Part 54

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Doug hadn't seen Isabelle in a couple of months. The last time he'd seen her was at the hospital on the day Aidan was born. Seeing her again should not be an issue. He had moved on. Or so he had nearly convinced himself. Nearly that was until now.

He was taken aback by the amount of weight she'd lost. But what worried him even more was the way people whispered and sniggered when she walked past them. He could feel his blood boil as he watched her run the gauntlet and head for her seat. He wanted to get to his feet and escort her to her table while ensuring he flattened those who were whispering about her.

Somewhat relieved to have reached the table Isabelle smiled at Rafe's parents, the only other two who were present at the table. She greeted them with a kiss and then took her seat. Sitting down and with her hands hidden she wiped her clammy hands down the front of her dress and initiated a conversation with Rafe's parents. She could see they felt sorry for her but despite that she was grateful for their company. They, like their son, knew what the centre was trying to achieve. They, like their son had kept the Soujour-D'Sa involvement with the centre a secret. The women did not want fuss surrounding the centre for they were afraid it would scare of the very women they were trying to help. They wanted the centre to run efficiently and effectively and drawing attention to it by showing it's association with the Soujour-D'Sa name would look like a publicity stunt rather than serve any real purpose.

Isabelle tried to blank out the sound of whispering that now seemed to follow her every move. She knew that for many of the people present, the fact the Soujour-D'Sa family had managed to pull the wool over their eyes about their finances is what really annoyed them.

"Would you dance with me?" Said a voice in her ear.

Startled Isabelle turned in her seat to find Doug standing beside her chair. The meal had been over an hour ago, and the dancing had started almost immediately. For the last hour Isabelle had sat and watched. Rafe and Marina were busy with organisation stuff, and were out of their seats almost as soon as the meal was over. Rafe couldn't dance anyway, having sprained his ankle a week after getting back from his honeymoon. It was one of the reasons he'd been roped into organising the event.

Biting down her immediate response to scream no at him, she smiled, "Of course." Isabelle said graciously and got to her feet somewhat anxiously. It would not do to create a scene. But she would really rather flee right now rather than dance with Doug.

It was a waltz. They danced chin to temple in silence. Not so many months ago they had danced together under altogether different circumstances. And just like back then, her heart had raced. But unlike back then, this time there would be no kiss. No teasing. No warmth.

The pain that swamped her was more than she expected.

When the band finished, Isabelle pulled out of his arms. "Thank you." She moved a few more inches away. She had not seen him in months. Had not heard from him in months. And still it hurt. What might have been. That's all it was. What might have been.

"My grandmother tells me I'm to blame for your spate of problems." Doug wasn't sure how to make amends.

"Your grandmother is mistaken." Isabelle corrected quietly as they made their way back to her table. She just needed to hold onto her composure for a few more minutes, seconds even. After all, he was here with another woman, so as far as he was concerned, there was closure. In contrast, Isabelle knew that what she felt for him had yet to disappear. No closure. Not yet.

"You've lost a lot of weight." Doug said without thinking and then rolled his eyes at his own crassness.

"So I've been told." She replied with frost. She inhaled quietly and worked hard not to rant and rave at him. She looked past his shoulder, her eyes cooling some more. "I believe your girlfriend is trying to catch your attention."

He glanced over his shoulder then shook his head. "She isn't my girlfriend." Though why that should make any difference to the current situation he did not know. He just wanted Isabelle to know that he wasn't in a relationship. How could he get involved with another woman when his heart was still involved with a woman he hadn't seen in months!

Isabelle said nothing. She did not want to prolong matters, for it hurt. It hurt to stand here, so close and yet so far, knowing as she did that they had no future. Doug glanced at Isabelle, wanting to hold on to her, wanting to draw her into his arms. But instead he stood beside her. Anne having sensed that he was not going to walk toward her, made her way to Doug. Of course she knew there was history here. She just wasn't expecting to see that there was also chemistry.

Anne smiled when Isabelle caught her eye. Then Anne stepped alongside Doug and looked up at him, "Darling. Sorry to be a pain, but could you get me drink. I hate going to the bar on my own. You know how it is." Anne draped a hand on his arm, possession signaled loud and clear. Anne was worried. The engagement might be over but clearly what was between Doug and Isabelle wasn't. Anyone could see that. It was obvious.

"Thank you for the dance." She said to Doug then added a general "Excuse me." Isabelle retrieved her handbag, turned and headed for her sister.

Doug wanted to thump something, or down a bottle or two of Scotch. Instead he watched in silence as Isabelle walked away. It took Doug several seconds to realize that Anne was talking to him.

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