Part 28

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Doug fell silent as he thought about her comments. The two of them said nothing for a few long seconds. Doug was starting to realize he had let her calm façade lull him into believing she was an easily managed woman. He was also starting to realize that just because she did not look annoyed did not mean he had not annoyed her. Clearly implying he was doing her a favour earlier had riled her.

"I see." He picked up his glass, swirled the wine and looked over at her. "You think you're name is doing me favours." He murmured feigning thoughtfulness. She more than thought it. She was telling him it was. He knew that was the purpose of her commentary earlier.

"Yes." She did not back down. She needed this man to know that she was not one to be managed. Nor did she tolerate being a scapegoat. "Are you saying it isn't?" She tipped her chin up.

His eyes narrowed. He did not owe anyone anything. He'd made his way through life relying on what he had, not on what someone gave him. Not that she seemed to recognize that. She clearly thought he ought to be grateful to have access to her family name. He felt irritation build. He did not want her family name. He hadn't asked for her family name. He certainly wasn't going to lean on that name for anything. What he had was gained on merit. His. Merit.

Isabelle could see the annoyance build into temper in his eyes, but she pushed on regardless. "But I'm sure someone as clever as you, Mr Hawke, will manage to use the doors our name opens to good effect within the space of weeks, not months." She knew her words would be the touch paper to his temper. She needed to know whether the man was one to react and how he would react to surprises. For her life was far from simple. And if he was going to associate with her then she needed to know that he wasn't violent for starters.

Doug couldn't believe the temerity of the woman. He put the slice of pizza back on the plate with a curt movement that signaled he was barely holding onto his temper. He was not going to allow her to imply that he was using their name. "I'm not interested in using your name. As I said not two hours ago, I'm..."

Isabelle's head came up, and her eyes narrowed in speculation, as his body language, tone and the clues he'd provided thus far, slotted into place. Now she knew why he was angry when he arrived. "So that's what it is." She muttered quietly not realizing she had spoken aloud. Her eyes flicked up to meet his, saw the heat and annoyance and having those signals to confirm her conclusion she glanced away. Now she knew exactly why he was angry when he had arrived earlier.

"What?" He barked, despite his resolve to maintain his composure. Doug folded his arms and waited with ill concealed grace and a glare for added value. This day was far from one of his best and the evening was proving to be an even bigger disaster.

"That's what ticked you off." Isabelle mumbled to herself somewhat intrigued by the emotions that flitted through his eyes.

"You're ticking me off!" He announced but without raising his voice. That was impressive, Isabelle thought as she watched him. Doug ran both hands through his hair, then left them laced at the back of his neck.

Isabelle nodded calmly, her eyes met his, as she stated, "Yes, I realize that, but something at your meeting annoyed you." His eyes narrowed. Her eyes maintained contact with his. "When you arrived this evening, I could see it in your eyes, but I wasn't sure what caused it." Her chin came up as she stated serenely, "Being engaged to me is problematic for you." So much for the name being of some help. Clearly being engaged to her had not gone to plan. Her grandmother would be most disappointed to learn that the Sojour D'Sa name had lost it's clout!

For a second Doug hesitated. Then he found himself explaining the situation, "We've spent weeks trying to get them to come to talk to us. Bloody weeks. And now, now that I'm engaged or should I say now that they think I'm engaged, to you, they're willing to discuss terms." He hated the fact that the Sojour D'Sa name rather than his business' reputation was garnering respect! That really rankled.

Isabelle could hear the exasperation and irritation in his words. The man really was proud, she thought. The fact the Sojour D'Sa name was helping is what had ticked him off! "And that jars." She stated quietly realising that pride had much to do with the way he felt.

The frustration and displeasure that he'd banked over the course of the day fed straight into his monologue. "Of course it fucking jars. I've spent years with my best friend building this business from scratch. We started with literally nothing and have grown it into a decent business. You'd think that would count for something. But today I learnt that a washed up name carries more clout! Your bloody washed up name. Sojour D'Sa." He took a breath and tried not to let his anger run away with him. Feeling somewhat calmer he said more quietly and with less heat, "And yes we need their bloody cooperation if we are to get the best terms for our employees." But then he blew it as the injustice of it all built up again. "But I'm fucked if they're only going to consider us because I'm attached, supposedly to you. The Sojour D'Sa brand! The financially strapped Sojour D'Sa brand." He shook his head as if he simply could not believe that a name carried more clout then reality. "We are a damn good company, and if they bloody well bothered to look at our track record they'd see we're fucking great." The anger he'd banked throughout the meeting surfaced in those tense sentences.

It was galling to find that being associated with this woman opened doors. He'd built his business on his terms, and not on the reputation of someone who had nothing to do with his business.

Isabelle ignored his swearing. It was obvious that having firms approach him because of his recently acquired connection, provoked him. "If they aren't interested don't go with them." She said coolly.

If only it was that simple, he thought. Clearly she wasn't a businesswoman! That nearly had him grinning, for he knew, from what his brother had dug up that she was a savvy businesswoman.

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