Part 74

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Doug knew that he found her interesting. Knew that actually she was more than interesting. She was someone very loyal, he knew that from what he'd seen and heard. And in his books, loyalty was important. Trusting people for the long haul was quite a risk. Knowing they were loyal was one step closer to ensuring your trust was not misplaced. This woman was someone you could depend on, he knew that without asking. Doug was pretty sure that if an emergency arose, she would take it in her stride. He wanted, no, he corrected himself, he needed a strong woman beside him. Someone willing to share in carrying he load. 

For too many years he and Jared had looked after their younger siblings. For too many years he and Jared knew what it meant to put others first. For once in his life he wanted a woman who stood alongside rather than a woman who ran alongside just to hoover up all the trimmings that went with his lifestyle. This woman was someone he had dreamt about and never thought he'd ever encounter. So why had he simply left her to fend for herself when things went pear-shaped. What did that say about him? Worse, what did she think that said about him? He'd made a few mistakes with this relationship. 

The latest announcement gave him an opportunity to redeem himself. He fully intended to do that. For what he knew was that he was going to fight for this relationship.

"Well, you don't need me to tell you that I'm bossy too. And right at the moment, I think what I say goes, given you aren't well enough to stop me!"

True. Isabelle was tempted to get up and walk. Instead she said, "You think taking advantage of a sick woman is the right way to behave?"

He grinned. "I think ensuring a woman in recovery does not over do things is the right way to behave. Especially when the woman is mule headed."

"Charming." Though she could not take umbrage given he was grinning at her.

He'd checked her pantry and the fridge and freezer. All were well stocked. So he wasn't short of options even if he did not cook often, he figured he'd be fine as she had several recipe books. And he could follow a recipe. She might think she had recovered but from the way she had succumbed to using the chair, he knew she was still struggling.

"Would you like something to drink?" He asked even as he reached for a glass and filled it before hearing her response.

"Thank you." She said when he put the half full glass in front of her.

"You don't have to look after me, you know. I can manage just fine."

"You don't have to keep reminding me, you know. I can see for myself."

Isabelle harrumphed under her breath. Doug smiled at her. "You're not a good patient."

"And I suppose you are!" She muttered.

He chuckled. Then his brow furrowed, "Can't actually remember the last time I was ill." He chuckled. "Right lets see what I can cook for dinner." He announced and headed for her pantry.

Isabelle stared at his back and smiled. It felt good to have him here, even though she was saying things to the contrary. That made her frown. Maybe she needed to be more honest with him. At least thank him for staying.

When he returned from the walk in pantry she said, "I'm sorry."

"For what?" He looked worried for a second.

"For being impolite." The frown vanished. "You've been very kind in staying to look after me and I've been very discourteous and pernickety."

"Pernickety." He mulled over the old fashioned word, her vocabulary was interesting, much like her in many ways. Her appearance was modern, but beneath the surface she was quite traditional. He wondered whether the fact they came from such different backgrounds would be a significant factor. There was so much about this woman that he really liked, and he wanted an opportunity to reestablish the relationship they might have had, had he not let his judgment be swayed by doubts about whether he was good enough for her. She was pedigree. He was pure mongrel. Was he wishing for the stars and moon and all between by thinking they might be good together?

"Are you alright?" She asked when he had simply muttered that word and stood still. Pernickety, she mumbled to herself, why had she used that word? Now he'd think she was old fashioned.

"What?" Doug blinked back to the present.

"I said are you alright?"

He nodded. "Just a momentary lapse!" He placed what he had on the counter and then said, "How are you at chopping vegetables?"

Isabelle smiled, bridged her fingers and rested her chin on her hands. "I thought you said you were going to cook dinner."

"I did." He mock frowned pretended to look disheartened by the fact she was attempting to get out of helping him. Then he turned to open the fridge.

"I was just teasing." Isabelle said quickly. "I can chop vegetables." She hoped she hadn't come across as a spoilt, waited upon woman. He knew that Cara worked for them, and he probably thought that Cara waited hand and foot on the Sojour-D'Sa family. But while Cara might be technically their housekeeper, she was practically family.

"I know." With the fridge still open, he reached a hand toward a shelf and looked over his shoulder and grinned.

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