Part 76

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Marina was grinning from ear to ear when she retraced her steps to the kitchen. When she entered the room she was just in time to see Rafe had poured her a cup of tea. She figured champagne was probably in order, given what she'd just seen in Isabelle's bedroom. Or rather, who she'd just seen in Isabelle's bed.

She grinned at Rafe, who looked at her in bemusement. They had arrived some five minutes earlier and having noticed a car they did not recognize parked in the driveway, had expected to see visitors in the house. But the house was quiet. So they assumed that Isabelle had got over her cold and gone out with whoever had left the car here.

So while Marina went upstairs to collect a few things she had left behind before she got married all those months ago, Rafe had offered to make them some tea.

"What?" Rafe frowned at Rina, knowing that the dancing light in his wife's eyes spelt mischief.

"Oh, nothing." Marina said smugly and flounced into a chair. She grinned at him, enjoying drawing out the moment. It had been a real surprise. She knew that her sister had not been feeling well when they had contacted her to ask about that announcement in the paper. But given how quiet the house was and the fact there was a strange car in the driveway, they assumed Isabelle was out. In fact last person Marina had expected to find in her sister's bed was the man Isabelle was supposedly engaged to. Isabelle's bedroom door was wide open, and when Marian had walked past it on her way to her old bedroom she had glanced through the open door and nearly gawked in surprise.

"And that makes you grin like..."

Unable to contain herself any further, Marina blurted, "Belle is asleep upstairs with Hawke."

"What?" Rafe nearly dropped the mugs he had in his hands. "I thought you said this engagement thing was a sham." They'd seen the announcement and had spoken to Isabelle, so they knew there was no reinstated engagement.

"I thought so too." Marina took the mug her husband held out, "But upstairs, they are both fast asleep. Guess that's his car out front. Looks like he stayed over!" She grinned smugly, her eyes considering what she'd seen. Then she shrugged and decided to give Rafe the full scenario rather than leave him to believe that Isabelle and Douglas Hawke were an item. "I should also tell you that it looks like he's been looking after her. Heaps of stuff on the side tables."

"Stuff?" His wife had a knack of providing bits of information. Rafe was starting to realize that it was best to just ask her to clarify things rather than hope she would explain. Otherwise you could be waiting a while.

"Aspirin, drinks."

"Ah, I wondered why there were two sets of sheets in the tumble drier." And he'd noticed a briefcase but hadn't thought to ask who it might belong to.

"It's so sweet." Marina smiled into her mug, and then said on a romantic sigh, "He had his hand on her butt." She chuckled quietly, more than happy with the sight she'd seen, "Belle is going to get the start of her life." Her sister and her 'fiance' were prone on their stomachs, but where Belle had her hands close to her head, he had the palm of his hand on her ass!

"Think we should hang around?" They'd only stopped by to talk to Isabelle and for Marina to collect a couple of things from her old bedroom.

"Nope." Marina took another sip. Then she glanced up at her husband, and announced gaily, "We drink up, leave a note and get going."

"A note?" He cupped the mug of coffee he'd made himself and said, "You want to leave your sister a note to tell her we were here, saw her and him, and left?"

Marina understood his point. Isabelle would not be happy to have been found caught sleeping with her non-fiance! "Well, perhaps we could just call later." She couldn't stop smiling. She hoped this was exactly what it looked like. If he'd stopped to take care of Belle, that must mean he had feelings for her. She hoped. "This is just perfect."

"Hmm." Rafe wasn't sure they should be celebrating quite so quickly. Things, in his opinion may not be what they appeared to be on the surface.

"He wouldn't have stayed to look after her unless he cared." Marina pointed out. She hoped that was true. She knew Isabelle had been devastated when he had walked that first time having just learnt about the centre. Marina also knew that the stresses of trying to find some where to relocate the centre had been mounting for Isabelle. While Marina had her husband to help her keep things in perspective, and despite Marina trying to tell her sister not to worry, that they'd figure something out, she knew that Isabelle had had a rough few months. No wonder Isabelle had succumbed to a cold. "He must care for her, or he wouldn't be playing nursemaid!"

Rafe poked his tongue in his cheek and thought about that. Some truth in that statement, but it could also simply be a case of not wanting to feel guilty about leaving a sick woman to fend  for herself.

Lost in their thoughts for a second, Rafe and Marina sipped at their tea. But it wasn't long before Marina returned to the subject of Douglas Hawke. Rafe tried not to let her build her hopes up. But even as they finished their teas and prepared to leave ten minutes later, he knew he had failed. His wife utterly delighted by the recent turn in events. 

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