Part 61

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Six weeks after the fateful dinner and dance, Isabelle opened the door to a woman she vaguely recognized. For a second she tried to place the stranger at the door. Then it came to her. This woman was sitting at the same table as Doug at the charity event organized by Rafe.

The dark haired woman seemed a bit apprehensive. But she offered a smile even as her eyes remained pensive. "Erm, I'm Caitlin, Jared's wife." And when Isabelle looked non the wiser she said, "We are Doug's friends, well more than that," She closed her eyes, huffed out a breath, "I'm making a real hash of this! I'm not sure why I'm nervous, except for the fact, well, to be frank, look, I don't usually get involved in stuff that doesn't concern me! But can I come in?"

Isabelle hesitated as she processed that stream of consciousness. Caitlin, aka Jared's wife, did look a touch nervous, but beneath that veneer of nerves was steel. Isabelle was pretty sure that the woman would stay put until Isabelle agreed. She looked the type that would get things done, even if they were difficult.

Isabelle nodded. Then she held the door open. She dabbed at her nose with a tissue as she waited for Caitlin to step in. Isabelle tucked the tissue in her cardigan pocket and wondered how Caitlin could be standing there and not shivering, given that she was wearing just a tshirt and jeans. Obviously the cold Isabelle thought she had was worse than she thought for Isabelle actually felt cold!

"Come through." Not point standing at the door, when Isabelle was pretty sure that at any moment she was about to wilt. This cold was hitting her hard, probably because she was so run down. Everything seemed to be crumbling around her, and it felt as if she was permanently fire fighting. If it wasn't trying to keep their financial status out of the limelight it was trying to find somewhere for them to relocate their centre. If that wasn't enough she had caught this cold.

"Thank you." Caitlin smiled and stepped forward.

Isabelle leaned on the door as she waited, "Though I should warn you I think I've got a bad cold, so you might want to keep your distance." Isabelle gestured for Caitlin to head in a particular direction, which Caitlin soon discovered was a study.

Isabelle pushed open the door and once again gestured Caitlin through the open door way. Caitlin couldn't help but be impressed. Of course stepping into the house was impressive, the furnishings were clearly high end, though on closer inspection a touch old. The study was a huge room largely populated with antique looking furniture, though there was a modern computer and associated paraphernalia on the desk. The floor was polished wood with a rug between the arm chairs and beneath the low coffee table. One wall was literally wall to wall books. The desk was closer to the window and within touching distance of a series of wooden filing cabinets. It looked like a working environment but the seating arrangement gave it a softer feel.

Isabelle gestured for Caitlin to take a seat. "So, what brings you here?"

Caitlin took a breath and then blurted out, "Would you please give Doug a chance?" Caitlin had a soft spot for Doug. He had always been very kind to her.

Isabelle quirked a brow at that blunt statement. That really wasn't what she had expected to hear. "I think you've got that the wrong way round. Doug wasn't willing to give me a chance." She pointed out as she took a seat facing Caitlin.

Caitlin winced. She linked her fingers and rested her hands on her lap as she studied Isabelle and tried to figure out whether to keep being direct or take a softer approach.

Isabelle kept silent. It was clear Caitlin was weighing up what she wanted to say. "Ok, look, you have to understand where Doug comes from, to understand why he thinks..."

Isabelle interrupted quietly despite knowing it was the height of rudeness. "That I would get engaged to him while soliciting."

"Yes!" Caitlin said in exasperation, and was surprised to see Isabelle's lips quirk. "You know Doug will probably go ballistic when he finds out I spoke with you." Which really was an understatement. As Caitlin had discovered, Jared and Doug liked to believe they could handle anything that life threw at them. Probably because they had to do that from a very young age. So trusting and relying on people new to their inner circle was tough for both of them. But once in that circle then Doug and Jared would give their lives to keep you safe.

"So why are you?" Isabelle asked and retrieved her tissue to dab at her nose.

"Because Doug is one of the good guys. I love that man." Caitlin shrugged as if that simple statement was all that was needed, "I've been married just under five months to Jared."

"Congratulations." Isabelle said quietly.

"Thank you." Caitlin was not about to get side tracked. "The thing is Doug and Jared are best friends, brothers almost. And because Doug is hurting, Jared is hurting."

"Doug isn't hurting."

"Yes he is!" Caitlin corrected instantly.

"Well, if he is, it isn't because of me." Isabelle's back straightened and she blew her nose loudly as she hid how hurt she was by behind that simple action.

"It's exactly because of you!" Caitlin folded her arms and told Isabelle bluntly. Caitlin was not going to allow this woman to keep pretending that Doug was not hurt.

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