simply issue orders for the sake of it.

"In case you faint." He replied matter of fact hoping he did not upset her with his bluntness. The last few hours had shown him how easy it was to slip between relaxed and easy going to tense and cautious. She seemed to be having a difficult time deciding whether to trust his motives. He was pretty sure about that.

"I'm fine. I just want to feel fresh." She told him surprised by the fact he continued to appear to want to help. Surely he had things to do. Places to be. People to see. She knew she wasn't part of that scheme of things.

"I'll change the sheets, if you tell me where the linen is." Doug offered. When had he last changed sheets? He had a woman who came in and looked after those sorts of things. She cleaned. She changed bed linen. She was a general housekeeper who looked after his home twice a week. So given he had opted out of doing that at his place, it struck him as interesting that he was volunteering to do it here.

"You'll change the sheets?" Isabelle asked in shock. He was going to change sheets? Really? This must be a dream she thought and contemplated pinching her arm just to see if she was awake. His lips quirked up at the corners when he heard the surprise in her voice. She either did not think he was capable of making up beds, or that he'd consider volunteering to do it, or for that matter, both!

"Yes. Might not be hospital corners, but I can make up a bed." He nodded in response to her question.

"Oh, right." She hesitated for a second. Was this some sort of test to see just how much advantage she would take? When he continued to look serious and just wait for her to accept his offer, she said, "I guess you'd better follow me."

Doug followed her up the stairs in silence. Isabelle headed for the linen cupboard. She wondered what he'd make of the fact they had a room that housed linen. No doubt it would appear to be an extravagance. Never mind she though as she kept walking. and she showed him the linen room.

Isabelle took her shower, and ensconced in fresh pajamas she sauntered back into the room and found him perched on the bed waiting for her return.

It felt a touch awkward and at the same time it made her happy to see he had waited to see she was ok. Doug got off the bed and lifted the duvet cover for her. "Thanks." She murmured. Feeling somewhat self conscious she climbed back into bed. He'd changed the sheets as promised. It made such a difference.

"Thanks." She said again and looked around and noticed that he'd stacked the old linen neatly and left it by the door. The man was clearly organized, she thought as she dragged the duvet up to tuck it beneath her chin.

Doug waited until she was under the duvet before saying, "Do you want something to read?"

Isabelle shook her head. "No, I'm just going to snooze." She burrowed deeper and then added. "Thank you for your assistance. But you needn't stay."

His brows rose.

"I'm much better, as you can see." She tried to sound haughty and as if she was back to herself. "I just need a bit of a sleep. Would you mind showing yourself out?"

Doug nearly burst out laughing. She could see it in his eyes. There she went again, he thought.  

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