Part 52

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One day later, Rhianna and Jethro bumped into Doug in the hospital car park. They were on their way in to see Ryan, Charlie and the new baby. Doug was on his way out having just seen all three. The baby was slightly jaundiced and the hospital had advised the mother and baby to stay in for a few more days.

Jethro, Doug and Rhianna smiled in acknowledgement as they approached each other. They exchanged pleasantries and had a brief chat during which Jethro and Rhianna got a brief update on mother and baby's health. It didn't take Doug long to figure out that Rhianna wasn't pleased with him. The usual warmth in her tone was somewhat muted.

"Hon, could you get some chocolates for Charlie?" Rhianna asked Jethro. Her eyes remained trained on Doug for a second before she turned to look at her husband to say, "I'll catch up with you. I just want a quick word with Doug." Rhianna explained when Jethro waved the bunch of flowers he had in his hand as a reminder that they had brought flowers instead of chocolates deliberately. Rhianna ignored that pointed reminder.

Seeing his wife was not going to change her mind he conceded. "I'll wait for you in the lobby." With a shrug Jethro sauntered off. Obviously Rhianna wanted a word with Doug in private. Jethro was fairly sure the words were going to be far from kind.

Doug knew that the chocolate wasn't a request so much as an excuse for her to have a word with Doug on his own! Doug imagined it had something to do with his short term engagement. But he was not in a mood to discuss that ill-fated acquaintance. Not while things were still raw. Not when he was starting to question whether he had acted rashly.

Doug watched his friend leave and waited for Rhianna to speak. She rubbed the back of her neck, peered at him from lowered lashes and then with a sigh said, "Ok, I'm just going to be blunt." She took a deep breath, licked her lips and then blurted "You and Belle..."

"Are history." Doug interrupted, shoved his hands into his pockets and said no more. His lips flat lined, his eyes cooled and he knew he was sending out vibes not to pursue the matter. Not that any of those signals appeared to work!

"Why?" Rhianna threaded her arm through his, and leaned in to his side to cajole him, "Just tell me why."

"The whole thing was a con." Doug said on a sigh and threw his hands up in the air as he found himself explaining what he had kept to himself for days. "I was taken for a ride! She used me. Ok, satisfied? I was scammed." He jammed his hands back in his pockets.

"You can't really believe that rubbish that was in the paper." Rhianna said forcefully as she pulled away.

"I was there." Doug muttered quietly even though with hindsight he was pretty sure he had over reacted. Charlie was right, he hadn't given Isabelle a chance to explain. But it was too late for what ifs now. Far too late. He knew that.


"At the fucking police station."

For a second Rhianna hesitated. She could see from his expression and his language that he was upset. This shambolic state of affairs had clearly gone deep. Rhianna's voice softened. "I don't know what went on at the police station but there must be some sort of mistake, or something."

"Yes. Or something." Muttered Doug.

Rhianna kept her voice gentle as she reprimanded him. "Doug. Belle is not a prostitute. You are out of your mind if you ..."

"I saw her." He sounded broken and he knew that Rhianna would pick up on the tone. She'd known him long enough to know him pretty well.

"What do you mean, you saw her?"

"At the station. She was dressed like a.."

"Appearances can be misleading." Rhianna told him gently, then challenged quietly, "Did you ask her about her attire?"

He nodded, rubbed the back of his neck and looked to a distant building as he tried not to let his emotions rule.

"And what, she said she was a prostitute?" Prompted Rhianna with increasing gentleness in her voice. The man was hurting. She could see that.

"No." He murmured.

"Then what?"

"She didn't bother to explain." He finally admitted. And blinked. Why hadn't Isabelle told him what Charlie kept telling him, over and over? Why hadn't she corrected him at the time, pointed out that he was jumping to the wrong conclusions.

"Did you give her a chance?" Rhianna asked gently.

Angry with himself he snapped, "Yes, I fucking gave her a chance!" which was semi true. He had asked her a question and she had told him he'd already made up his mind! Doug sucked in a lungful of air. He ran a hand round the back of his neck. "Sorry."

Rhianna decided the man needed a bit of tough love! So she said, "Doug you are being an idiot. More than an idiot." That had his eyes narrowing. There were very few people he would let get away with calling him an idiot! Fortunately for her, she was one.

"Thanks." He glowered.

Rhianna had known him too long to be worried about the glower. In any case, her husband's glower was worse and she never let that bother her! Rhianna figured the best approach to take was to state facts.

"Belle and Marina opened a centre for street kids and desperate women. It hasn't been open all that long. It gives the women options. Some of the women see it as a way to get off the streets. Some take what's being offered, some don't. Belle and Rina provide some basic education, some medical support, a safe zone, ...."

Hearing it presented in such start terms had him feeling even more guilty. "Don't tell me you went and checked on her story too?" Doug grumbled.

"What do you mean?"

"That's why Charlie went into labour early, she walked the docks asking questions."

"Always thought Charlie was astute. But in answer to your question, no I didn't check Isabelle's story. The centre runs a voluntary clinic once a month. Recently Marina asked if I'd be interested in taking a turn on the roster so they could run the clinic more often. So I'm going to help out every now and then."

"Then why the hell didn't Isabelle tell me about it? Before? Why didn't she saying something, why not tell me at the station? I know what you are trying to do. And I'm sure she appreciates your effort on her behalf..."

"But nothing you idiot!" Rhianna interrupted and turned to glare at him. "Doug, everyone can see you are hurting! I can hear it in your voice! I can see it in your eyes!" He glowered at her. She ignored that as she continued defiantly, "My sister Sandy was at the Rayner's party. She said she saw both of you, but she didn't get a chance to catch you as you didn't stay long."

"Yes, well we all know why." He muttered and rubbed at his forehead.

"Sandy said you both looked happy. Looked good together. She didn't know the engagement was a sham. Said it looked real to her. Sandy is perceptive. And if she thought you two looked like an item, then.."

"So we are terrific actors." Doug grumbled.

"Men can be so stupid at times!" Rhianna said in exasperation. "Doug, don't throw away a good thing. Stop being a twit!" Rhianna turned and stormed off. Doug watched her disappear into the hospital then ran the fingers of both hands through his hair, leaving them laced behind his neck as he huffed out a long breath. This was the first time Rhianna had ever raised her voice.

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