Part 5

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"Cut it out. You two are going to put me off my dinner." Mick lamented with a teasing drawl. "Even Sandy thought once you guys were pregnant you'd stop behaving like nymphos!" Mick grouched with little heat. Doug chuckled. Mick grumbled albeit teasingly as he got to his feet. "Come on Doug, you set the table, I'll serve up dinner."

Jethro and Rhianna laughed through their kiss, opened their eyes and came up for air.

"See I told you not to bother to set the table, because this would work." Jethro said loudly for the benefit of the two men. He frowned when he noticed his wife wince.

"Your child is busy." Rhianna took his palm and laid it over the under swell of her belly. She held her hand against his as his palm caressed her belly.

"That is one hell of a kick." Jethro stroked gently, feeling the faint jab against his palm. "What do you think this time? He or a she?"

Rhianna looked at him. "A boy, I think." She waited a beat before she asked, "Will you mind if it's a boy?"

"Having another son?" He shook his head. "Hale and hearty, that's all I want." He winked with love in his eyes and a teasing glint danced through, "And it gives me an excuse to keep trying for a girl!"

Rhianna smiled. "I bet if I said it was a girl, you'd say any excuse to keep trying to shift the balance of power in favour of the males!"

"I can't be that predictable." Jethro grouched with a broad grin. "You ok?" He asked as she stroked her protruding tummy.

She nodded and sighed, "Just a bit tired today." She glanced over at the door her thoughts once again back with Doug and his mysterious engagement. "Guess we ought to go join them."

With a smile of pure contentment he gently tugged his wife to her feet. He draped an arm along her shoulder and hugged her.

They followed Doug and Mick to the kitchen.

Contrary to Jethro's teasing statement earlier, Rhianna had set the table. So Mick, well used to the kitchen, simply got the casserole out of the oven and placed it on the cork mat. Mick, Jethro's brother was living with them, off and on, and he had the dinner routine down pat. It was different to his and his brother's up-bringing, for in this household, Rhianna insisted on everyone sitting down to dinner together. No interruptions. No trays on laps in front of the television. They were family she said, and as such sitting down for a meal once a day without interruptions was not much to ask for.

Doug had been coming over to Jethro's for dinner once a month for almost ten years. So sitting down to dinner with them felt comfortable and natural. They had started off as business meals, occasionally double dates, now they were friends getting together. So there were no formalities now. Everyone just pitched in. Doug was in the process of filling up four glasses with tap water when Rhianna and Jethro entered the kitchen.

"Nice of you to join us." Mick teased.

Rhianna rolled her eyes at him before she and her husband began to help get things organised. Rhianna got the bread rolls and Jethro fetched the steamed vegetables. With the meal now on the table, they all took their seats.

"Ok. Tuck in." Rhianna announced as she shook out her napkin.

Doug's mind was back on the Soujour D'Sa family. "You said you know that family." Everyone knew who he meant. Doug hadn't known that Rhianna knew them. "Both her sisters are married right?" Doug asked as he spooned some casserole onto his plate.

"Yes." Rhianna put some of the steamed vegetables on her plate then glanced across at Doug. "Why?" She liked having these three men to dinner and fussing over them. The three men had so much in common with each other, and yet were so independent in so many ways.

"Perhaps she feels left out." Doug passed the ladle over to Mick. Mick was happy to start scooping some of the chicken casserole onto his plate.

Jethro laughed at Doug's statement. "Have you seen her?" He took the dish of vegetables and began to load his plate.

"Photos in the paper." Doug said as he tore into the bread roll. Course he'd studied the woman. Attractive. From what he could see, she wasn't likely to struggle to attract anyone. "Mick, could you pass the butter?"

"Then you'd know that if she wanted to be married, she would be. To someone she knows! Not to some ugly currently grouchy mutt." Jethro pointed out with a wry grin. Jethro knew that Doug wouldn't take umbrage at the description.

"Well she can't be interested in my looks." Doug replied in laconic tones. Mick handed Doug the small tub of butter. "Thanks." Doug muttered automatically.

Rhianna harrumphed. "Not all women are superficial. Appearance isn't everything you know." She told them and picked up her fork. Jethro and Doug shared a look, which Rhianna caught. "And stop that. I'm serious. Women see deeper than that." The two men did not appear to be convinced.

Doug quirked a brow and grinned as he teased, "Naïve?" He glanced at Jethro, waiting for affirmation.

"Very. One of the reasons I love her." Jethro stated with a loving grin just for his wife.

Rhianna swatted his arm then turned to face Doug, "Look, if she's announced her engagement to you, it won't be down to just your looks. And given you haven't met her, it can't be great sex."

Doug spluttered and coughed as he choked. Mick smacked him on the back, hard, and grinned unrepentantly. Doug glared at Mick even as he continued to cough and splutter.

Jethro got to his feet and headed for the sink. He filled a glass of water and brought it back to the table. "You ok?" With a broad grin Jethro handed Doug a glass of water. Doug nodded. "Not nice Hon!" Jethro grinned at Rhianna as he admonished her timing. She feigned nonchalance. That will teach them to call her naïve, her look told him. Jethro acknowledged her silent response. "Anyone want another glass of water?"

"Please." Chorused Rhianna and Mick.

Doug took a sip of water. The other three waited for him to collect himself.

"So," Said Rhianna, "if it isn't your looks or sex, it must be...."

"Money?" Doug suggested condescendingly. "Has to be. She's interested in my money?"

"Doubt it. They are old money." Mick threw in just before he filled his mouth with fork full of carrots.

"Ok then, you tell me why she announced our engagement in the paper." Doug demanded and was once again back at exasperation stage.

Rhianna frowned. Mick shrugged. Jethro laughed before saying. "Have you asked her?"

"Tried phoning. No luck." Doug said with more than a hint of exasperation.

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