Part 77

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Doug woke up before Isabelle. He glanced across at her and smiled. Falling asleep in the presence of another was a trusting action. He smiled slowly. She must trust him to allow him to sleep in her bed. Or to be more precise, she must trust him given she had fallen asleep with him in her bed!

Doug brushed his hand along her hip, to her waist, stroking gently, then realising what he was doing, he stopped. Isabelle instinctively burrowed closer, reacting to the gentle touch. He checked her forehead. She wasn't hot. Slowly he shifted his weight, and trying not to wake her up he climbed out of the bed. She was looking better, he thought, taking a note of the colour in her face. He'd just about pulled on his jeans when she stirred into consciousness and with a gentle stretch woke up.

"Oh, good morning." Isabelle mumbled as she watched him button his pants. "Is everything ok?" This should feel strange, but it didn't. It felt comfortable, as if they had been doing this for years. Waking up together.

"Yeah, good thanks."

"Did you manage to get some sleep?"

"Yes. Thank you. How are you feeling this morning?"

"Great." She stretched slowly buying herself some time. Was this sense of contentment going to disappear in a quagmire of regret now? Would embarrassment kick in now? "I really feel much better." She said quietly.

"Take it easy. Flu can be debilitating."

"I feel good."

He teased. "Yes, you do." He grinned at her.

"That is very lame." She mumbled, turned and snuggled back beneath the covers. If he could tease, then things were not going to be awkward. Good. The relief was immediate.

"Aren't you going to get up?" Doug watched her with open amusement in his eyes. She looked as if she had no intention of stirring from that bed.

"What time is it?"


"Too early." She muttered into the pillow. She had never been a morning person, even when she was well.

He had a few things he needed to do this morning, and he thought it was probably best that he get them done sooner rather than later. "Ah, not a morning person." Doug reached for his jumper. "I'm just going to head home...." Doug tugged the jumper over his head, his voice muffled as he spoke.

"Home?" That had her turning quickly to face him. He was leaving? Well, what had she expected? He was hardly going to stay forever. In any case, she was feeling much better now. She did not need a nursemaid. But the wave of disappointment that swamped her was not good.

"Get a change of clothes, freshen up." Doug explained having missed the expression on her face.

"Oh." Apprehension started to slide in. She hoped she wasn't going to do something stupid like beg him to return. But the way she was behaving, there was no knowing what her mouth would say! After all, it hadn't been in her plans to invite him to her bed for the night!

Not picking up on her sudden unease, Doug continued to explain matter of fact, "I need to stop by the office."

"I see." Well, it was good while it had lasted. She hadn't expected forever.

"I'll come by later."

Isabelle shook her head, as she came to a conclusion. Obviously the man had felt compelled to hang around while she had been ill to help her cope. And he had no doubt picked up on her tone a few seconds earlier. Emotional blackmail was not part of her portfolio. She had not intended for him to be emotionally hogtied and knowing him he'd feel bad if he left her while she was unwell. In any case, she was better now. She could cope. "There's no need. I'm perfectly fine."

"Good, then you can let me in." Doug leaned forward and kissed her forehead as if he had been doing that for years. "Should be back around five-ish?" He waited, his eyes taking notes, as he tried to convince himself that she was ok to be left to her own devices and that she really was on the mend. She had more colour to her cheeks. Her eyes appeared more alert.

"Please, don't go to all this trouble." Isabelle murmured half-heartedly knowing that her tone would contradict her words.

Doug ignored that statement. "I you don't feel well, give me a call. I mean it." He reached for his wallet, and extracted a business card. "Call me. Number is on this." He propped it on the bedside table. "Isabelle? Have you heard what I've said?"

She nodded feeling guilty for having guilted the man into returning while at the same time feeling pleased with herself for having done so!

"Call me if you need anything. Anything. I do not want to return here to find you in a worse state than yesterday. So you call me." He waited and watched her as he issued his dictate.

"I'll be fine." Isabelle told him. "I am fine." Deciding that she could not guilt the man into being a nursemaid forever she said, "You really don't need to..."

Shaking his head Doug interrupted, "Catch you later. Around five." Then he stooped again and kissed her lightly on her lips. Then he was gone.

Isabelle blinked. It felt as if he was just kissing his wife before he went off to work. It felt as if they had established this pattern of behaviour for years. 

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