Part 19

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There was a strained hush in the immediate vicinity as those who witnessed that fracas waited to see what would transpire. A few seconds later that silence was broken as people began to murmur and conjecture ran rife as to exactly what was going on.

With a resigned look, Isabelle watched Tina and the tribe go, realising that it was a set up. Clearly Tina had come to the table in order to make a scene and have it recorded. Isabelle sighed quietly. Life was about to become really complicated. She wondered if her grandmother realized just what she had started.

Isabelle simply reached for a napkin and began to dab at the watermarks on the bronze silk dress. She wondered if she'd make the society pages, the financial pages or just a local rag. And what surprised her was that she didn't really mind which.

Doug watched Isabelle with a mixture of apprehension and caution. He was expecting fireworks. She looked quietly amused. That in itself was intriguing.

"I'm sorry about that." He said quietly. "Are you alright?" He wasn't sure quite what to make of Isabelle's reaction to Tina's little demonstration.

"A touch damp." Isabelle murmured dryly and dabbed lightly at the silk. But it did nothing to remove the temporary stain.

Doug frowned. Why wasn't she having a tantrum? Demanding action, throwing a hissy fit of some sort. The women in his circle would be up on their feet, and making a scene. But not this one. She was unflappable. Coolly and calmly she was lifting bits of silk and dabbing at the material in an attempt to soak up some of the excess liquid.

In the time it took for Tina to exit, and conversation around to start up again, two waiters rushed over. They began apologising profusely and offering dry napkins. Doug was soaked through to the skin. His pale blue shirt clung damply to his chest. Isabelle could see the dark hair on his chest. Her heart hammered. She turned away quickly, half surprised by her reaction to him.

"Could you call me a cab?" Isabelle asked one of the waiters as she bought herself some time to get her emotions under control. The man was too virile for her emotional well being. Her heart was pounding. Her palms were clammy. And she really could not help but lick her lips. He was virile. That was the tamest description she could dredge up. She started to get to her feet in preparation for her exit.

"I'll run you home." Doug told her without any preamble and helped her to her feet. It was the least he could do, given his one time girlfriend had just created a scene. Tina and he did not have a standard relationship. They dated other people for starters.

"No, that will not be necessary." Isabelle inspected the state of her silk. She would have to change.

"My car is out back. It might be the best option. In any case, it's the least I can do, given the circumstances." He reached for her small purse and waited for her to agree. "It's really no trouble."

For a second Isabelle hesitated. Did she really want to get into a confined space with the man? But then practicality won. It made more sense to go with him rather than run the gauntlet of a public way home.

"If you are sure." Isabelle wondered if she was doing the right thing. She should just call it a day and make her own way back home. But for some inexplicable reason, she liked his company, and even a short drive back to her house was worth going for. She doubted, after that little scene at the restaurant that she would be seeing him again. And that made her suddenly very, very sad.

Doug retrieved his wallet and began to leave some bills for their drinks. But that was waived aside by the waiters who explained that was the manager's instruction. Thanking them, Doug gestured for Isabelle to precede him as they made their way past several curious onlookers as they headed for the exit.

It was a short walk to his car. And it was conducted in silence apart from him directing her to it.

In the confines of his Mercedes he looked across at Isabelle and said, "I'm sorry about that."

"Understandable from her point of view." Isabelle replied as the seat belt automatically swung into vision. She began to draw her seatbelt into place.

"Hardly." Doug drawled. "We broke up days ago. Before the announcement." Which is why he was sure that Tina had set up that scene for publicity. Paid publicity no doubt.

"That was good timing." She clipped the belt in place, "Though, from her point of view you probably planned to dump her for a richer woman. I can understand her fury. I'd love to be able to do what she just did." Isabelle said somewhat to his surprise.

"You don't come across as having a temper." He flashed her a quick smile, then added, "I mean, look at now, you should be furious, your dress is soaked, you've been part of a public scene, that was not of your making, it will probably make the press, and you sit here calmly excusing her behaviour." She was so calm. Nothing appeared to rattle her. He found that both admirable and attractive. Something about her behaviour smacked of class and etiquette. Women with her background were so out of his league.    

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