Part 84

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Doug and Isabelle returned to her house a couple of hours later. She'd spent a very pleasant evening, despite the worry, enjoying the company of the wider Hawke family. It was obvious that Doug and Jared were good friends. Just as obvious that everyone within that circle relied on and trusted the other. Interestingly even though they barely knew her, Isabelle felt that they had included her. Charlie and Caitlin were warm and friendly. Ailsa was reserved, but Isabelle thought that had something to do with the fact Ailsa blamed herself for what was happening to the business. None-the-less, Isabelle thought the group were starting to trust her. That felt good. She felt good.

As they stepped close to the front door, Doug asked her one question, "How do you feel?" He'd enjoyed watching her this evening. Seeing how she fitted in with his family, seeing how they interacted with her. They might come from different walks of life, but they shared very similar values. More importantly, family was key.

"Good." Isabelle replied instantly and then wondered whether there was more to that question. "I'm perfectly well." She told him wanting him to know that she was giving him the green light! She'd given him the green light last night, but that hadn't panned out! Still, she figured she ought to keep all lines of communication open and all options viable and all signals clear.

Doug smiled when he heard the conviction and intent in her words. Still smiling he leaned forward, his hand in the small of her back as he hauled her closer, while the other hand cupped the back of her head just before he put his lips on hers.

It was a slow, sensuous, tantalizing but fleeting kiss as far as Isabelle was concerned. Which was a great pity as she thought and all but leaned toward him as he drew back. Doug broke the kiss slowly, his eyes opened before hers.

Without his hand to support her, she swayed. "Not quite." Doug suggested ruefully. "Come on, bed."

"That is exactly what I was thinking." She murmured.

His lips twitched. This was just one of the reasons he had fallen for this woman. She was utterly endearing. Her earnestness, coupled with her directness, and her honesty is what he found charming. But he also knew that although she was keen to take things further, he was not going to take advantage of her. "Sleep." He corrected, pleased to find that she was as keen as he was to take this further.

Isabelle frowned. His lips twitched. She wasn't making things easy for him. He had enough problems keeping his own wants and desires under control, and here she was practically throwing herself at him, despite the fact she was still recovering from the flu. Doug wanted her to be fully recovered before they stepped things up to the next level. No regrets. That's what Doug was aiming for. No regrets.

"Are you sure it is full strength you are looking for? And not another woman?" Isabelle grumbled and asked with more than a trace of irritation in her voice. What would it take for this man to take the hint? She was practically throwing herself at him and he kept testing the waters and then backing away.

Doug grinned, her feistiness made him smile in contentment. She sounded aggrieved by the fact he was not jumping her! "Oh, I've found my woman. I just need her fit and able."

She grumbled as they took the stairs slowly. He grinned as he followed her up the stairs. But his decision was sound. If he needed any further proof that she was still on the mend, her slow pace up the stairs was it. Not that Isabelle seemed to notice as she took her time going up the stairs.

"I am fit and able." Isabelle corrected when they reached the top, but she had to catch her breath. Not a good sign, she knew. He was hardly going to want to sleep with her if she didn't even have the energy to get up the stairs!

"Not a hundred percent." Doug shook his head as he put a hand to her elbow and walked alongside as they took the remaining steps to the bedroom.

"It's all relative." She grumbled but knew she'd lost the battle. At least she had got her breath back.

Doug shook his head. "Isabelle, our first time together is going to be fireworks, not fainting, unless of course it is from your nth orgasm in as many minutes." Doug told her bluntly and was pleased to see her flush with colour.

Isabelle gulped. Ok, playing in the major league brought a different range of emotions and conversation to deal with. She'd been anticipating them being together for several days now. In fact ever since she'd woken to find him sleeping alongside with his hand on her butt! But as time had passed she had begun to wonder whether she'd let her imagination run riot, for he hadn't touched her in that way since.

But given what Doug had siad, and given the way he had kissed her, she was sure he was also contemplating what would happen when they did finally get together.

Then he shook his head, "You will need to be in full health when we make love!" She huffed. He grinned. "Come on, bed."

She grumbled beneath her breath. He was tempted to laugh. Since when had he turned away what was being offered? Who'd have thought that he could be so chivalrous?

Isabelle glanced over her shoulder, "Fine!" She threw him a haughty look, "But I'm telling you it had better be worth the wait!" And with that she flounced into the bathroom.

Doug grinned broadly as he called after her, "I promise it will be!"

On Tuesday Doug returned to his own place.

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