Part 93

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Despite being exhausted Doug lifted his head and gently touched his nose to hers. "I'm tired." Doug told her with a lazy and satisfied grin. But before Isabelle could summon the energy to roll off, he added somewhat suggestively, "So, you're going to have to do the work now." His eyes issued the challenge and he wondered whether she would take him up on the invitation.

Isabelle blinked. "Me?" She arched just far enough to look into his beautiful eyes.

"If you're up to it." Doug nodded. "Be gentle." He feigned concern and that her lips twitching. "And see if you can take it slow this time!" He challenged as his fingers ran erotically along the length of her body from her armpit to her butt.

Isabelle pushed up onto her hands. "Slow huh?" Her eyes suggested she had plans. "You're sure you want to go slow?" He nodded.

Isabelle grinned and hoped she was going to surprise him. She moved so that she was sitting astride his waist, his growing erection making her more than aware that the man was primed and ready! "How slow?" She asked suggestively as she ran the tip of her tongue slowly along the seam of her lips while her eyes remained trained on his lips.

Oh, she fought dirty, Doug thought as he watched the tip of her tongue glide between glistening pink lips. Doug fought not to haul her to him, not to plunge, not to take her there and then. He reached up, with one hand snaking around her neck he pulled her to him and kissed her hard.

"Nice and slow." He murmured against her lips as he broke that particular contact between them. Isabelle opened her eyes, molten with need she studied him without saying a word.  But he could see she had plans. In his eyes he saw that she was actively processing a variety of thoughts. Doug wondered whether he was going to rue giving he control. Then she slowly shifted back an inch or two, easing down so that the very tip of him entered. Isabelle lowered. Just a fraction of an inch. It was then that Doug realized he had seriously underestimated her. He saw the look in her eyes and knew he was in trouble. Isabelle relaxed and took another tiny fraction of him into that warm moist heat. Then she contracted her muscles. Tight.

Doug nearly erupted. She watched the emotions in his eyes. And knew that what she was doing was good! For both of them. So she relaxed and took in a bit more. His breathing hitched. "Slow enough?" Isabelle clenched around him. Using her pelvic floor muscles to contract around him. "Slower?" She challenged as she held him tight. His breath was laboured. More laboured! Doug did not realise it, but his eyes begged. Isabelle discovered a penchant she never knew she had. Teasing a tiger. She brushed a finger along his lips, dragging across them until they parted eagerly and greedily sucked the digit in. Isabelle sank a bit further and took another inch. The groan was his as she withdrew her finger from his mouth.

Doug knew he was in trouble. Tormenting trouble. He wanted to prolong this, yet at the same time Doug simply  wasn't sure he'd survive this challenge. His hands reached for her breasts, his fingers busied themselves: gently kneading, massaging tenderly at the underside, tweaking the hardened peaks between thumb and forefinger. From previous experience he knew that normally helped him to retrieve control. She'd be the one in trouble now. From the quivering he saw and felt as his fingers teased and tormented her skin, he thought he was winning this battle for control. Wrong. Spirals of lightning streaked through Isabelle, but that did not mean she was ready to concede. Her eyes flashed at him. His gaze met and held hers. Which is when Isabelle planted her hands behind her, resting them on his thighs and she sank down. His eyes rolled to the back of his head. She took another inch. Then with her breasts in his palms, she leaned forward. Isabelle brushed her thumb against his mouth. With his eyes still shut, his teeth instinctively nipped at the pad of her thumb, then his tongue bathed that skin as she inserted hr thumb into his mouth. His eyes flashed open and met hers. As the lightning strikes increased in every cell Isabelle sank lower. Another tight inch. His eyes rolled to the back as control all but fled.

Isabelle planted her hands on either side of his head and leaned forward, his hands cupped the weight of her breast, she leaned closer, letting one nipple then the other brush against his lips, as she arched and released him slowly. Easing almost completely off him as she rocked forward, her breasts within touching distance of his lips. When Doug opened his mouth to capture her breast, she reared back, and then sank, taking several inches in one move. Embedded tight and firm he dug his hands into the duvet, fisting the cloth as he fought not to grab her hips and thrust.

With a wicked smile of delight Isabelle retreated, easing off him, rocking forward.

"Isabelle!" He growled.

She laughed. Delight knew no bounds. Slowly she took him in again. She clenched around him, half sheathed, he groaned, then begged, "Isabelle. Please." She took another inch, then released him just as slowly. "You're killing me." He moaned. His hips jerked off the bed, as his hands reached to grab her hips. "Isabelle. Now."

"Not yet." Isabelle told him. She squirmed, and then ran her nails up the trembling flatness of his belly. He sucked in his breath, as her fingers reached the taut buds that were his nipples. Doug threw back his head and moaned. "Please. Fuck me." He grated.

One thrust, and he was buried to the hilt, but he remained within for a short time, before she released him only to impale herself again, a milli-second later as Isabelle took him on the ride of his life! Hard. She rode him hard. Clenching as she held him, trembling as she released him. Doug focused on her. ""Now." He demanded in tortured tones as she impaled herself over and over. The colours behind her eyes began to whirl. Isabelle came a microsecond before he exploded with a ferocious shout. Her body convulsed around his as his hands reached to grip her hips and hold her to him as they roared through their orgasms.

Exhausted, Isabelle collapsed against him as lights exploded behind her eyes.

Sweat slicked Isabelle lay plastered to Doug. Panting in a desperate search for oxygen their bodies shaking from the aftermath of tremors. Signal after haywire signal streaked from head to toe as their bodies tried to re-engage normal function.

The minutes ticked by.

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