Part 89

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Isabelle was molten. Since when had kisses had the power to render you thoughtless? How could the simple action of his tongue tracing across her skin have her heart racing and her toes curling? And if she was this aroused from just a few kisses what would she be like when things escalated?

Doug eased back, and looked at her lips, then back to her eyes. He waited for her to open her eyes. He needed to be absolutely sure that she wanted this. Forcing his body to follow the dictates of his mind he breathed, "Are you very sure you want to do this?"

Isabelle felt her heart knock against her ribs. She looked bemused by his question. Why was he asking her that? Couldn't he see she was desperate! For him! Had been for weeks! "I want this." Isabelle told him, staring straight into his eyes. Still he hesitated, his eyes focused on hers as he attempted to seek confirmation in her eyes. Isabelle decided she needed to show him she was serious. So she propped up on her elbows she shifted, reached up "I really want this." She murmured just before she kissed him on the lips. Her lips sealed his, pressing insistently until his lips parted and her tongue tentatively inched forward to meet his. The kiss she initiated was everything he hoped for. Doug's arms clasped her shoulders as he gently eased her back down onto the bed. Tumbling to lie alongside her without breaking the kiss.

Several seconds later Doug broke the kiss. "I'll make it good for you." Doug promised breathlessly and solemnly. "I promise."

Isabelle lifted his palm, brought it to her lips and kissed the inside of his wrist. "Could you start now?"

His blue grey eyes were almost jet black now, but the sparkle her words brought to them fired them up. Doug kept his eyes on her but his hand snuck beneath her skirt again. Isabelle wasn't expecting quite that quick a start. Her heart practically stopped. Still he maintained eye contact. "Hips." He murmured against her lips.

"Hips?" She asked bemused.

His lips touched hers as he breathed the words, "Lift up." She did so automatically. And with confidence gained from years of practice he eased her tights down. He slid off the bed as he continued to ease her tights down her legs. Isabelle sat up. With her tights now in a pool on the carpet Doug got to his feet. He stared at her for long, long moments. She did not blink. Chewed her lip. Gulped. But did not blink. Then with a smile he sat beside her on the bed, reached forward, and pushed a lock of hair from her cheek, before he brushed the skin with his lips.

That simple touch sent a series of tiny little shock waves through her system. Short pulses of electricity that sent tremors through her. How could one simple touch of skin to skin contact have such an impact? Breaking off the kiss Doug deftly reached behind her and began to draw the zip down, just enough to lower the front of her dress. She ran the tip of her tongue along her bottom lip.

She had to fight hard not to clutch her dress to her front. It was her natural instinct to cover up. But she'd been waiting for this moment for weeks. She was not about to send him the wrong signals now. So Isabelle left her hands on the bed, fisting to hold the bed sheet as if that would help anchor her.

Doug's gaze tracked to her lips then back to her eyes. She gulped. His eyes flicked to track the movement, then he bent his head, his lips trailed down the side of her neck, he nuzzled her neck just where that give away sign had made her gulp visible. He could see she was nervous. See she was trying not to be. He could also see from her dilated pupils that she was aroused. Already.

Isabelle tipped her head back, allowing him greater access. Offering him more. The touch of his lips on her skin was more erotic then she had anticipated. But then why would anyone expect something as simple as the press of his mouth against her skin to trigger minor explosions beneath her skin.

Doug tasted every inch as he went. His lips and tongue teased the dip in her scapula, then retraced to her breast bone, skimmed the upward sweep of her breast revealed by the lowering top of her dress. With his lips on her skin, his palm eased the dress of her shoulder, slid it down her upper arm. He stopped pressing kisses to her skin.

For a second Doug just looked his fill. Beautiful. Her chest rose and fell as if she had just run a marathon.

With a smile of satisfaction he lowered his head, his lips ghosted across the pale golden silky skin. he'd revealed. His lips recognised the solid thud of her heart within her rib cage and knew from the rise and fall of her chest that she was excited. With conscious design he breathed tantalizingly against her lacy bra clad nipple.

If she thought she was aroused before, she knew better now. Isabelle felt a sudden hitch in her breath as she waited. Her breath froze but her heart kicked into over drive and practically thundered in her eardrums. Doug's heartbeat escalated in response. His eyes skimmed upward to meet hers. She was watching him. His eyes locked on hers as his lips brushed against the pebble hardness covered in sheer lace.

Isabelle, gripped a fist full of the sheets as she fought to hide the primeval sound desperate to escape. Seeing her reaction in her eyes, Doug escalated proceedings. With his mouth sealing the curve of her breast he sucked hard, drawing her lace covered nipple into his mouth.

Isabelle moaned, deep, incoherent, conceding. Satisfied, Doug lifted his lips, and traced his way back to her lips. When his lips met hers Isabelle all but devoured him. If this was his idea of foreplay she knew she would be mindless and desperate with need by the time they had intercourse.

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